



If you want to look up more information about a photo you took, like when exactly it was taken and on what camera, there’s a quick way to look up the EXIF data in both Windows and macOS.


什么是EXIF数据? (What Is EXIF Data?)

When you take a photo with your camera, the image itself isn’t the only thing that’s recorded. Other information like the date, time, camera model, and a host of other camera settings are also captured and stored within the image file.

当您用相机拍摄照片时,图像本身并不是唯一记录的东西。 日期,时间,相机型号以及其他许多相机设置等其他信息也将被捕获并存储在图像文件中。

Settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO speed, white balance, focal length, location (if your camera has GPS), and even the lens type (if you’re using a DSLR) are all recorded and stored when the photo is taken, but they’re kept hidden away unless you purposely want to look at it.


While you can install special third-party apps for viewing EXIF data, Windows and macOS can give you a basic overview and provide the necessary information that you’re looking for. Here’s how to make it happen.

您可以安装特殊的第三方应用程序以查看EXIF数据时,Windows和macOS可以为您提供基本概述并提供所需的必要信息。 这是实现它的方法。

如何在Windows中查看EXIF数据 (How to View EXIF Data in Windows)

Viewing EXIF data in Windows is easy. Just right-click on the photo in question and select “Properties”.

在Windows中查看EXIF数据很容易。 只需右键单击有问题的照片,然后选择“属性”。


Click on the “Details” tab and scroll down—you’ll see all kinds of information about the camera used, and the settings the photo was taken with.



如何在macOS中使用预览查看EXIF数据 (How to View EXIF Data Using Preview in macOS)

On macOS, by opening up a photo in Preview. Once open, click on “Tools” up in the menu bar at the top.

在macOS上,通过在预览中打开照片。 打开后,单击顶部菜单栏中的“工具”。


From there, select “Show Inspector”.



Click on the “Exif” tab if it’s not already selected.

如果尚未选择,请单击“ Exif”选项卡。


You’ll then see a slew of advanced information about the photo, including the various camera settings that were used. It’ll even tell you if the flash was used or not. You won’t see a ton of info (or you’ll see generic info) if your photo was taken on a smartpone, but you’ll see a lot on DSLRs and other cameras. You can even see the serial number of the camera body.

然后,您将看到大量有关照片的高级信息,包括所使用的各种相机设置。 它甚至会告诉您是否使用了闪光灯。 如果您的照片是用Smartpone拍摄的,则不会看到很多信息(或者您会看到一般信息),但是在DSLR和其他相机上会看到很多信息。 您甚至可以看到相机机身的***。


从照片中删除EXIF数据 (Removing EXIF Data from Photos)

Having EXIF data attached to photos isn’t really a bad thing, but there are some instances where you might not want it. For example, maybe you’re sharing photos with other people, and you don’t want them to know exactly where the photo was taken and when.

将EXIF数据附加到照片上并不是一件坏事,但是在某些情况下,您可能不希望这样做。 例如,也许您正在与其他人共享照片,而您不希望他们确切知道照片的拍摄地点和时间。

Check out our guide to removing EXIF data, which covers both Windows and macOS. You can do it natively in Windows, and macOS can remove GPS information. If you want to wipe EXIF data completely from macOS, you’ll need a third-party app called ImageOptim.

请查看我们的删除EXIF数据指南 ,该指南涵盖Windows和macOS。 您可以在Windows中本地执行此操作,而macOS可以删除GPS信息。 如果要从macOS完全擦除EXIF数据,则需要一个名为ImageOptim的第三方应用程序。

If you plan on uploading your photos to the web and sharing them over the internet anyway, you can use an image-hosting service like Imgur, which will automatically wipe EXIF data from your photos when you upload them. Other sites like Flickr will keep EXIF data attached. It’s always a good idea to check if your service wipes EXIF data before uploading—or wipe it yourself to be on the safe side.

如果您打算将照片上传到网络并通过Internet共享它们,则可以使用图像托管服务,例如Imgur ,当您上传照片时,该服务会自动擦除照片中的EXIF数据。 Flickr等其他网站将保留EXIF数据。 最好在上传之前检查您的服务是否擦除EXIF数据,或者为了安全起见自己擦除它。

