

We’ve covered loads of different anti-virus, Linux, and other boot disks that help you repair or recover your system, but why limit yourself to just one? Here’s how to combine your favorite repair disks together to create the ultimate repair toolkit for broken Windows systems—all on a single flash drive.

我们介绍了各种不同的防病毒软件,Linux以及其他引导磁盘,它们可以帮助您修复或恢复系统,但是为什么要将自己限制为一个? 这是将您喜欢的修复盘组合在一起以创建适用于损坏的Windows系统的终极修复工具包的方法,这些工具包均在单个闪存驱动器上。

The ones we’ve covered already? Here’s a quick list of all the ways you can recover your system with a rescue disk:

我们已经介绍过的吗? 以下是使用应急磁盘恢复系统的所有方法的快速列表:

If you need to clean up an infected system, we’d absolutely recommend the BitDefender CD, since it’s auto-updating. Best bet? Create your ultimate boot disk with as many of the different utilities as your flash drive can hold.

如果您需要清理受感染的系统,我们绝对建议您使用BitDefender CD,因为它是自动更新的。 最好的选择? 使用您的闪存驱动器可以容纳的尽可能多的不同实用程序来创建最终引导磁盘。

创建自己的自定义急救盘:准备驱动器 (Creating Your Own Custom Rescue Disk: Prepare Your Drive)

To create the rescue disk, you’re going to want a USB flash drive with a decent amount of space—for our purposes, 2 GB is the minimum size, but you’d be better off with something a little bigger if you want to put a lot of repair disks on it, especially the larger ones.

要创建急救盘,您需要一个具有适当空间的USB闪存驱动器-出于我们的目的,最小大小为2 GB,但是如果您想使用更大的容量,则最好选择一个更大的容量在上面放了很多修复盘,尤其是较大的修复盘。

Once you’ve picked out your drive, the first thing you’ll need to do? Format your drive as FAT32. That’s right, the software we’re going to use requires the FAT32 file system, so right-click on the drive and select Format from the menu.

选好驱动器后,您需要做的第一件事是? 将驱动器格式化为FAT32。 没错,我们将要使用的软件需要FAT32文件系统,因此右键单击驱动器,然后从菜单中选择“格式化”。


Choose FAT32 from the drop-down menu under File system, and then click Format.

从“文件系统”下的下拉菜单中选择“ FAT32”,然后单击“格式”。


创建自定义救援驱动器:下载ISO和复制文件 (Create the Custom Rescue Drive: Download ISOs and Copy Files)

To create the custom drive, we’ll use a small piece of software called SARDU, which combines a bunch of functionality into a single package—you can use it to download the ISO images, write everything to the USB drive, or create an ISO image that you could burn to an optical disc—though obviously you’re space-limited in that case.


Once you download and extract SARDU, you can simply start clicking on any of the buttons to trigger a download of that rescue disk.



There’s a whole bunch of utilities included, including really useful ones like Gparted and the System Rescue CD, Ophcrack, and others.

其中包含大量工具,包括诸如Gparted和System Rescue CD,Ophcrack等真正有用的工具。


And you can use it to directly download Ubuntu as well.



Or you can download the ISO images separately and put them into the ISO folder (you’ll have to restart the application once you’re done).



All done? click the Make a USB button over on the right-hand side…

全做完了? 点击右侧的“制作USB”按钮...


And everything will be created and copied to the drive.



That’s pretty much all there is to that.


使用自定义的救援驱动器 (Using Your Customized Rescue Drive)

Just plug the disk into an available port, and choose the option to boot from USB—you may have to take a trip into the BIOS settings to enable booting from removable drives, or you might have to hit a key during bootup to display the boot options menu, where you can choose the device to boot from.


Once you do successfully boot from the flash drive, you’ll see a menu like this:



Select any of the categories, and you’ll see all the rescue disks or other disks that you’ve put on your drive:



Just like that, you’re booting your rescue disk.



Enjoy your awesome rescue disk.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39880/how-to-combine-rescue-disks-to-create-the-ultimate-windows-repair-disk/