mojave 修复磁盘权限_Mojave中的辅助功能和完整磁盘访问应用程序权限之间有何区别?...

mojave 修复磁盘权限_Mojave中的辅助功能和完整磁盘访问应用程序权限之间有何区别?...

mojave 修复磁盘权限

mojave 修复磁盘权限_Mojave中的辅助功能和完整磁盘访问应用程序权限之间有何区别?...

MacOS recently started using an Android-like permissions system, where apps must ask to access certain resources like your location or contacts. Two of the most permissive options are “Accessibility,” which grants access to “control the computer,” and “Full Disk Access,” which sounds like it does the same thing. They’re listed separately in security settings, though, so what’s the difference?

MacOS最近开始使用类似Android的权限系统,在该系统中,应用程序必须要求访问某些资源,例如您的位置或联系人。 最允许的两个选项是“可访问性”,它授予对“控制计算机”的访问权限;“全盘访问”,听起来像是在做同样的事情。 但是,它们在安全设置中单独列出,所以有什么区别?

可访问性与完整磁盘访问 (Accessibility vs. Full Disk Access)

mojave 修复磁盘权限_Mojave中的辅助功能和完整磁盘访问应用程序权限之间有何区别?...

Accessibility is the more common of the two and allows an app to control and listen to the system outside of its own container. This is often used for apps that extend system functionality or run processes in the background, such as productivity apps like Alfred. Third-party drivers for devices like game controllers and special mice will show up here as well.

可访问性是两者中较常见的一种,它允许应用在自己的容器之外控制和监听系统。 这通常用于扩展系统功能或在后台运行流程的应用程序,例如Alfred之类的生产力应用程序。 游戏控制器和特殊鼠标等设备的第三方驱动程序也将在此处显示。

The reason it’s locked down though is that the same permission could also be used for malware that listens to keystrokes or spies on your behavior. You don’t have to worry though, because that’s the exact reason this system is in place; if you accidentally run a malicious application from a non-trusted source, you’ll have to allow it to spy on you manually. And so long as you don’t do that, you’ll be fine.

但是,将其锁定的原因是,相同的权限也可以用于侦听您的行为的按键或间谍的恶意软件。 不过,您不必担心,因为这正是该系统到位的确切原因。 如果您意外地从不受信任的来源运行恶意应用程序,则必须允许它手动监视您。 而且,只要您不这样做,就可以了。

mojave 修复磁盘权限_Mojave中的辅助功能和完整磁盘访问应用程序权限之间有何区别?...

Full Disk Access is a little different and doesn’t quite mean complete access to your drive. Certain apps like backup solutions, virus scanners, and hard drive cleaners need access to scan all of your files, including ones locked down by the system and used for other apps like Safari and Messages. It doesn’t give the same permissions to listen to input and control the system as Accessibility does, so it’s possible for an app to request both permissions.

完全磁盘访问有所不同,并不完全意味着可以完全访问您的驱动器。 某些应用程序(例如备份解决方案,病毒扫描程序和硬盘驱动器清除程序)需要访问权限才能扫描您的所有文件,包括被系统锁定并用于Safari和Messages等其他应用程序的文件。 它没有像Accessibility那样赋予监听输入和控制系统的相同权限,因此应用程序可能会同时请求这两种权限。

It’s also not something you should be afraid of, as it is just marking an app as trusted so that it can access your data. You’ll still only want to enable apps that have a good reason to be scanning your whole drive, but in reality, there’s not too much locked down behind the “Full Disk Access” permission.

这也不是您应该担心的事情,因为它只是将应用标记为受信任,以便它可以访问您的数据。 您仍然只希望启用有充分理由要扫描整个驱动器的应用程序,但实际上,“ Full Disk Access”(全盘访问)权限背后没有太多限制。

However, this doesn’t give the application root access, which would give it the ability to delete or modify the system files macOS uses to run. You’ll have to put in your password manually if an application wants root access.

但是,这并不赋予应用程序root访问权限 ,这将使它具有删除或修改macOS用来运行的系统文件的能力。 如果应用程序需要root用户访问权限,则必须手动输入密码。

更改安全设置 (Changing the Security Settings)

mojave 修复磁盘权限_Mojave中的辅助功能和完整磁盘访问应用程序权限之间有何区别?...

If there’s an app you’d rather not have access to your system, you can edit the permissions by clicking the lock in the bottom left corner of the Security & Privacy settings screen and putting in your password, since technically even System Preferences needs permission to edit your settings.


You can then turn off the box next to the app or remove it altogether with the “-” button.


If an app requested your permission and didn’t automatically set it, you can manually enable it by adding it to the list with the “+” button.

如果某个应用请求了您的许可并且没有自动进行设置,则可以通过使用“ +”按钮将其添加到列表中来手动启用它。


mojave 修复磁盘权限