更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间


Tired of the System Restore feature in Windows 7 using up way too much of your drive space? You can easily tweak it with a simple slider bar, you just need to know where to look.

厌倦了Windows 7中的系统还原功能占用了过多的驱动器空间? 您可以使用简单的滑块轻松调整它,您只需要知道在哪里看即可。

Windows Vista made doing the same thing really difficult… you had to use a command line hack to force Vista to stop using so much space. Windows 7 makes it really easy.

Windows Vista使做同一件事变得非常困难……您必须使用命令行黑客来迫使Vista停止使用那么多空间 。 Windows 7使其非常容易。

Tweak System Restore Disk Usage


Start by right-clicking on the Computer icon, and going to Properties, which will take you into the System panel.


更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

Then click on the link on the left-hand side for System protection.


更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

Now you should be looking at the System Protection tab, where you can create a restore point, use System Restore, or configure your settings. You’ll want to click on the drive you want to tweak in the list, and then click the Configure button.

现在,您应该查看“系统保护”选项卡,您可以在其中创建还原点,使用“系统还原”或配置设置。 您需要在列表中单击要调整的驱动器,然后单击“配置”按钮。

更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

Now you should be in the Configure screen for the drive you selected above, where you can turn off system protection entirely, delete all but the latest restore points, change it to only restore files (and not settings), or drag the slider to use more or less space.


更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

You should probably leave a decent amount of space—System Restore is a very nice feature that can help you out of a jam when your computer stops working.


Alternate Plan: Just Clean Up Old Restore Points


If you’d rather not mess with the amount of space allotted to System Restore, you can at least clean up all the rest of the old restore points (except for the last one). This will still keep you safe, but free up a lot of drive space.

如果您不想弄乱分配给系统还原的空间量,则可以至少清理所有其他旧还原点(最后一个还原点除外)。 这样仍然可以确保您的安全,但是可以释放大量驱动器空间。

Open up Disk Cleanup, then click on “Clean up system files” to re-open Disk Cleanup in administrator mode (or run it as administrator in the first place).


更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

Head over to the More Options tab, and then click the Clean up button.


更新驱动后一直进系统还原_使Windows 7中的系统还原使用更少的驱动器空间

All the old restore points should be gone, and you’ll likely have a lot more disk space.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5482/make-system-restore-use-less-space-in-windows-7/
