IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

We have shown you how to install Active Directory on your network, but it’s pointless to have a Domain Controller unless you add your machines to the Domain, so today we’re going to cover how to do that.

我们已经向您展示了如何在网络上安装Active Directory,但是拥有域控制器是没有意义的,除非您将计算机添加到域中,所以今天我们将介绍如何执行此操作。

Note: this is part of our ongoing series teaching IT administration basics, and might not apply to everybody.


Adding a Computer to an Active Directory Domain is not hard by any means, but there are 3 things you should always remember:

无论如何,将计算机添加到Active Directory域并不困难,但是您应该始终记住三件事:

  • Rename the machine to a user friendly, recognizable name before adding it to the Domain.

  • Make sure your DNS settings are pointing to the correct DNS Server for the domain.

  • You have to have access to a Domain account that is part of the Domain Admins security group.

    您必须有权访问属于Domain Admins安全组的Domain帐户。

将计算机加入域 (Joining a Machine To a Domain)

Open Computer and click on the System Properties button.


IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

Now click on the Advanced system settings link on the left hand side.


IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

When the advanced system settings open, switch to the computer name tab.


IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

Click on the change button, from here you can change your Computers Name to a more friendly name.


IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域
IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

Now switch the radio button, in the bottom section, from Workgroup to Domain. This will make the text box become available.

现在,将底部的单选按钮从工作组切换到域。 这将使文本框可用。

IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

Now type in the name of your domain, ours is howtogeek.local, but yours will be whatever you made it when you set up Active Directory.

现在输入您的域名,我们的域名是howtogeek.local,但是您将使用设置Active Directory时的域名。

IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

When you hit enter, or click ok, you will be asked for the user name and password of a Domain Admin user account.

当您按Enter键或单击“确定”时,将要求您提供Domain Admin用户帐户的用户名和密码。

IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域

If you specify the correct credentials you will be welcomed to the Domain.


IT:如何将计算机加入您的Active Directory域
