



Web apps have been replacing desktop apps for everything from email and document-editing to playing videos and music. You don’t have to keep your web apps confined to a browser window—they can become first-class citizens on your desktop.

从电子邮件和文档编辑到播放视频和音乐,Web应用程序已取代桌面应用程序。 您不必将Web应用程序限制在浏览器窗口中,它们可以成为桌面上的一流公民。

Modern browsers allow web apps to have their own place on your taskbar, function as default applications, and even run offline and in the background.


Web应用程序:在浏览器外并在任务栏上 (Web Apps: Out of the Browser and Onto the Taskbar)

RELATED: How to Turn Any Web Page Into a Web App on a Chromebook

相关文章: 如何将任何网页转换为Chromebook上的Web应用程序

Web apps normally live in the browser, mixed in with other websites you’re viewing and confined to a single browser icon on your taskbar. Chrome and Internet Explorer allow you to create dedicated windows for your web applications, giving them their own separate windows and taskbar icons. Mozilla Firefox used to have this feature through various extensions, but they have been discontinued.

Web应用程序通常位于浏览器中,与您正在查看的其他网站混合在一起,并局限于任务栏上的单个浏览器图标。 Chrome和Internet Explorer允许您为Web应用程序创建专用窗口,并为它们提供自己的单独窗口和任务栏图标。 Mozilla Firefox以前通过各种扩展来具有此功能,但已不再使用。

In Google Chrome, you can easily create a shortcut to any website with just a few clicks. First, open the menu with by clicking the three dots in the upper-right corner.

在Google Chrome浏览器中,只需单击几下即可轻松创建指向任何网站的快捷方式。 首先,通过单击右上角的三个点来打开菜单。


From there, head down to the “More tools” entry, then “Add to desktop.”



A dialog box will show up that allows you to rename the the shortcut, as well as have it open in its own window. For a more desktop-like feel, I definitely encourage keeping that button ticked, otherwise it’ll just open in a browser window, and that’s just silly.

将显示一个对话框,您可以重命名该快捷方式,也可以在自己的窗口中打开它。 为了获得更像桌面的感觉,我绝对鼓励将该按钮打勾,否则它将仅在浏览器窗口中打开,这很愚蠢。


This will create a quick link to the website or app on your desktop. From there, you can drag it down to the taskbar to pin it, ensuring it’s always quickly available. I use this feature for web apps like Calmly Writer, How-to Geek’s WordPress, Tweetdeck, Google Calendar, Play Music, Google Keep, Feedly, Google Sheets, and Google Docs. I basically live in the cloud.

这将在您的桌面上创建指向该网站或应用程序的快速链接。 从那里,您可以将其向下拖动到任务栏以将其固定,以确保始终可以快速使用它。 我将此功能用于Calmly Writer,How-to Geek的WordPress,Tweetdeck,Google日历,Play音乐,Google Keep,Feedly,Google表格和Google Docs等网络应用。 我基本上住在云端。


Internet Explorer also a similar feature—just drag and drop a website’s favicon (the icon to the left of its address in the address bar) to the taskbar to create a dedicated window for the application. Note that this doesn’t work in Microsoft Edge, just Internet Explorer. Go figure.

Internet Explorer也具有类似功能-只需将网站的图标(地址栏中其地址左侧的图标)拖放到任务栏上,即可为应用程序创建一个专用窗口。 请注意,这不适用于Microsoft Edge,仅适用于Internet Explorer。 去搞清楚。


使用固定标签 (Use Pinned Tabs)

Chrome, Firefox, and Edge also support “pinned tabs,” which allow you to keep a web application running without taking up much room on your tab bar. To turn an open tab into an app tab, right-click a tab in Chrome or Firefox and select Pin tab.

Chrome,Firefox和Edge还支持“固定选项卡”,使您可以在不占用选项卡栏太多空间的情况下保持Web应用程序的运行。 要将打开的标签变为应用标签,请在Chrome或Firefox中右键单击标签,然后选择固定标签。


The tab will shrink to its favicon only. When you close and re-open your browser, the pinned tabs will remain open, so this is a convenient way of telling your browser to always open web apps (and other web pages) you use frequently.

该选项卡将仅缩小到其图标。 关闭并重新打开浏览器时,固定的选项卡将保持打开状态,因此这是一种告诉浏览器始终打开您经常使用的Web应用程序(和其他网页)的便捷方法。


将Web应用程序设置为默认应用程序 (Make Web Apps Your Default Apps)

Modern browsers allow you to set web apps as your default application. For example, you can set Gmail as your default email app so it will open in your browser whenever you click a mailto: link in your browser or anywhere else in your operating system.

现代浏览器允许您将Web应用设置为默认应用。 例如,您可以将Gmail设置为默认的电子邮件应用程序,这样,只要您在浏览器中或操作系统中的任何其他位置单击mailto:链接,它将在浏览器中打开。

To do this in Chrome, visit a website that can become your default application for a certain task, such as Gmail for email or Google Calendar for calendar links. An icon in the location bar will appear and allow you to make the web app your default application. If this icon doesn’t show up for you, refresh the page and watch it carefully—it will briefly appear while the page is loading.

要在Chrome浏览器中执行此操作,请访问一个网站,该网站可以成为某些任务的默认应用程序,例如,Gmail(电子邮件)或Google Calendar(日历链接)。 位置栏中将出现一个图标,可让您将Web应用程序设置为默认应用程序。 如果没有为您显示此图标,请刷新页面并仔细观看-加载页面时,它会短暂出现。


You can manage Chrome’s “handlers” feature by opening Chrome’s Settings screen from the menu and jumping into the “Advanced” section.



From here, click “Content Settings” in the Privacy section, then “Manager Handlers.”



Firefox allows you to control the applications Firefox users for various types of links from its options window. Select the Applications icon to change the action associated with various types of content. For example, you can use Gmail or Yahoo! Mail for email links, Mibbit for IRC links, Google Calendar or 30 Boxes for webcal links, and so on.

Firefox允许您从其选项窗口控制Firefox用户的各种类型的链接的应用程序。 选择“应用程序”图标以更改与各种类型的内容关联的操作。 例如,您可以使用Gmail或Yahoo! 邮件用于电子邮件链接,Mibbit用于IRC链接,Google日历或30盒用于Webcal链接,等等。


启用离线Web应用 (Enable Offline Web Apps)

Desktop applications have one big advantage over web apps: they can generally be used offline, while web apps cannot. This isn’t a problem much of the time, but if you want to read your email, view your calendar, or edit a document on an airplane or in an area with a spotty Internet connection, it can be obnoxious.

桌面应用程序比Web应用程序有一个很大的优势:它们通常可以脱机使用,而Web应用程序则不能。 这在很多时候都不是问题,但是,如果您想阅读电子邮件,查看日历或在飞机上或Internet连接不佳的区域中编辑文档,则可能会令人讨厌。

However, many web apps do support offline features. Apps like Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs have offline support in Google’s own Chrome browser, but unfortunately not in Firefox. Amazon’s Kindle Cloud Reader works offline in both Chrome and Firefox, giving you offline access to downloaded Kindle books.

但是,许多Web应用程序确实支持脱机功能。 Gmail,Google日历和Google文档等应用在Google自己的Chrome浏览器中具有脱机支持,但不幸的是,在Firefox中却没有。 亚马逊的Kindle Cloud Reader在Chrome和Firefox中均可离线使用,从而使您可以离线访问已下载的Kindle图书。

If you’re a Chrome user, you can view web apps that support offline access by browsing the offline-enabled apps section in Google’s Chrome Web Store.

如果您是Chrome用户,则可以通过浏览Google Chrome网上应用店中支持离线功能的应用程序部分来查看支持离线访问的Web应用程序。


在后台运行Web应用程序 (Run Web Apps in the Background)

Chrome also allows web apps to run in the background, even when Chrome doesn’t appear to be running. This allows apps like Gmail Offline to continue syncing Gmail to your PC for offline use, even when no Chrome browser windows are open.

Chrome还允许网络应用在后台运行,即使Chrome似乎没有在运行。 这样,即使没有打开Chrome浏览器窗口,Gmail Offline等应用也可以继续将Gmail同步到您的PC以供离线使用。


This feature is enabled by default. You can optionally disable it by opening Chrome’s Settings screen, clicking Show advanced settings, and unchecking the “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed” check box under the System section.

默认情况下启用此功能。 您可以选择禁用它,方法是打开Chrome的“设置”屏幕,单击“显示高级设置”,然后取消选中“系统”部分下的“关闭Google Chrome时继续运行后台应用程序”复选框。


We’ve come a long way since the “old days” of the web, with web apps becoming an integral part of how you can interact with your computer. In fact, I would assume 90% of all my computer use comes from web apps—from music to documents and work, my PC is essentially a Chrome machine most of the time.

自网络“旧时代”以来,我们已经走了很长一段路,网络应用已成为您与计算机交互的组成部分。 事实上,我将承担90% 我的电脑使用的是来自Web应用程序,从音乐到文件和工作,我的电脑基本上是一个Chrome的机器的大部分时间。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/141431/how-to-turn-web-apps-into-first-class-desktop-citizens/
