谷歌硬盘 idm_为什么Google搜索结果比本地硬盘查询要快?

谷歌硬盘 idm_为什么Google搜索结果比本地硬盘查询要快?

谷歌硬盘 idm

谷歌硬盘 idm_为什么Google搜索结果比本地硬盘查询要快?

When you search for something using Google, the results are returned in milliseconds, but searching for a file on your own hard drive can take minutes. What gives? Why is a search engine query faster than a local file search?

当您使用Google搜索某些内容时,结果会以毫秒为单位返回,但是在您自己的硬盘上搜索文件可能需要几分钟。 是什么赋予了? 为什么搜索引擎查询比本地文件搜索更快?

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Arne wants to know why his local search is so slow compared to a search engine query:


When I search a file on my HD in Windows 7 or Windows XP it takes some minutes to finish the process.

当我在Windows 7或Windows XP中的HD上搜索文件时,需要几分钟才能完成该过程。

If I fill in a search term in Google, the answer is on my screen in milliseconds. How is it possible for Google to search the Internet, that is many times larger than my hard drive, faster than my OS can search my computer.

如果我在Google中填写搜索字词,则答案会以毫秒为单位显示在屏幕上。 Google如何搜索比我的硬盘大许多倍,比操作系统搜索我的计算机快的Internet。

Is it ‘only’ a matter of computing power and the right algorithm?


He’s certainly not the only one who has noticed the discrepancy; right out of the box with no customization operating-system based search is pretty darn slow.

当然,他并不是唯一注意到这一差异的人。 开箱即用,没有基于定制操作系统的搜索,这真是太慢了。

答案 (The Answers)

SuperUser contributor Simon highlights the fundamental difference between a Google search query and a non-indexed Windows search:


Google is not searching the internet: it is searching an index. Google has huge server farms which are constantly scanning and indexing the internet. This process takes a lot of time, just like the search of your unindexed hard drive. In Windows 7, there is an option to index your hard drives. This process takes some time at first but once it is up and running the results of a search will be instantaneous.

Google不在搜索互联网:它正在搜索索引。 Google有庞大的服务器场,这些服务器场正在不断扫描和索引互联网。 该过程需要很多时间,就像搜索未索引的硬盘驱动器一样。 在Windows 7中,有一个索引硬盘的选项。 这个过程最初需要一些时间,但是一旦启动并运行,搜索结果将立即生效。

If you want to know more about how the Google search works you can read Google’s article “How Search Works” or read the article “How Stuff Works: How Google Works“.


For more information on speeding up Windows search queries, be sure to check out the following How-To Geek articles:

有关加快Windows搜索查询速度的更多信息,请确保查看以下How-To Geek文章:

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程


谷歌硬盘 idm