pcu tps_Mac版Microsoft Office 2011重新定义您的TPS报告体验

pcu tps_Mac版Microsoft Office 2011重新定义您的TPS报告体验

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pcu tps_Mac版Microsoft Office 2011重新定义您的TPS报告体验

Office 2011 for Mac is going to be released in a couple of days, and we got our hands on the latest version already. Here’s a quick tour of some of the new features in the latest version of Office.

Mac版Office 2011将在几天内发布,我们已经掌握了最新版本。 这是Office最新版本中的一些新功能的快速浏览。

This new release brings many features from Office for Windows that have been missing or have not worked the same—for instance, Office now includes the Ribbon interface, and replaces Entourage with Outlook.

此新版本带来了Office for Windows中许多丢失或无法正常使用的功能-例如,Office现在包括功能区界面,并用Outlook替换了Entourage。

Mac Office集成了功能区 (Mac Office Integrates the Ribbon)

Microsoft has brought the Ribbon UI to the Mac and has done it in a way they think Mac users will appreciate—they have taken their research of user’s experiences and grouped the most used tools together to allow for a better experience when working with your documents.

Microsoft已将Ribbon UI引入Mac,并以Mac用户会喜欢的方式来实现它-他们已经对用户体验进行了研究,并将最常用的工具组合在一起,以便在使用文档时获得更好的体验。

You’ll notice that they did a really good job of combining the Ribbon with a more Mac-like feel. Here’s part of the Ribbon for Microsoft Outlook, which has all the most common tools on the toolbar.

您会注意到,他们结合了Ribbon和更像Mac的感觉,做得非常好。 这是Microsoft Outlook功能区的一部分,在工具栏上具有所有最常用的工具。

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Here’s the full Ribbon for Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook—click through to show the full-sized view for each one.


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You’ll also notice that the “Save As” key command of Command + Shift + S has been brought back to the suite, allowing cross-platform users to have the ease of use they may have missed in Office for Mac 2008.

您还会注意到,Command + Shift + S的“另存为”键盘命令已经带回到套件中,从而使跨平台用户可以轻松使用Office for Mac 2008中可能错过的易用性。

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没有插件的协作工具 (Collaboration Tools without a Plugin)

Office:mac 2008 did have the ability to share your documents though the plugin that was available, but now you can use your companies SharePoint servers or share your documents with others using Microsoft’s SkyDrive.

Office:mac 2008确实可以通过可用的插件共享文档,但是现在您可以使用公司的SharePoint服务器或使用Microsoft的SkyDrive与其他人共享文档。

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To save to your SkyDrive, you will enter your live account information.


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And choose the location for the file to be stored.


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Now you can view the file just like any other Office Web App document.

现在,您可以像查看任何其他Office Web App文档一样查看文件。

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Word 2011是更流畅的体验 (Word 2011 Is a More Fluid Experience)

If you are using Office, more than likely you will use Word. The popular word processing application has some noticeable enhancements, the most noticeable of which is the quickness of launching the app—compared to Word 2008, the new version opens in a snap.

如果您使用的是Office,则很有可能会使用Word。 流行的文字处理应用程序具有一些显着的增强功能,其中最引人注目的是启动该应用程序的快速性-与Word 2008相比,新版本Swift打开。

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The Ribbon adds a more familiar experience.


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Excel 2011具有迷你图 (Excel 2011 Has Sparklines)

One of the features to find its way to Excel is Sparklines, which let you graphically show off data within a cell.


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PowerPoint 2011具有重新排列工具 (PowerPoint 2011 Has a Rearrange Tool)

A cool new feature in PowerPoint is the full screen layer rearrange tool. The tool also has the option to view only those images that overlap.

PowerPoint中一个很酷的新功能是全屏图层重新排列工具。 该工具还可以选择仅查看那些重叠的图像。

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Outlook终于出现在Mac上 (Outlook Finally Comes to the Mac)

Exchange users have reason to be excited, since they no longer have to use Entourage. This Outlook version has most of the same features that the PC version has, including Rules, Calendar, Contacts, and support for Microsoft Exchange.

Exchange用户有理由感到兴奋,因为他们不再需要使用Entourage。 此Outlook版本具有与PC版本相同的大多数功能,包括规则,日历,联系人和对Microsoft Exchange的支持。

Click through for the full-size image.


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结论 (Conclusion)

With Office:mac 2011 due to be release later in October, the Mac Business Unit of Microsoft boasts their best version of the popular productivity suite. With just a taste of the new features shown here, the new version will be a great tool for Mac users who appreciate the MBU’s outlook on making Office:mac a more OS X aimed experience.

随着Office:mac 2011将于10月下旬发布,Microsoft的Mac业务部门拥有了流行生产力套件的最佳版本。 只需看一下这里显示的新功能,新版本对于Mac用户来说将是一个很好的工具,他们欣赏MBU的观点,即使Office:mac成为更具OS X特色的体验。

Read More About Office for Mac 2011 at microsoft.com

在microsoft.com上了解有关Office for Mac 2011的更多信息

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32192/microsoft-office-2011-for-mac-redefines-your-tps-report-experience/

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