


Want to type in multiple languages in Ubuntu?  Here we’ll show you how you can easily add and switch between multiple keyboard layouts in Ubuntu.

是否想在Ubuntu中输入多种语言? 在这里,我们将向您展示如何在Ubuntu中轻松添加和切换多个键盘布局。

Add a Keyboard Language


To add a keyboard language, open the System menu, select Preferences, and then select Keyboard.

要添加键盘语言,请打开系统菜单,选择首选项 ,然后选择键盘


In the Keyboard Preferences dialog, select the Layouts tab, and click Add.

在“键盘偏好设置”对话框中,选择“ 布局”选项卡,然后单击“ 添加”


You can select a country and then choose an language and keyboard variant.  Note that some countries, such as the United States, may show several languages.  Once you’ve made your selection, you can preview it on the sample keyboard displayed below the menu.

您可以选择一个国家,然后选择一种语言和键盘变体。 请注意,某些国家/地区,例如美国,可能会显示几种语言。 选择完毕后,您可以在菜单下方显示的示例键盘上进行预览。


Alternately, on the second tab, select a language and then choose a variant.  Click Add when you’ve made your selection.

或者,在第二个选项卡上,选择一种语言,然后选择一种变体。 选择后,单击添加


Now you’ll notice that there are two languages listed in the Keyboard Preferences, and they’re both ready to use immediately.  You can add more if you wish, or close the dialog.

现在,您会注意到“键盘偏好设置”中列出了两种语言,两种语言都可以立即使用。 您可以根据需要添加更多内容,或关闭对话框。


Switch Between Languages


When you have multiple input languages installed, you’ll notice a new icon in your system tray on the top right.  It will show the abbreviation of the country and/or language name that is currently selected.  Click the icon to change the language.

当您安装了多种输入语言时,您会在系统托盘的右上方看到一个新图标。 它将显示当前选择的国家和/或语言名称的缩写。 单击图标更改语言。


Right-click the dialog to view available languages (listed under Groups), open the Keyboard Preferences dialog again, or show the current layout.

右键单击对话框以查看可用的语言(在组下列出 ),再次打开“键盘首选项”对话框,或显示当前布局。


If you select Show Current Layout you’ll see a window with the keyboard preview we saw previously when setting the keyboard layout.  You can even print this layout preview out to help you remember a layout if you wish.

如果选择显示当前布局,您将看到一个窗口,其中包含我们在设置键盘布局时先前看到的键盘预览。 您甚至可以打印此布局预览,以帮助您记住布局。


Change Keyboard Shortcuts to Switch Languages


By default, you can switch input languages in Ubuntu from the keyboard by pressing both Alt keys together.  Many users are already used to the default Alt+Switch combination to switch input languages in Windows, and we can add that in Ubuntu.  Open the keyboard preferences dialog, select the Layout tab, and click Options.

默认情况下,您可以通过同时按下两个Alt键从键盘切换Ubuntu中的输入语言。 许多用户已经习惯了默认的Alt + Switch组合来切换Windows中的输入语言,我们可以在Ubuntu中添加它。 打开键盘偏好设置对话框,选择布局选项卡,然后单击选项


Click the plus sign beside Key(s) to change layout, and select Alt+Shift.  Click Close, and you can now use this familiar shortcut to switch input languages.

单击旁边的加号以更改布局 ,然后选择Alt + Shift。 点击关闭 ,您现在可以使用这个熟悉的快捷方式来切换输入语言。


The layout options dialog offers many more neat keyboard shortcuts and options.  One especially neat option was the option to use a keyboard led to show when we’re using the alternate keyboard layout.  We selected the ScrollLock light since it’s hardly used today, and now it lights up when we’re using our other input language.

布局选项对话框提供了更多简洁的键盘快捷键和选项。 一个特别整洁的选项是当我们使用备用键盘布局时,使用导致显示的键盘的选项。 我们选择了ScrollLock指示灯,因为它今天很少使用,现在当我们使用其他输入语言时它会亮起。




Whether you regularly type in multiple languages or only need to enter an occasional character from an alternate keyboard layout, Ubuntu’s keyboard settings make it easy to make your keyboard work the way you want.  And since you can even preview and print a keyboard layout, you can even remember an alternate keyboard’s layout if it’s not printed on your keyboard.

无论您是定期输入多种语言,还是只需要从备用键盘布局中输入偶尔出现的字符,Ubuntu的键盘设置都可以轻松使您的键盘按您想要的方式工作。 而且,由于您甚至可以预览和打印键盘布局,因此即使未在键盘上打印备用键盘的布局,您也可以记住它。

Windows users, you’re not left behind, either.  Check out our tutorial on how to Add keyboard languages to XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

Windows用户,您也不会落后。 查看有关如何向XP,Vista和Windows 7添加键盘语言的教程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17508/add-keyboard-input-language-to-ubuntu/
