

本文为美国俄勒冈州立大学(作者:Farid Javadnejad)的博士论文,共168页。



Small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)carrying consumer-grade nonmetric cameras are increasingly utilized to generatehigh-resolution 3D geospatial data. Low cost, ease of operation, widespreadavailability and low altitude maneuvering capabilities of UAS, as well as therapid development of technology and methods, make UAS-based photogrammetryapplicable to many civil engineering applications such as visualization, 3Dmapping, progress monitoring, construction, structural inspection, maintenance,and monitoring. Using computer vision techniques, Structure from Motion (SfM)and Multi-View Stereo (MVS), it is possible to reconstruct 3D scenes frominexpensive, consumer-grade cameras mounted on a UAS. Despite the increasingpopularity of UAS, significant research questions remain regarding the accuracyof UAS-based mapping products. In addition, new tools and methods are requiredto manage and process the vast amount of data generated by UAS. This researchexplores several novel approaches to address some of these needs in the fieldof UAS-based photogrammetry.

First, a new approach is developed forsupplementing the 3D point clouds derived from UAS imagery with thermalinfrared (TIR) imagery. Currently, there are several challenges forreconstructing accurate 3D scenes or point clouds solely from overlapping TIRimagery. For instance, consumer-grade TIR cameras have relatively lowresolution and a narrow field view; moreover, such cameras usually generateimages with blurred edges and textures. An approach is proposed and evaluatedfor generating 3D TIR-RGB point clouds utilizing coacquired TIR and RGB images.First, a 3D point cloud is generated using the RGB images; afterward, the TIRdata is attributed to the 3D point cloud using a boresight technique. Using theproposed approach, dense point clouds are generated that contain both RGB andTIR information. Such an approach can be beneficial for many thermal mappingand inspection projects, including heat loss inspection, non-destructivetesting of structures, and electrical parts inspection for power transmission.Second, the research examines the feasibility of utilizing UAS-basedphotogrammetry for detecting the change of above-ground pipelines. Since it isinexpensive to fly, UAS are ideal for inspecting, monitoring, and detectingchanges in the sites over time. In the researched approach, repetitive UASflights were conducted to derive 3D digital terrain models in order to detectand measure the movement of pipelines in the scene. The results are comparedwith displacement measurements taken from conventional ground surveys usingreal-time kinematic (RTK) global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiversand total stations. Thirdly, this study introduces new dense point cloudquality factors (DPQF) to use as proxy indicators for assessing the accuracy ofSfM-MVS dense point clouds. Simulated and empirical experiments are used toassess the accuracy of image-based 3D reconstructed models with respect todifferent data collection and site condition scenarios. The spatial correlationbetween the DPQFs and the reconstruction error is investigated and interpretedfor multiple experiments. The results of this study show that the DPQF can be ahelpful additional field of information for 3D point clouds. Last, thisresearch introduces a new web GIS tool, named BridgeDex, for management oftime-aware series of high-resolution bridge inspection images, such as imagescollected from handheld digital cameras or cameras on UAS. This tool can be usedto manage and query bridge inspection images, bridge reports, and otherrelevant metadata. This web-based prototype provides the user a simpleinterface for viewing, panning and zooming in and out of bridge imagerycollected over the years as a result of numerous bridge inspections. The toolprovides the user an intuitive, organized method for evaluating and managingbridge inspection data.

  1. 引言
  2. 三维点云生成中自然色与热红外UAS图像融合的摄影测量方法
  3. 基于无人机系统的地面运动监测摄影测量
  4. 密集点云质量因子(DPQF)作为图像三维重建精度的代理指标
  5. BRIDGEDEX:用于管理和查询多年多尺度桥梁检测图像的WEB GIS平台
  6. 结论
