evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

evernote 有道

evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

Evernote is a great overall platform for taking notes, but the Windows app leaves a lot to be desired. A real, real lot. Seriously, it’s clunky. Painful, even. Here’s how I made it a little more tolerable with some tweaking.

Evernote是一个很好的整体笔记平台,但是Windows应用程序还有很多不足之处。 一个真实的,真实的很多。 说真的,这很笨拙。 痛苦的,甚至。 这是我通过一些调整使其更加可忍受的方式。

Note: if you’re a good programmer, or even a slightly tolerable one, please go to work for Evernote, since they still can’t seem to fix a 6-month old bug with simple text files. Line breaks on notes created in Windows end up double-spacing on iPad or iPhone, especially when I’ve copied and pasted something from notepad. Yeah, I tried everything, no go.

注意:如果您是一个优秀的程序员,或者甚至是一个可以接受的程序员,请为Evernote工作,因为他们似乎仍然无法使用简单的文本文件修复6个月的bug 在Windows中创建的笔记的换行符最终在iPad或iPhone上出现双倍间距,尤其是当我从记事本复制并粘贴了某些东西时。 是的,我尽力了,不行。

Seriously, Evernote… you’re spending all this time creating a Trunk, apps, plug-ins, and doing everything else other than make the most basic of functions—text files—useful for those of us who support you… and that’s only one of my problems with the clunky, sluggish, bloated interface. If there was any competition with similar cross-platform features, I’d switch, but there isn’t. It’s like being forced to use Windows ME all over again.

认真地说,Eve​​rnote…您花费所有的时间来创建Trunk,应用程序,插件,并执行除使最基本的功能(文本文件)以外的其他所有工作,这对于支持您的我们中的人是有用的……而那仅仅是一个笨拙,呆滞,肿的界面的问题如果有任何具有相似跨平台功能的竞争,我会切换,但没有。 就像*再次使用Windows ME。

创建快速搜索Evernote快捷方式 (Create the Quick Search Evernote Shortcuts)

In order to quickly access my saved searches, notebooks, or recent documents in Evernote, what I’ve done is use the StandaloneStack utility with a folder containing special shortcuts to the ENScript.exe utility included in the Evernote installation folder. It’s a bit of work to get it setup, but once you’ve done so, you’ll be able to more quickly access your notes.

为了快速访问Evernote中保存的搜索,笔记本或最新文档,我要做的是将StandaloneStack实用程序与一个文件夹一起使用,该文件夹包含Evernote安装文件夹中包含的ENScript.exe实用程序的特殊快捷方式。 进行设置需要一些工作,但是一旦完成,便可以更快地访问笔记。

The first thing you’ll want to do is create a folder to hold the shortcuts.


evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

Next you’ll want to create shortcuts to the ENScript.exe utility in your Evernote installation folder.


evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

You’ll want to assign a custom icon to the shortcut, which you can find in the Evernote.exe file, and then set it to Run as Minimized, because otherwise it’ll show a command prompt window flashing on the screen.


Using the Search Parameters


Once you’ve created the shortcut, you’ll want to modify it to include the showNotes /q parameter along with your search query. For instance, this would search Evernote for “my search here”:

创建快捷方式后,您将需要对其进行修改,使其包含showNotes / q参数以及搜索查询。 例如,这将在Evernote中搜索“我在这里搜索”:

ENScript.exe showNotes /q “my search here”

ENScript.exe showNotes / q“我的搜索在这里”

As a more useful example, if you wanted to show all the notes from a notebook called “Article Ideas – PG”, you would use this search query (note that there are double quotes around the notebook name)

作为一个更有用的示例,如果您想显示名为“ Article Ideas – PG”的笔记本中的所有笔记,则可以使用此搜索查询(请注意,笔记本名称周围有双引号)

ENScript.exe showNotes /q “notebook:””Article Ideas – PG””

ENScript.exe showNotes / q“笔记本:”“ Article Ideas – PG””

Useful Search Ideas


  • You could create searches for each of your notebooks with notebook:NotebookName.

  • You can use modified:day-2 to get a list of all notes that have been updated in the last couple of days.

  • You can use tag:tagname to get a list of notes that have been tagged with tagname.

  • You could create a shortcut to a specific note that you use often by giving it a one-use tag and searching for that tag.

  • You can combine this criteria to search any way you want.


At this point you should be able to test your shortcuts and make sure that they run the correct search in Evernote. It’s definitely a much simpler way to access your searches from any app.

此时,您应该能够测试您的快捷方式,并确保它们在Evernote中运行正确的搜索。 这绝对是从任何应用程序访问搜索的一种简单得多的方法。

创建堆栈并将其固定到任务栏 (Create the Stacks and Pin to the Taskbar)

Once you’ve created all of these shortcuts, you’ll need to open up StandaloneStack and choose the New Stack option in the lower left-hand side.

创建所有这些快捷方式后,需要打开StandaloneStack并选择左下角的New Stack选项。

evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

Then over on the right-hand side, you’ll select the Path to the folder that you put all the shortcuts in, give it a name, and click the Create Stack button. Once that’s done, then you’ll click the Create shortcut button to create the actual shortcut that will launch the stack. You can tweak the other options as you see fit.

然后在右侧的上方,选择放置所有快捷方式的文件夹的路径,为其命名,然后单击“创建堆栈”按钮。 完成后,您将单击创建快捷方式按钮创建将启动堆栈的实际快捷方式。 您可以根据需要调整其他选项。

evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

Once you’ve done this, you’ll have a shortcut icon, which you should save in a safe place… and then change the icon to something better. Again, the Evernote.exe file contains a bunch of useful icons. Here’s the ugly default one:

完成此操作后,您将拥有一个快捷方式图标,应将其保存在安全的地方……然后将其更改为更好的图标。 同样,Evernote.exe文件包含一堆有用的图标。 这是丑陋的默认值:

evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

Now you’ll want to right-click on it to Pin to Taskbar. Note: If you don’t have that option, hold down the Shift key and right-click again.

现在,您需要右键单击将其固定到任务栏。 注意:如果没有该选项,请按住Shift键,然后再次右键单击。

evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

At this point you should have a beautiful icon on your taskbar, and clicking on it should bring up the stacks view with all your saved search shortcuts that you’ve created.


evernote 有道_通过自定义Windows 7集成使Evernote更易于访问

创建快捷方式图标以印象笔记搜索 (Create a Shortcut Icon to Evernote Search)

In the Evernote Options panel, you can assign any shortcut key you want to bring up the global search, which is obviously a better choice overall, but for completeness I wanted a Search icon in the popup as well. So I created a one-line AutoHotkey script that simply calls the hotkey that I’ve assigned (Ctrl+Shift+F)

在“ Evernote选项”面板中,您可以分配要启动全局搜索的任何快捷键,这显然是一个更好的选择,但是为了完整起见,我也希望在弹出窗口中使用“搜索”图标。 因此,我创建了一个单行的AutoHotkey脚本,该脚本仅调用我分配的热键(Ctrl + Shift + F)

Send {Ctrl down}{Shift down}f{Shift up}{Ctrl up}

发送{Ctrl向下} {Shift向下} f {Shift向上} {Ctrl向上}

Then I created a shortcut to that script called Search and put it into the folder with all the other shortcuts.


现在,如果我可以使用AutoHotkey修复简单的文本错误… (Now if I could Fix the simple text bug with AutoHotkey…)

Please, Evernote, could you get on this one? Seriously, it’s frustrating.

拜托,印象笔记,你能上这个吗? 严重的是,这令人沮丧。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26100/make-evernote-more-approachable-with-custom-windows-7-taskbar-integration/

evernote 有道