«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

For three years now I have been working at Tabula Sense Company and most of the time I have been developing various furniture with built-in electronics.
三年来,我一直在Tabula Sense Company工作,大多数时候,我一直在开发各种内置电子设备的家具。
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

Today I want to share with you the concept of a car alarm remote control for ZAZ Zaporozhets (or Fiat 600, whatever suits you best), as if the similar devices already existed in those days.
今天,我想与您分享ZAZ Zaporozhets(或菲亚特600,最适合您的)汽车警报器遥控器的概念,好像那时已经存在类似的设备一样。
Needed materials: chromed metal, glass, perforated leather, plastic. The front part is equipped with the monochrome display that displays the status of the car and battery. On the sides of the display there is a backlight that turns on when any button is pushed.
所需材料:镀Chrome金属,玻璃,穿Kong皮革,塑料。 前部装有单色显示器,可显示汽车和电池的状态。 显示屏的侧面有一个背光灯,当按下任何按钮时,背光灯就会打开。
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

There are the buttons «Open» and «Close», «Menu» and «Select» at the end. In the upper part you can see a small telescopic antenna; it will help increase the signal coverage area if you move away from the car, for example, in a grocery store.
最后有“打开”和“关闭”,“菜单”和“选择”按钮。 在上部,您可以看到一个小的伸缩天线。 如果您离开汽车,例如在杂货店,它将有助于增加信号覆盖范围。
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

On the reverse side there is perforated faux leather, stylized as a close-fitting ceiling in the Soviet cars.
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

On the back side there is a compartment for replaceable batteries, it opens with a coin, of course the Soviet one. Near there is a slot for «tweeter» and marking.
背面有一个可更换电池的隔间,上面开着一个硬币,当然是苏联的。 附近有一个用于“高音扬声器”和标记的插槽。
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

Well, you can find also a leather strap so that dudes of that time could stylishly twist a keychain on a finger.
Also a little about the creation process.
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

The Zaporozhets and gloved hands in the photo are real, and the remote control itself is a render (Cinema4D + V-ray).
照片中的Zaporozhets和戴手套的手是真实的,遥控器本身就是渲染器(Cinema4D + V-ray)。
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

To make the visualization look appetizing, a large-scale model of the remote control was printed on a 3D printer and then replaced with a render.
«ZAZ Zaporozhets»的汽车防盗器的概念

It will be very interesting for me to hear your opinion, constructive criticism and discuss technical features in the comments. More concepts are on my
听到您的意见,建设性的批评并讨论评论中的技术特征,这对我来说将非常有趣。 更多概念在我的Instagram. Thanks for attention.Instagram上 。 感谢您的关注。
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翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/498790/