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There was a dark time in Apple’s history when you couldn’t change the default web browser on your iPhone or iPad. You were stuck with Safari. Thankfully, this time has passed. Here’s how to make Google Chrome the default browser on your iPhone and iPad.

当您无法更改iPhone或iPad上的默认Web浏览器时,Apple历史上曾有一段黑暗的时期。 您被Safari困住了。 值得庆幸的是,这段时间已经过去了。 以下是将Google Chrome浏览器设置为iPhone和iPad上的默认浏览器的方法。

Apple introduced the ability to set default browsers in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14. As long as your device is running the latest version of the operating system, this setting should be available to you.

苹果公司引入了在iOS 14和iPadOS 14中设置默认浏览器的功能 。 只要您的设备运行的是最新版本的操作系统 ,此设置就应该可用。

You can change the default browser in the “Settings” app. First, though, make sure you’ve downloaded the latest version of Chrome from the App Store.

您可以在“设置”应用中更改默认浏览器。 不过,首先请确保您已从App Store下载了最新版本的Chrome

Next, tap and open “Settings” on your iPhone or iPad.



Scroll down to the “Chrome” section and tap it.

向下滚动到“ Chrome”部分,然后点击它。


Here, tap “Default Browser App.”



Next, tap “Chrome.”

接下来,点击“ Chrome”。


That’s all there is to it! Chrome is now the default browser on your iPhone or iPad. From now on, any link you tap will instantly open in the Chrome app.

这里的所有都是它的! Chrome现在是iPhone或iPad上的默认浏览器。 从现在开始,您点击的任何链接都将立即在Chrome应用中打开。

The only time you’ll still see Safari is if an app uses the in-app Safari browser. Even in those cases, though, you can just tap the Browser icon to reopen that page in Chrome.

您唯一仍然会看到Safari的地方是应用程序是否使用应用程序内Safari浏览器。 不过,即使在这种情况下,您也可以点击“浏览器”图标以在Chrome中重新打开该页面。


If you ever want to switch back to Safari or any other browser, just head back to the “Default Browser App” section in the “Chrome” or “Safari” settings.

如果您想切换回Safari或任何其他浏览器,只需回到“ Chrome”或“ Safari”设置中的“默认浏览器应用”部分。

Now, try another feature that wasn’t allowed in the dark times: Home screen widgets!

现在,尝试在黑暗时期不允许的其他功能: 主屏幕小部件

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690462/how-to-make-chrome-the-default-web-browser-on-iphone-and-ipad/