
If you’re in college, chances are you’re overwhelmed by rising tuition and textbook costs.  Here’s how you can get a little break with absolutely free development and design software from Microsoft via DreamSpark.

如果您在上大学,学费和教科书成本的上涨可能使您不知所措。 这是您通过DreamSpark从Microsoft获得的完全免费的开发和设计软件的一些休息时间。

Although many students still don’t know of it, DreamSpark has been offering free Microsoft software to students since 2008.  Similar to MSDNAA, students can download and use software for educational and personal use entirely for free, except with DreamSpark, all students are eligible.  DreamSpark has recently expanded it’s offerings with training and access to the Windows Mobile Marketplace.  Let’s look at how you can take advantage of these offerings if you’re a student.

尽管许多学生仍然不了解它,但DreamSpark自2008年以来一直为学生提供免费的Microsoft软件。与MSDNAA一样,学生可以完全免费下载和使用用于教育和个人用途的软件,除了DreamSpark,所有学生都有资格。 DreamSpark最近通过培训和对Windows Mobile Marketplace的访问来扩展了其产品范围。 让我们看看如果您是学生,如何利用这些产品。

Register With DreamSpark


Head over to the DreamSpark website (link below) to see all the software available to students.  There’s plenty of stuff here to interest almost everyone, though it does not include Windows 7 or Office.  DreamSpark includes:

前往DreamSpark网站( 下面的链接 ),以查看学生可用的所有软件。 尽管其中不包括Windows 7或Office,但几乎每个人都感兴趣的东西很多。 DreamSpark包括:

  • Visual Studio 2010

    Visual Studio 2010
  • Windows Phone Development tools and free access to the Windows Phone Marketplace

    Windows Phone开发工具和免费访问Windows Phone市场
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

    Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Expression Studio 4

    Expression Studio 4
  • SQL Server 2008

    SQL Server 2008
  • and more!


Select a program that interest you for more info about it.



To start downloading software for free, you’ll first have to verify that you’re a current college student.  Click Sign In beside the program’s box art to get started.

要开始免费下载软件,您首先必须验证您是当前的大学生。 单击该程序的插图旁边的登录以开始使用。

yourcollege.edu email address, as you will enter your college credentials later to verify that you are a student. yourcollege .edu电子邮件地址,因为稍后您将输入大学证书来确认您是学生。

Once you’re signed in, you’ll be redirected to the program’s page you were on previously.  This time, click the Get Verified button.

登录后,您将被重定向到之前所在的程序页面。 这次,单击“ 获取验证”按钮。


This will open a verification form.  Select your country first; DreamSpark is available in most countries around the world, so you’ll most likely be able to find your country no matter where you live.  Next, select to verify as a student.  Finally, choose how you’d like to activate.  The best option for most students would be Get verified through my School, though you can also activate with an ISIC card or an activation code from your school if you’re a high school or home schooled student.

这将打开一个验证表。 首先选择您的国家; DreamSpark在世界上大多数国家/地区都有提供,因此无论您身在何处,您都很可能可以找到您的国家/地区。 接下来,选择以学生身份进行验证。 最后,选择您要如何**。 对于大多数学生来说,最好的选择是通过我的学校进行验证 ,但是如果您是高中或在家上学的学生,也可以使用ISIC卡或学校的**码进行**。

Alternately, if you’re an IT administrator at a school, you could register your school or college with DreamSpark so you can give out Activation codes to your students.  To do this, select Verify as a School and follow the directions.  High Schools and home schooling parents can also register this way, giving their students a head-start with Microsoft’s tools.

或者,如果您是学校的IT管理员,则可以在DreamSpark中注册您的学校或学院,以便向学生提供**码。 为此,请选择“ 验证为学校”,然后按照说明进行操作。 高中和在家接受教育的父母也可以通过这种方式进行注册,从而使学生可以利用Microsoft的工具抢先一步。


If you selected Get verified through my School as a student, you’ll be directed to a page to select your school.  Select your country and state or province, and then choose your school from the list on the right.  Click Continue at the bottom when you’ve selected your college.

如果您选择了“通过我的学校获得认证”作为学生,您将被带到一个页面来选择您的学校。 选择您的国家和州或省,然后从右侧列表中选择您的学校。 选择大学后,点击底部的继续

yourschool.edu email address you have from your college.  Click yourschool .edu电子邮件地址。 完成后,点击 Verify when you’re finished. 验证

That’s all; now you should be fully verified with DreamSpark and ready to start downloading and using free Microsoft software.  If DreamSpark couldn’t automatically verify your information, you may have to wait a few days for them to contact your college and verify you.  Don’t worry, though; if you’re in a standard, accredited college in one of the available countries, you’ll be able to access the software as soon as they verify you.

就这样; 现在,您应该已经通过DreamSpark进行了全面验证,并准备开始下载和使用免费的Microsoft软件。 如果DreamSpark无法自动验证您的信息,则您可能需要等待几天,他们才能与您的大学联系并进行验证。 不过不要担心; 如果您所在的国家/地区位于标准的,认可的大学中,则只要他们验证您的身份,便可以访问该软件。

Downloading DreamSpark Software


Now that you’re verified, you can download any of the available programs.  Select the language you want, and click Download.

现在,您已经通过验证,可以下载任何可用程序。 选择所需的语言,然后单击下载


This will open the Akamai Download manager, which will let you easily pause and resume downloads to make sure you get the whole file downloaded.  Note that many of the downloads are several gigabytes large, so they may take a while to download, depending on your internet connection.

这将打开Akamai下载管理器,该管理器使您可以轻松地暂停和继续下载,以确保下载了整个文件。 请注意,许多下载文件的大小为数GB,因此下载时间可能会长一些,具体取决于您的Internet连接。

How To Burn an ISO Image to Disk.  Alternately, you could 如何将ISO映像刻录到磁盘的教程。 或者,您可以 Mount the ISO Image and install the software without burning a disk.  挂载ISO映像并安装软件而无需刻录磁盘。

If you’d like to try out Server 2008 R2 but don’t have an extra computer to install it on, try running it in the free VMware Player.

如果您想试用Server 2008 R2但又没有安装它的额外计算机,请尝试在免费的VMware Player中运行它。



No matter what your computer interests, DreamSpark offers programs for design, development, IT, and more.  You are not allowed to use these programs to develop or support commercial products, but you can learn them inside and out and develop freeware.  Plus, it allows you to submit real, commercial apps to the Windows Phone app store for free, so you can get a head start on making money with Windows Phone 7 as well.

无论您的计算机感兴趣什么,DreamSpark都能提供用于设计,开发,IT等的程序。 您无权使用这些程序来开发或支持商​​业产品,但是您可以从内而外学习它们并开发免费软件。 此外,它还允许您免费向Windows Phone应用商店免费提交真实的商业应用,因此您也可以利用Windows Phone 7抢先赚钱。

Microsoft DreamSpark


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24768/get-free-student-software-from-microsoft-at-dreamspark/