Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记



Lots of learning tasks require dealing with graph data which contains rich relation information among elements. Modeling physics system, learning molecular fingerprints, predicting protein interface, and classifying diseases require that a model learns from graph inputs. In other domains such as learning from non-structural data like texts and images, reasoning on extracted structures, like the dependency tree of sentences and the scene graph of images, is an important research topic which also needs graph reasoning models. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are connectionist models that capture the dependence of graphs via message passing between the nodes of graphs. Unlike standard neural networks, graph neural networks retain a state that can represent information from its neighborhood with arbitrary depth. Although the primitive GNNs have been found difficult to train for a fixed point, recent advances in network architectures, optimization techniques, and parallel computation have enabled successful learning with them. In recent years, systems based on graph convolutional network (GCN) and gated graph neural network (GGNN) have demonstrated ground-breaking performance on many tasks mentioned above. In this survey, we provide a detailed review over existing graph neural network models, systematically categorize the applications, and propose four open problems for future research.



Graphs are a kind of data structure which models a set of objects (nodes) and their relationships (edges). Recently, researches of analyzing graphs with machine learning have been receiving more and more attention because of the great expressive power of graphs, i.e. graphs can be used as denotation of a large number of systems across various areas including social science (social networks) [1], [2], natural science (physical systems [3], [4] and protein-protein interaction networks [5]), knowledge graphs [6] and many other research areas [7]. As a unique non-Euclidean data structure for machine learning, graph analysis focuses on node classification, link prediction, and clustering. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are deep learning based methods that operate on graph domain. Due to its convincing performance and high interpretability, GNN has been a widely applied graph analysis method recently. In the following paragraphs, we will illustrate the fundamental motivations of graph neural networks.


The first motivation of GNNs roots in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [8]. CNNs have the ability to extract multi-scale localized spatial features and compose them to construct highly expressive representations, which led to breakthroughs in almost all machine learning areas and started the new era of deep learning [9]. However, CNNs can only operate on regular Euclidean data like images (2D grid) and text (1D sequence) while these data structures can be regarded as instances of graphs. As we are going deeper into CNNs and graphs, we found the keys of CNNs: local connection, shared weights and the use of multi-layer [9]. These are also of great importance in solving problems of graph domain, because 1) graphs are the most typical locally connected structure. 2) shared weights reduce the computational cost compared with traditional spectral graph theory [10]. 3) multi-layer structure is the key to deal with hierarchical patterns, which captures the features of various sizes. Therefore, it is straightforward to think of finding the generalization of CNNs to graphs. However, as shown in 1, it is hard to define localized convolutional filters and pooling operators, which hinders the transformation of CNN from Euclidean domain to non-Euclidean domain.


The other motivation comes from graph embedding, which learns to represent graph nodes, edges or subgraphs in low-dimensional vectors. In the field of graph analysis, traditional machine learning approaches usually rely on hand engineered features and are limited by its inflexibility and high cost. Following the idea of representation learning and the success of word embedding [11], DeepWalk [12], which is regarded as the first graph embedding method based on representation learning, applies SkipGram model [11] on the generated random walks. Similar approaches such as node2vec [13], LINE [14] and TADW [15] also achieved breakthroughs. However, these methods suffer two severe drawbacks [16]. First, no parameters are shared between nodes in the encoder, which leads to computationally inefficiency, since it means the number of parameters grows linearly with the number of nodes. Second, the direct embedding methods lack the ability of generalization, which means they cannot deal with dynamic graphs or generalize to new graphs.


Based on CNNs and graph embedding, graph neural networks (GNNs) are proposed to collectively aggregate information from graph structure. Thus they can model input and/or output consisting of elements and their dependency. Further, graph neural network can simultaneously model the diffusion process on the graph with the RNN kernel.


In the following part, we explain the fundamental reasons why graph neural networks are worth investigating. Firstly, the standard neural networks like CNNs and RNNs cannot handle the graph input properly in that they stack the feature of nodes by a specific order. However, there isn t a natural order of nodes in the graph. To present a graph completely, we should traverse all the possible orders as the input of the model like CNNs and RNNs, which is very redundant when computing. To solve this problem, GNNs propagate on each node respectively, ignoring the input order of nodes. In other words, the output of GNNs is invariant for the input order of nodes. Secondly, an edge in a graph represents the information of dependency between two nodes. In the standard neural networks, the dependency information is just regarded as the feature of nodes. However, GNNs can do propagation guided by the graph structure instead of using it as part of features. Generally, GNNs update the hidden state of nodes by a weighted sum of the states of their neighborhood. Thirdly, reasoning is a very important research topic for high-level artificial intelligence and the reasoning process in human brain is almost based on the graph which is extracted from daily experience. The standard neural networks have shown the ability to generate synthetic images and documents by learning the distribution of data while they still cannot learn the reasoning graph from large experimental data. However, GNNs explore to generate the graph from non-structural data like scene pictures and story documents, which can be a powerful neural model for further high-level AI. Recently, it has been proved that an untrained GNN with a simple architecture also perform well [17].


There exist several comprehensive reviews on graph neural networks. [18] gives a formal definition of early graph neural network approaches. And [19] demonstrates the approximation properties and computational capabilities of graph neural networks. [20] proposed a unified framework, MoNet, to generalize CNN architectures to non-Euclidean domains (graphs and manifolds) and the framework could generalize several spectral methods on graphs [2], [21] as well as some models on manifolds [22], [23]. [24] provides a thorough review of geometric deep learning, which presents its problems, difficulties, solutions, applications and future directions. [20] and [24] focus on generalizing convolutions to graphs or manifolds, however in this paper we only focus on problems defined on graphs and we also investigate other mechanisms used in graph neural networks such as gate mechanism, attention mechanism and skip connection. [25] proposed the message passing neural network (MPNN) which could generalize several graph neural network and graph convolutional network approaches. It presents the definition of the message passing neural network and demonstrates its application on quantum chemistry. [26] proposed the non-local neural network (NLNN) which unifies several self-attention -style methods. However, the model is not explicitly defined on graphs in the original paper. Focusing on specific application domains, [25] and [26] only give examples of how to generalize other models using their framework and they do not provide a review over other graph neural network models. [27] proposed the graph network (GN) framework. The framework has a strong capability to generalize other models and its relational inductive biases promote combinatorial generalization, which is thought to be a top priority for AI. However, [27] is part position paper, part review and part unification and it only gives a rough classification of the applications. In this paper, we provide a thorough review of different graph neural network models as well as a systematic taxonomy of the applications.


To summarize, this paper presents an extensive survey of graph neural networks with the following contributions.


We provide a detailed review over existing graph neural network models. We introduce the original model, its variants and several general frameworks. We examine various models in this area and provide a unified representation to present different propagation steps in different models. One can easily make a distinction between different models using our representation by recognizing corresponding aggregators and updaters.


We systematically categorize the applications and divide the applications into structural scenarios, nonstructural scenarios and other scenarios. We present several major applications and their corresponding methods in different scenarios.


We propose four open problems for future research. Graph neural networks suffer from over-smoothing and scaling problems. There are still no effective methods for dealing with dynamic graphs as well as modeling non-structural sensory data.We provide a thorough analysis of each problem and propose future research directions.


The rest of this survey is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we introduce various models in the graph neural network family. We first introduce the original framework and its limitations. And then we present its variants that try to release the limitations. And finally, we introduce several general frameworks proposed recently. In Sec. 3, we will introduce several major applications of graph neural networks applied to structural scenarios, non-structural scenarios and other scenarios. In Sec. 4, we propose four open problems of graph neural networks as well as several future research directions. And finally, we conclude the survey in Sec. 5.



Graph neural networks are useful tools on non-Euclidean structures and there are various methods proposed in the literature trying to improve the model's capability.


In Sec 2.1, we describe the original graph neural networks proposed in [18]. We also list the limitations of the original GNN in representation capability and training efficiency. In Sec 2.2 we introduce several variants of graph neural networks aiming to release the limitations. These variants operate on graphs with different types, utilize different propagation functions and advanced training methods. In Sec 2.3 we present three general frameworks which could generalize and extend several lines of work. In detail, the message passing neural network (MPNN) [25] unifies various graph neural network and graph convolutional network approaches; the non-local neural network (NLNN) [26] unifies several "self-attention" -style methods. And the graph network(GN) [27] could generalize almost every graph neural network variants mentioned in this paper.

在sec2.1中,我们描述了[18]中提出的原始图神经网络。我们还列出了原始GNN在表示能力和训练效率方面的局限性。在Sec 2.2中,我们介绍了几种图神经网络的变体,旨在消除这些限制。这些变体对不同类型的图进行操作,利用不同的传播函数和先进的训练方法。在Sec 2.3中,我们提出了三个通用框架,它们可以概括和扩展几行工作。其中,消息传递神经网络(MPNN)[25]将各种图神经网络和图卷积网络方法相结合;非局部神经网络(NLNN)[26]统一了几种“自我注意”风格的方法。而图网络(GN)[27]几乎可以推广本文所述的所有图神经网络变体。

Before going further into different sections, we give the notations that will be used throughout the paper. The detailed descriptions of the notations could be found in Table 1.


                                           Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

2.1 Graph Neural Networks

在图中,每个节点的定义是由该节点的特征和相关节点来共同表示的。GNN的目标是训练出一个state embedding函数hv,该函数包含了每个节点的领域信息。

         Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

hv是节点v的向量化表示,它可以被用来去预测该节点的输出ov(例如节点的标签)。f(*)被称为local transition function,它被所有的节点共享,并根据输入的领域信息来更新节点的状态。xv是节点v的特征表示,xco[v]是v节点上/边的特征表示,hne[v]是该节点的状态,xne[v] 是节点v周围节点的特征表示。

Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

g(*)被称为local output function,它是用来产生节点的输出的。

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F是全局转换函数,G是全局输出函数,是图中所有节点的f和g的堆栈版本。H的值是Eq. 3的不动点,在F为收缩映射的假设下唯一定义。

Banach的fixed point提出以后,GNN中state的迭代计算过程可以表示如下:

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对于任意初始值H(0),动力系统Eq. 5以指数方式快速收敛到Eq. 3的解。注意,f和g中描述的计算可以解释为前馈神经网络。


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记


    ·状态Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记被公式1迭代更新,直到时间T。它们逼近式3:H(T)≈ H的不动点解。









2.2 图神经网络的变体

在这一小节中,我们介绍了图神经网络的几种变体。Sec 2.2.1侧重于在不同图形类型上操作的变体。这些变体扩展了原始模型的表示能力。Sec 2.2.2列出了在传播步骤上的几个修改(卷积、门机制、注意机制和跳过连接),这些模型可以学习到更高质量的表示。Sec 2.2.3描述了使用高级训练方法的变体,能够提高训练效率。图2概述了图神经网络的不同变体。


(a) Graph Types

Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

(b) Training Methods

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(c) Propagation Steps

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2.2.1 Graph Types





Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

其中Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是父类和子类的标准化邻接矩阵




元路径是定义在网络模式上的链接两类对象的一条路径,形式化定义为Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

表示对象类型之间的一种复合关系Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,其中○代表关系之间的复合算子,Ai表示对象类型,Ri表示关系类型。

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即,作为基变换的线性组合,Vb∈Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记用系数arb表示,以致只有系数依赖于r。


2.2.2 Propagation Types





该操作可以定义为一个信号Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记(每个节点的标量)与一个滤波器Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记的乘积,该滤波器由Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记参数化:

Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

U是归一化后的拉普拉斯图Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记(D 是次数矩阵,A是图的邻接矩阵)的特征向量矩阵及其特征值Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记的对角矩阵

这种操作会导致潜在的密集计算和非空间局部化过滤器。[36]试图通过引入一个光滑系数的参数化使光谱滤波器在空间上局部化。[37]说明Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记可以根据切比雪夫多项式Tk(x)截断扩张近似到k阶。因此这个操作是:

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Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

λmax表示L的最大特征值。Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记现在是切比雪夫系数的向量。切比雪夫多项式被定义为Tk(x)= 2xTk-1(x)-Tk-2(x),其中T0(x)=1,T1(x)=x。


[2]将分层卷积运算限制为K = 1,以缓解节点度分布非常广的图对局部邻域结构的过拟合问题。

进一步逼近λmax= 2,方程简化为:

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有两个*参数Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,在用Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记约束参数个数之后,我们可以得到如下表达式:

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Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

其中,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

最后,[2]将该定义推广到一个带有C输入通道和用于特征映射的F过滤器的信号Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,如下所示:

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其中Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记为滤波器参数矩阵,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记为卷积信号矩阵。





Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

其中Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记为第L层深度为Nv的节点的权值矩阵,该方法的主要缺点是不能应用于节点度较大的大规模图。


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

X是输入特征的一个NxF张量(N是节点数,F是特征数)。P*是一个包含矩阵P的幂级数{P,P^2,...,P^K}的NxKxN张量。P是图的邻接矩阵A的深度归一化转换矩阵。每一个实体都被转换成一个扩散卷积表示,它是一个K x F矩阵,由图在F特征上扩散的K跳定义。然后由KxF权矩阵和非线性**函数f定义,最后H(即NxKxF)表示图中每个节点的扩散表示。


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

这里Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是一个由1组成的Nx1的向量。DCNN也可以应用于边缘分类任务,这需要将边缘转换为节点,并增加邻接矩阵。


欧几里得域,它可以推广前面的几种技术。流形上的测地线CNN (GCNN)[22]和各向异性CNN (ACNN)[23]或图上的GCN[2]和DCNN[21]可以表示为MoNet的具体实例。


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记


       · 平均聚合器。它可以被看作是从转导GCN框架[2]中卷积运算的近似值,因此GCN变量的归纳版本可以被得到:

        Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

        平均聚合器与其他聚合器不同,因为它不执行连接Eq.18中的Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记的连接操作。它可以看作是跳过连接[41]的一种形式,可以获得更好的性能。



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                                                     Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是标准LSTM设置中t时刻的输入向量。

如果一棵树的分支因子最多为k,并且一个节点的所有子节点都是有序的,也就是说,它们可以从1索引到k,那么就可以使用n元树lstm。对于节点V,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记分别表示其第k个子在t时刻的隐藏状态和存储单元。过渡方程如下:

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其中m (v;k)表示节点v与k之间的边标号。




Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

aij是节点j对i的注意系数,Ni表示图中节点i的邻域,该层的节点特征的输入集为Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,hi∈Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,N是节点数量,F是每个节点的特征数,该层生成一组新的节点特性(可能具有不同的基数F'),Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记作为输出。

Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是应用于每个节点的共享线性变换的权矩阵,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是单层前馈神经网络的权向量。它由一个SoftMax函数进行归一化,并应用了非线性LeakyReLU(负输入斜率=0:2)。

然后(在应用非线性特征Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记之后)可以获得每个节点的最终输出特征:

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Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是由第k个注意机制计算的归一化注意系数。


残差连接Skip connection




Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记


[58]研究邻域聚合方案的性质及其局限性。提出了一种学习自适应结构感知表示的跳跃知识网络。跳变知识网络从最后一层节点的所有中间表示(跳变到最后一层)中进行选择,使模型根据需要对每个节点的有效邻域大小进行调整。在实验中,[58]使用了连接、最大池和LSTM-attention三种方法来聚合信息。跳跃知识网络在社会、生物信息学和引文网络等领域的实验中表现良好。它还可以与Graph Convolutional Networks、GraphSAGE和Graph Attention Networks等模型相结合,提高性能。


2.2.3 Training Methods




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2.3 General Frameworks


2.3.1 Message Passing Neural Networks



利用消息Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,隐藏状态Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记的更新函数如下:

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2.3.2 Non-local Neural Networks



Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

其中i是输出位置的索引,j是枚举所有可能位置的索引。Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记计算i和j之间的标量,表示它们之间的关系。g(hj)表示输入hj的一个变换,利用因子Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记对结果进行归一化。

有几个实例设置不同的f和g。为简单起见,[26]使用线性变换作为函数g,这意味着Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,其中Wg是一个学习权矩阵。下面我们列出函数f的选项。


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

在这里,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是点积相似,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

可以发现,[52]中提出的自我注意是嵌入式高斯版本的一个特例。对于给定的i, Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记成为沿j维的softmax计算。

所以h' = Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记,这与[52]中的自我注意形式相匹配。


Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记

这里因子C(h) = N,其中N是h中的位置数。


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其中wf是一个权向量,将向量投影到标量上,C(h) = N。


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其中Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记在Eq.34中给出,"Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记"表示剩余连接[55]。因此,非局部块可以插入到任何预先训练的模型中,这使得块更适用。

2.3.3 Graph Networks


图的定义。在[27]中,图被定义为一个三元组G = (u,H,E)(这里我们用H代替V来表示符号的一致性)。u是一个全局属性,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是一组节点(基数为Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记),其中每个Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记都是一个节点的属性。Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记是边的集合(基数Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记),其中每个ek是边的s属性,rk是接收节点的索引,sk是发送节点的索引。


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在这里,Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications学习笔记





















[1] https://blog.****.net/swy520/article/details/78962895