Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

Use Expressions

  • Nov 26, 2019
  • 2 min to read

Use expressions to retrieve and format datacreate calculated fields and calculate summariesconditionally shape data and change a report control's appearance.

#Expression Syntax

An expression is a string that is parsed and processed to evaluate a value. Expressions consist of field names, constants, operators, and functions. Field names are wrapped in square brackets.

"[Quantity] * [UnitPrice] * (1 - [BonusAmount])"

"[FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName]"

"[Country] == 'USA'"

"[OrderDate] > #8/16/1994# AND [Quantity] > 20"

You can use operators, functions, and constants in your expressions.

Refer to the CustomFunctions class description for information on how to implement custom expression functions in reporting applications.

#Expression Editor

The Report Designer's Expression Editor provides functions, operators, data source fields, report elements, constants, and variables to construct expressions.

Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

The Expression Editor highlights an expression's syntax and supports intelligent code completion (it suggests functions and available data elements as you type).

Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)转存失败重新上传取消Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

The Expression Editor displays all the errors it finds in the specified expression.

Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

#FilterString Editor

The Report Designer's FilterString Editor allows you to specify the FilterString property of a report, XRCrossTab, or XRChart's Series.

The FilterString Editor provides a visual interface where you can use an unlimited number of conditions and combine them with logical operators to create filter criteria. You can also switch to the Text mode and type a filter string.

Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

The FilterString Editor highlights an expression's syntax and supports intelligent code completion (it suggests functions and available data elements as you type).

Use Expressions and Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

Shape Data (Expression Bindings)

  • Apr 19, 2019

Tutorials in this section describe how to shape and display report data.


See Data Binding Modes for more information about the available bind modes.

See Shaping Data (Legacy Data Bindings) for alternative ways to shape report data.

The following tutorials are available: