Below are the step by step instructions for configuring Eclipse IDE with the eclipse4SL plugin package
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
Select the "Available Software" tab and click the "Add Site..." button.
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
In the Add Site dialog, fill in the Location with, which corresponds to the eclipse4SL Web update site. Then click OK. If you encounter an error, it may be because you forgot the latest “/” in the URL or because you’ve got firewall restrictions. In the latter case, proceed with the Offline Installation procedure.
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
Select the Eclipse Tools for Microsoft Silverlight entry and click Install button. Please see below screenshot.
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
In the next dialog, check the Eclipse Tools for Microsoft Silverlight, click Next button.
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
Then read carefully the license agreement. If you accept all conditions, select I accept... option and click Finish button.
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
Now, restart your Eclipse for the changes to take effect.
To check the plugin installation is successful, you can select Help->About Eclipse SDK. In the dialog box you will see a new icon with the eclipse4SL logo, next to the Eclipse Icon. .
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
When you click on the eclipse4SL icon, you should see the picture like below. Click OK to finish
Ellipse4SL for Silverlighter安装步骤
eclipse4SL installation
You’ve got 2 options to install the Eclipse Tools for Silverlight : Eclipse Update or Offline installation.
The Eclipse Update wizard consists in an online installation. You can use this solution if your machine is correctly connected to the Internet. The installation is pretty straightforward and it doesn't require deep knowledges of the Eclipse environment. The Eclipse update wizard finds and installs all the required plugins.
The offline installation is used when your machine is not connected to the Internet or in caes there is a firewall that prevents to access the Eclipse update infrastructure. You will be asked to download all required plugins beforehand.
To install eclipse4SL, open Eclipse, select Help->Software Updates....
Download: (will be released towards the end of October 2008)
Unzip and copy it into the folder where your Eclipse is installed, not in Eclipse folder. All plugins and features must install under the plugins and features folder in eclipse respectively.