Gilbert Strang-Linear Algebra-Orthogonality


Orthogonality of the four spaces

Def.1 Orthognality:
Two subspaces V and W of a vector space are Orthogonal if every vector vv is perpendicular to every vector ww in WW.
Orthogonal subspaces

for all vv in VV and ww in WW.

The surface of the floor and the wall is perpendicular, but these two spaces are not orthogonal, since we can still find two vectors in each space that are not perpendicular.
Null space and Row Space are orthogonal
If xxN(A), then we have Axx=0.


Inner product of xx and the matrix A equals 0. Similiarly we can prove that Row space and left null space are orthogonal.

Orthognal Complemen

Row space and Null space split RnRn into two orthogonal subspaces. For example for matrix A=[1252410], dim(C(AT))=1, and [125] is its basis. Its Null space span a 2 dimensional surface that is perpendicular to the vector [125]

Def.2 Orthogonal Complement:
The Orthogonal complement of a subspace VV contains every vector that is perpendicular to VV,whichis denoted by VV.

  Gilbert Strang-Linear Algebra-Orthogonality
N(A) is the orthogonal complement of the Row Space C(AT).(in Rn)
N(AT) is the orthogonal complement of the Comlumn Space C(A) (in Rm)


Question: How to solve and un-solvable formula Ax=b
When the matrix A is rectangular, m>n, as there are multitude number on the left side of the formula, there is a large likely that some “bad” data are mixed in, making the formula unsolvable. What linear algebra does is to find the “best solution” in such circumstance. The matrix ATA plays an important role.


where ATA is invertible. However it is not always invertible. Invertibility requires row vectors of A are linear independent. The core of this chapter is to solve ATAx^=ATb to find the best solution.
E.g.A=aa,b=bb, find solution of Ax=b where a,ba,b are independent.

Gilbert Strang-Linear Algebra-Orthogonality
The best solution in this case is Ax=p, where p is the projection of b on A. Since ae, then we can get the equation that:

Projection Matrix

Let us describe the problem in projection matrix, which is p=Pb, where P is the projection matrix. Since


Therefore, when Ax=b is unsolvable, we can
Firstly, project b onto A using projection matrix P and get p=Pb;
Secondly, solve Ax^=p to find the best solution.

High dimentional projection

In R3R3

Gilbert Strang-Linear Algebra-Orthogonality

If row vector a1,a2a1,a2 make a set of base, then the surface is the row space of the matrix A=[a1a1a2a2]. It is known that the vector pp is in the surface, then we have:
Set ee as the deviation from b by p, then
which is orthogonal to A and its column space (eeN(AT)). Then we have:
P=A(ATA)1AT(projection matrix)

Least Square Approximation

Find the best solution for an equation using Projection Matrix. For example,if we want fit 3 point with a straight line:
3 points:(1,1),(2,2),(3,2)
Curve equationLb=C+Dt
In the matrix form we have :



Def. Orthonormal: if the colomn vectors of a matrix are unit vector that are perpendicular to each other, then they(the vectors) are linear independent and orthonormal.
Def. Orthogonal Matrix if the column vectors of a square matrix are orthonormal, then the square matrix itself is orthonormal matrix.
Feature: the inner product of orthonormal with itsel is identity matrix. Say Q is orthonormal matrix


*Note:this feature also applies to the situation where the Q is not a square


  1. Gilbert, Strang. Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Edition[M]. MA 02482 US:Wellsley-Cambridge Press, 2009.
  2. ls317842927. 线性代数学习笔记4 [EB/OL]. http://blog.****.net/ls317842927/article/details/53309746.
  3. MIT-线性代数笔记(上)[EB/OL].