khan - linear algebra - null & column space

Introduction to the null space of a matrix


To prove the set of the solutions of xx can be a subspace.

  1. When x=0x = 0, it works.
  2. Fine two solutions of xx, v1v_1 and v2v_2, they satisfy
    Av1=0Av_1 = 0
    Av2=0Av_2 = 0
    A(v1+v2)=0A(v_1+v_2)=0 and A(cv1)=0,A(cv2)=0A(cv_1) = 0, A(cv_2) = 0

So the null space is a valid subspace.

Calculating the null space of a matrix



khan - linear algebra - null & column space

Relation to linear independence

The column vectors of matrix AA are linearly independent if and only if the null space of matrix AA only contains 0.

Column space of a matrix

Ax=bAx = b has no solution, then bb is not in the column space of AA.
If Ax=bAx=b has at least one solution, then bb is in the column space of AA.

Null space and column space basis

Visualizing a column space as a plane in R3

Proof: Any subspace basis has same number of elements

If set AA, the basis of VV has nn entries, then we suppose a set of mm vectors B(m<n)B(m<n), we can replace at least one entry in BB with an entry in AA one time, and do ti mm times, BB becomes a set of m entries in AA, and basis in AA are independent, so m>nm>n.
So, if CC(m elements) and DD(n elements) are both basis of a same subspace, then m>=nm>=n, also n>=mn >= m.

Dimension of a subspace = # of elements in a basis for the subspace.

Dimension of the null space or nullity

nullity: Dimension of a null pace = # of free variables.
rank: Dimension of the column space = linearly independent column vectors.

Showing relation between basis cols and pivot cols

If the pivot columns of rref of AA are linearly independent, then the null space of rrefAA only contains 0.
We know that N(A)=N(rref(A))N(A)=N(rref(A)) since row elementary operation didn’t change the solutions of matrix equation.
So the null space of AA only contains 0.
So the pivot columns of AA are linearly independent.

Showing that the candidate basis does span C(A)

Since N(A)=N(rrefA)N(A) = N(rrefA)
A[x1x2x3x4x5]=0          rref(A)[x1x2x3x4x5]=0 A\left[\begin{matrix}x_1\\x_2\\x_3\\x_4\\x_5\end{matrix}\right] = 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rref(A)\left[\begin{matrix}x_1\\x_2\\x_3\\x_4\\x_5\end{matrix}\right] = 0 x1a1+x2a2+x3a3+x4a4+x5a5=0(1) x_1\vec{a_1} + x_2\vec{a_2}+x_3\vec{a_3}+x_4\vec{a_4}+x_5\vec{a_5}=0\tag1

x1r1+x2r2+x3r3+x4ra4+x5r5=0(2) x_1\vec{r_1} + x_2\vec{r_2}+x_3\vec{r_3}+x_4\vec{ra_4}+x_5\vec{r_5}=0 \tag 2

Since x3x_3 and x5x_5 are free variables in equation (2)(2), x3x_3 and x5x_5 are also free variables in equation (1)(1), so column 3 and column 5 in AA can also be represented by other columns in AA.
So column 1, column 2 and column 4 in AA can span the column space of AA.
Besides, we have proved that column 1, column 2 and column 4 in AA are independent.
So the corresponding columns of the basis columns in rref(A)rref(A) are the basis columns of AA.