android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...

android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...


android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...

As great as Google Assistant is, it’s not always the best at pronouncing people’s names. Fortunately, you can add phonetic names to improve voice recognition.

尽管与Google助手一样出色,但发音人的名字并不总是最好的。 幸运的是,您可以添加语音名称来改善语音识别。

Google Assistant’s mispronunciation of names can be frustrating when trying to send text messages or make calls using your voice—especially if the person has a unique name (or even a unique spelling of a more common name). We’re going to show you how to add phonetic names on both the stock Contacts app on the Pixel (which is available for download in the Google Play store) and on Samsung Galaxy devices if you don’t want to install another app.

当您尝试使用您的语音发送短信或拨打电话时,Google Assistant的名称错误会令人沮丧(尤其是当此人具有唯一名称(甚至是更常见名称的唯一拼写)时)。 如果您不想安装其他应用程序,我们将向您展示如何在Pixel的股票“联系人”应用程序(可在Google Play商店下载)和Samsung Galaxy设备上添加语音名称。

To add a phonetic name, first open the Contacts app.


From there, open the contact for which you’d like to add a phonetic name to, and then edit the contact. In the Google Contacts app (on the left, below), tap the pencil in the bottom corner. In the Galaxy contact app (on the right, below), tap “Edit” in the top right.

在此处,打开您要为其添加语音名称的联系人,然后编辑该联系人。 在Google通讯录应用(位于左侧,下方)中,点击底角的铅笔。 在Galaxy联系人应用程序(在右侧,下方)中,点击右上方的“编辑”。

android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...
android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...

In either app, scroll to the very bottom—you’re looking for “More Fields” or “View More” options.


android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...
android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...

This brings up a slew of other contact options, including the “Phonetic Name” setting In the Google Contacts app (left, below), it’s directly under the person’s actual name. In the Galaxy Contacts app (right, below), it’s at the bottom of the list.

这带来了许多其他联系人选项,包括“联系人姓名”设置。在Google通讯录应用程序(左下方)中,它直接位于该人的真实姓名下。 在“ Galaxy联系人”应用程序(右下方)中,它位于列表的底部。

android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...
android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...

From there, just add the contact’s name as it’s pronounced—for example, my oldest son’s name is spelled “Aeiden,” but pronounced like “Aiden.” Google Assistant pronounces it “Aye-ee-den,” and doesn’t recognize “Aye-den” as a contact. Adding “Aiden” under the phonetic section fixes this issue.

在此处,只需添加联系人的名字即可,例如,我大儿子的名字拼写为“ Aeiden”,但发音类似“ Aiden”。 Google助理将其发音为“ Aye-ee-den”,并且不将“ Aye-den”识别为联系人。 在语音部分下添加“ Aiden”可解决此问题。

android中为啥序列化_如何在Android中为联系人添加语音名称(以便Google Assistant可以理解您)...

If your contact has a name that doesn’t have an alternate spelling, just spell it out the way you think it should sound. For example, if you have a contact who’s name is Cheyenne, you could try the spelling “Shyenne” or even “Shy en.” You might have to play with the spelling a little bit to get it sounding how you want.

如果您的联系人的姓名没有其他拼写,请按照您认为的发音将其拼写出来。 例如,如果您有一个名为Cheyenne的联系人,则可以尝试使用拼写“ Shyenne”甚至“ Shy en”。 您可能需要稍微拼一下才能让它听起来像您想要的。

