



We have already shown you how to clean your keyboard without breaking it, but did you know your smartphone can be just as dirty and covered with bacteria? Here is how to properly clean your smartphone.

我们已经向您展示了如何清洁键盘而不损坏键盘 ,但是您是否知道智能手机可能同样肮脏并且被细菌覆盖? 这是正确清洁智能手机的方法。

Cell Phones have been repeatedly found to be one of the most disgusting things we regularly touch. In many tests, cell phones have tested to contain more germs than a toilet seat. Can you hear me now? You don’t want to put your head on a toilet seat. If you are going to reach out and touch someone your phone, make sure you rethink possibilities and clean your smartphone the right way.

手机已经被反复发现是我们经常碰到的最恶心的东西之一。 在许多测试中,手机经测试比马桶座中含有更多的细菌。 你能听到我吗? 您不想将头放在马桶座圈上。 如果您要伸出手去触摸 某人 您的手机,请确保您重新考虑各种可能性,并以正确的方式清洁智能手机。


Created by Oatmeal


您需要的工具 (Tools You’ll need)


To get started you will need to collect a few supplies:


  • Lint free microfiber cloth – You should be able to pick up a microfiber cloth from an eyeglass store or pharmacy if you don’t have one. Many computers and mobile devices come with one for free, so make sure you check your box before throwing it out.

    无绒超细纤维布 –如果没有,您应该可以从眼镜店或药房拿起超细纤维布。 许多计算机和移动设备都是免费提供的,因此请确保在丢弃前检查一下盒子。

  • Cotton swabs – We recommend either wood shafted cotton swabs or Q-tips branded cotton swabs because the shafts won’t be as flimsy as the cheap off brands.

    棉签 –我们建议使用木柄棉签或Q-tips品牌的棉签,因为棉签不会像便宜品牌的那样脆弱。

  • Distilled water – This is for cleaning your screen and camera lens. We recommend you get distilled water because it won’t have the chemicals of tap water and won’t leave a film if it drys.

    蒸馏水 –用于清洁屏幕和摄像机镜头。 我们建议您使用蒸馏水,因为它没有自来水的化学物质,而且干后也不会留下薄膜。

  • Rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol – This is for cleaning your keypad and hard plastic.

    擦拭(异丙醇) –这是为了清洁键盘和硬质塑料。

Household chemicals and disinfectants are too harsh for most smartphones. Make sure you don’t use window cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, ajax, CLR, or abrasives. These cleaners are guaranteed to stain your phone or remove the finish.

家用化学药品和消毒剂对于大多数智能手机而言过于苛刻。 确保不要使用窗户清洁剂,喷雾剂,溶剂,氨水,ajax,CLR或研磨剂。 这些清洁剂保证会弄脏您的手机或去除表面处理。


清洁手机 (Cleaning Your Phone)

Start by turning off your phone by holding the power button or finding an option in the phone to turn off or swap the battery.



You should also remove any case or cover on your phone if you use one.



If you have the ability, remove your battery from the phone prior to cleaning.



Be careful when removing a screen protector because the peeling action can cause cracks to spread. If you have major screen cracks it is recommended you leave the screen protector on because it will help keep moisture out of the phone and hold the screen together until you can buy a replacement.

卸下屏幕保护膜时请小心,因为剥离作用可能导致裂纹扩散。 如果屏幕破裂较大,建议您打开屏幕保护膜,因为它将有助于防止手机沾湿,并将屏幕保持在一起,直到您购买新的屏幕保护膜为止。


If you have a keyboard or keypad start cleaning it with a cotton swab dipped in diluted rubbing alcohol. Be careful not to rub too hard and not to get any rubbing alcohol inside the phone or under the keyboard.

如果您有键盘或小键盘,请用蘸有稀乙醇的棉签开始清洁。 请注意不要用力摩擦,也不要在手机内部或键盘下方吸收任何酒精。


Next move to the rest of the phone plastics. For large areas like the battery cover it is fine to use rubbing alcohol. Use light pressure when cleaning plastic so you don’t remove any rubber coating or clear finish.

下一步移动到电话的其余部分。 对于电池盖等较大的区域,最好使用酒精擦拭。 清洁塑料时请轻压,以免去除任何橡胶涂层或表面光洁度。

If you have metal trim on your phone, use a water dampened cotton swab instead of rubbing alcohol.



Once the outside is clean, use a dry cotton swab to clean out any dust under the battery cover. If you have any stubborn areas under the battery cover, use a very small amount of distilled water to clean it. Immediately dry any parts you clean with water so nothing gets inside the phone.

外部清洁后,请使用干燥的棉签清除电池盖下的灰尘。 如果电池盖下有任何顽固区域,请使用少量蒸馏水进行清洁。 立即用水清洗所有零件,以免任何东西进入手机。


Dampen a cotton swab with water and clean your camera lens and flash using a spinning motion. Once the lens is clean quickly dry it with the other side of the cotton swab so that water doesn’t dry on the lens.

用水蘸湿棉签,然后清洁相机镜头并以旋转的方式闪光。 清洁镜头后,请立即用棉签的另一面将其擦干,以免水在镜头上变干。


Now that the major portions of the phone have been cleaned, flip the screen over and dampen your lint free microfiber cloth. You don’t want the cloth dripping wet; the dampness will help remove crusted on streaks.

既然已经清洁了手机的主要部分,请翻转屏幕,然后蘸湿不起毛的超细纤维布。 你不希望布弄湿。 潮湿会帮助去除结皮上的结cru。

Clean the screen in single strokes from the ear piece down to the microphone. This motion will keep from spreading dirt into your ear piece. Don’t use circular motions because this can cause circular scratches.

从听筒到麦克风一键清洁屏幕。 此动作将防止污垢扩散到您的听筒中。 不要做圆周运动,因为这会引起划痕。

Be very careful if you have a cracked screen because removing a screen protector or wiping the screen with pressure can cause the ***** to spread. You may also want to forgo the damp cloth and just use a dry one to prevent any moisture from getting under the screen.

如果屏幕破裂,请格外小心,因为卸下屏幕保护膜或用力擦拭屏幕可能会导致裂缝扩散。 您可能还希望放弃湿布,而只使用一块干布以防止水分进入屏幕下方。

Some low end and older phones have plastic screens which can easily scratch. Make sure you use light pressure when cleaning your screen to stop scratches from forming. Most new Android phones and iPhones have hardened glass screens which won’t scratch as easily.

一些低端和较旧的手机带有塑料屏幕,很容易刮擦。 清洁屏幕时,请确保轻压以防止划痕形成。 大多数新的Android手机和iPhone都有坚固的玻璃屏幕,难以刮擦。


If you removed your screen protector, follow the directions that came with the protector to apply a new one after cleaning.


If you have an iPhone 4, remember that the front and back are made of glass so clean both sides the same way.

如果您使用的是iPhone 4,请记住正面和背面均由玻璃制成,因此以相同的方式清洁两侧。

The iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, Google Nexus S, and quite a few other phones have an oleophobic (literally meaning “fear of oil”) coating which repels oil from your hands and face. This coating will wear over time so make sure you don’t rub too hard or use rubbing alcohol or you might speed up the wear process.

iPhone 3GS,iPhone 4,iPad,Google Nexus S和许多其他手机都具有疏油涂层(字面意思是“怕油”)涂层,可以从您的手和脸上驱除油脂。 该涂层会随着时间的流逝而磨损,因此请确保您不要用力摩擦或使用酒精,否则可能会加速磨损过程。

Give the phone a few minutes to dry, then re-assemble and turn it back on. You should now have a clean phone without those nasty germs.

给手机几分钟以使其干燥,然后重新组装并重新打开。 您现在应该拥有一个干净的电话,并且没有那些讨厌的细菌。


清理你的箱子 (Clean Your Case)

If you use a plastic phone cover/case use diluted rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs to clean the inside and outside.


Let the case air dry before putting it back on the phone.



If you use a leather case or pouch you can use leather cleaner designed to clean and moisturize leather. The cleaner can be purchased at many automotive, online, and discount stores. You will want to follow the specific directions on the leather cleaner to make sure your leather is clean and conditioned.

如果使用皮套或小袋,可以使用旨在清洁和保湿皮革的皮革清洁剂。 可以在许多汽车,在线和折扣商店购买清洁剂。 您将需要按照皮革清洁剂上的特定说明进行操作,以确保皮革清洁和调理。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/66827/how-to-clean-your-smartphone/
