skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

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skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景
Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock Rocketclips,Inc./快门

Skype now offers custom backgrounds. Rather than show everyone your office, you can choose any backdrop image you like. Skype will automatically detect and replace the background behind you with the image while you’re video chatting, just like Zoom can.

Skype现在提供自定义背景。 您可以选择自己喜欢的任何背景图像,而不是向所有人显示您的办公室。 与视频聊天一样,Skype会在视频聊天时自动检测并用图像替换您背后的背景。

如何在Skype通话中自定义或模糊背景 (How to Customize or Blur Your Background During a Skype Call)

First, make sure that you have the latest version of the Skype desktop client downloaded and installed on your Windows PC or Mac. Don’t use the Windows 10 Store version, which doesn’t have this feature for some reason. Some older versions of Skype support background blurring, but not custom backgrounds.

首先,请确保您已下载最新版本的Skype桌面客户端并将其安装在Windows PC或Mac上。 请勿使用Windows 10商店版本,由于某些原因,该版本不具有此功能。 某些旧版本的Skype支持背景模糊,但不支持自定义背景。

To blur your background during a Skype video session, hover your mouse over the “Turn Video Off Button.” Click “Choose Background Effect.”

要在Skype视频会话中模糊背景,请将鼠标悬停在“关闭视频按钮”上。 点击“选择背景效果”。

skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

Select the “Blur” option, and the call you’re on will automatically have its background blurred.


skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

Choose the “Add Image” option, and you can select any image file that is on your local hard drive. Your background will automatically update for the call that you’re currently having. To delete a background image that you’ve uploaded, click the small white X in the top-right corner of that image.

选择“添加图像”选项,然后可以选择本地硬盘驱动器上的任何图像文件。 您当前通话的背景将自动更新。 要删除您上传的背景图片,请点击该图片右上角的白色小X。

skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

如何自定义或模糊所有Skype视频通话的背景 (How to Customize or Blur Your Background for All Skype Video Calls)

You can set a default background effect for all of your Skype video calls. Start by clicking on your profile picture in Skype window and selecting “Settings.”

您可以为所有Skype视频通话设置默认背景效果。 首先在Skype窗口中单击您的个人资料图片,然后选择“设置”。

skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

Choose the “Audio & Video” tab. From this menu, you can select “Blur” to blur all calls or click “Add Image” to create a custom background from a picture file on your local hard drive. You can also select an existing custom background you’ve already uploaded.

选择“音频和视频”标签。 在此菜单中,您可以选择“模糊”以模糊所有呼叫,或单击“添加图像”以从本地硬盘驱动器上的图片文件创建自定义背景。 您还可以选择已经上传的现有自定义背景。

skype 加密通话_如何更改您的Skype视频通话背景

Whether it’s silly or serious, with your family or your colleagues, adding a custom background or blurring it entirely can make Skype video calls more enjoyable and more effective.



skype 加密通话