


Silverblackstock/Shutterstock 银黑枪/快门枪

When you make a video call over Skype, you’re inviting people to look in your home. Letting mom see your disgusting kitchen isn’t a big deal, but what happens when a co-worker or a potential employer sees your surroundings?

通过Skype进行视频通话时,是在邀请人们在您家中看。 让妈妈看到您的恶心厨房并不重要,但是当同事或潜在雇主看到您周围的环境时会发生什么?

Remember a few years ago when a professor’s toddler interrupted his important BBC interview? When the video went viral, people started to ask questions. We can’t always control the environment that we’re Skyping in, especially when a call happens on short notice. Why isn’t there a way for Skype to hide your environment?

还记得几年前一位教授的蹒跚学步中断他重要的BBC采访吗? 当视频传播开来时,人们开始提出问题。 我们无法始终控制要进入Skyping的环境,特别是当呼叫在短时间内发生时。 为什么Skype无法隐藏环境?

Well, Microsoft has taken this as an opportunity to improve Skype. The software now has a background blur feature that can effectively erase your environment from any video call—basically, it’s portrait mode for video calls. A lot of webcam masks and tricks look kind of tacky, but Skype’s new background blur feature genuinely looks great. It uses AI to detect the tiny features of your face and body, including every strand of your hair.

好吧,Microsoft已经以此为契机来改进Skype。 该软件现在具有背景模糊功能,可以有效地从任何视频通话中删除您的环境-基本上,它是视频通话的纵向模式。 许多网络摄像头遮罩和技巧看起来有点俗气,但Skype的新背景模糊功能确实看起来很棒。 它使用AI来检测脸部和身体的细微特征,包括头发的每一缕。

Note: This feature is only available on the desktop version of Skype; it doesn’t work on the mobile versions of the app.

注意:此功能仅在桌面版Skype上可用; 它不适用于该应用程序的移动版本。

如何使用背景模糊 (How to Use Background Blur)

Using background blur is very easy, it only takes about two clicks. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that you’re using the latest version of Skype, otherwise this won’t work.

使用背景模糊非常容易,只需单击两次即可。 当然,您需要确保使用的是最新版本的Skype ,否则将无法使用。

First, start a video call with someone. Three icons will show up at the bottom of the video call. The first icon is for “Microphone Settings,” the second is for “Video Settings,” and the third is an “End Call” button. Go ahead and click the “Video Settings” icon.

首先,与某人进行视频通话。 视频通话的底部将显示三个图标。 第一个图标用于“麦克风设置”,第二个图标用于“视频设置”,第三个图标用于“结束通话”按钮。 继续并单击“视频设置”图标。


After you click the “Video” icon, a small “Video Settings” menu will appear. If you’re using the latest version of Skype, a “Blur my background” option should appear toward the bottom of the “Video Settings” menu, and it will look a bit like the below picture.

单击“视频”图标后,将出现一个小的“视频设置”菜单。 如果您使用的是最新版本的Skype,则“视频设置”菜单的底部应显示一个“模糊我的背景”选项,其外观类似于下图。


You can use this button to toggle background blur on or off at any time. Maybe you should practice turning the background blur on as fast as you can, just in case you find yourself in a scramble the next time you get a video call. Or, you know, just leave it on.

您可以使用此按钮随时打开或关闭背景模糊。 也许您应该练习尽快打开背景模糊功能,以防万一您下次遇到视频通话时陷入混乱。 或者,您知道吗,只需将其保留。

