MCM/ICM:Judging Results and Designations——What are the differences between the designations?


此篇博客用来介绍美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)最后的评判结果(Final Designation: )的名称和理由。


  • The team’s report was found to be in violation of the contest rules.
  • 取消比赛资格-该队的报告被发现违反了比赛规则。

Disqualified – Plagiarism:

  • The solution paper had undocumented sources, verbatim text, or information lifted from the Internet, and/or was very similar to other papers submitted as determined by judges and/or our pairwise comparison software. All information, ideas, data, algorithms, etc. from outside sources used by team members must have the original source documented and properly referenced. Our pairwise comparison software identifies papers and/or parts of papers as similar to, or exactly the same as, other papers submitted.
  • 解决方案的论文有未注册的来源,逐字的文本,或从互联网上提取的信息,和/或非常相似的其他论文提交的法官和/或我们的两两比较软件。团队成员使用的所有外部来源的信息、想法、数据、算法等都必须有原始来源的文档记录和适当的引用。我们的两两比较软件识别论文和/或部分论文与其他论文相似,或完全相同。

Disqualified – Web:

  • COMAP identified the solution paper, or portions of the solution paper as shared or posted, or a team member (or members) were found to have received assistance through interactive web sites or electronic media. Posting or sharing all, or any part of the problem statement, your solution, or partial solution anywhere during the contest weekend is strictly prohibited. Obtaining all, or any part, of anyone else’s solution is also prohibited. Contest rules prohibit seeking assistance outside of team members or obtaining help from human sources–in person or via any medium. COMAP continually monitors the Internet during the contest period.
  • COMAP将解决方案文件或部分解决方案文件标识为共享的或发布的,或者发现某个团队成员(或多个成员)通过交互式web站点或电子媒体获得了帮助。在比赛周末期间张贴或分享所有或任何部分的问题陈述,您的解决方案,或部分解决方案是严格禁止的。也禁止获取任何其他人的全部或部分解决方案。竞赛规则禁止向团队成员以外的人寻求帮助,或通过任何媒介寻求人的帮助。COMAP在比赛期间持续监控互联网。

- Disqualified

Unsuccessful Participant

  • The team’s report did not adequately respond to the requirements of the contest problem or a team (or team member) was found to have visited Internet sites discussing the contest problem during the contest period.
  • 该队的报告没有充分回应竞赛问题的要求,或发现某队(或该队成员)在竞赛期间访问了讨论竞赛问题的互联网站点。

Unsuccessful Participant – Web:

  • A team member (or members) visited websites or social media where contest problems were being openly discussed. Contest rules prohibit seeking assistance outside of team members or obtaining help from human sources–in person or via any medium. COMAP is continually monitoring the Internet during the contest period to include websites and social media where contest solutions are being openly discussed.
  • 一个团队成员(或多个成员)访问了公开讨论竞赛问题的网站或社交媒体。竞赛规则禁止向团队成员以外的人寻求帮助,或通过任何媒介寻求人的帮助。COMAP在比赛期间持续监控互联网,包括公开讨论竞赛解决方案的网站和社交媒体。

Unsuccessful Participant – Incomplete:

  • The solution paper was found to be significantly incomplete and did not show any serious effort in adequately responding to the contest problem or its requirements.
  • 解决方案的论文被发现是明显不完整的,没有显示出任何认真的努力,充分地回应竞赛问题或其要求。

- Unsuccessful Participant

Successful Participant

  • The team made a concerted effort to respond to the contest problem and submit a solution report. The report, however, had incomplete responses to all or some requirements, and/or showed some deficiencies or weakness in the modeling processes, analysis, conclusions, and/or communication.
  • 团队齐心协力地解决竞赛问题并提交解决方案报告。然而,该报告对所有或部分需求的响应不完整,并且/或在建模过程、分析、结论和/或沟通方面显示出一些缺陷或弱点。

- Successful Participant

Honorable Mention

  • he team’s solution report indicated an above average effort in addressing all problem requirements, and contained elements that were judged to show sound and supported processes in modeling and problem solving, analysis, conclusions, and communication of results.
  • 团队的解决方案报告指出了在处理所有问题需求方面的一种高于平均水平的努力,并且包含了被判断为在建模和问题解决、分析、结论和结果交流方面显示可靠和受支持的过程的元素。
    - Honorable Mention


  • The team’s solution report was excellent in many aspects of modeling and problem solving, analysis, conclusions, and communication. The report addressed all requirements in a clear, well-supported, well-organized, and well-presented manner.
  • 团队的解决方案报告在建模和问题解决、分析、结论和沟通的许多方面都很出色。该报告以一种清晰的、得到充分支持的、组织良好的和呈现良好的方式处理了所有的需求。

- Meritorious


  • The designation Finalist recognizes teams whose solution reports are exemplary and therefore reached the final round of judging. These papers present complete and logical analysis in an organized and clear presentation above and beyond simply addressing the requirements. These papers are easy to read, easy to follow, logical, and comprehensive. Finalist papers are among the best of all team submissions.
  • 入围决赛的队伍所提交的解决方案报告堪称典范,因此进入最后一轮评审。这些论文以一种有组织的、清晰的方式进行了完整的逻辑分析,而不仅仅是简单地满足需求。这些论文易于阅读,易于理解,逻辑性强,内容全面。入围论文是所有参赛作品中最好的。

- Finalist

Outstanding Winner

  • he designation Outstanding recognizes teams whose solution reports are determined, in the final round of judging, to be the “best of the best.” These teams’ reports are at the highest level relative to the contest submissions in terms of exemplary student work in modeling and problem solving, analysis, and communication. COMAP may publish and use all or part of these submissions as examples of outstanding student work.
  • 在最后一轮的评审中,优秀团队的解决方案报告被确定为“最佳中的最佳”。“这些团队的报告在建模、问题解决、分析和交流方面的模范学生工作方面,与竞赛提交的报告相比处于最高水平。COMAP可能会发布并使用所有或部分提交的作品作为优秀学生作品的范例。

- Outstanding Winner


MCM/ICM:Judging Results and Designations——What are the differences between the designations?
MCM/ICM:Judging Results and Designations——What are the differences between the designations?