一次完整的抓包分析 Reserved TCP/IP Port List



一次完整的抓包分析 Reserved TCP/IP Port List


Reserved TCP/IP Port List

This is an complete list of the TCP/IP ports that are IANA registered and so are not for general use in network programming. Port numbers range from 0 to 65536, but only ports numbers 0 to 1024 are reserved for privileged services and designated as well-known ports.

0 Reserved
1 tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer
2 compressnet Management Utility
3 compressnet Compression Process
5 rje Remote Job Entry
7 echo Echo
9 discard Discard
11 systat Active Users
13 daytime Daytime
17 qotd Quote of the Day
18 msp Message Send Protocol
19 chargen Character Generator
20 ftp-data File Transfer [Default Data]
21 ftp File Transfer [Control]
22 ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol
23 telnet Telnet
24 any private mail system
25 smtp Simple Mail Transfer
27 nsw-fe NSW User System FE
29 msg-icp MSG ICP
31 msg-auth MSG Authentication
33 dsp Display Support Protocol
35 any private printer server
37 time Time
38 rap Route Access Protocol
39 rlp Resource Location Protocol
41 graphics Graphics
42 name Host Name Server
42 nameserver Host Name Server
43 nicname Who Is/WHOIS
44 mpm-flags MPM FLAGS Protocol
45 mpm Message Processing Module [recv]
46 mpm-snd MPM [default send]
47 ni-ftp NI FTP
48 auditd Digital Audit Daemon
49 tacacs Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
50 re-mail-ck Remote Mail Checking Protocol
51 la-maint IMP Logical Address Maintenance
52 xns-time XNS Time Protocol
53 domain Domain Name Server
54 xns-ch XNS Clearinghouse
55 isi-gl ISI Graphics Language
56 xns-auth XNS Authentication
57 any private terminal access
58 xns-mail XNS Mail
59 any private file service
60 Unassigned
61 ni-mail NI MAIL
62 acas ACA Services
63 whois++ whois++
64 covia Communications Integrator (CI)
65 tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service
66 sql*net Oracle SQL*NET
67 bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server
68 bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client
69 tftp Trivial File Transfer
70 gopher Gopher
71 netrjs-1 Remote Job Service
72 netrjs-2 Remote Job Service
73 netrjs-3 Remote Job Service
74 netrjs-4 Remote Job Service
75 any private dial out service
76 deos Distributed External Object Store
77 any private RJE service
78 vettcp vettcp
79 finger Finger
80 http World Wide Web HTTP
80 www World Wide Web HTTP
80 www-http World Wide Web HTTP
81 hosts2-ns HOSTS2 Name Server
82 xfer XFER Utility
83 mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device
84 ctf Common Trace Facility
85 mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device
86 mfcobol Micro Focus Cobol
87 any private terminal link
88 kerberos Kerberos
89 su-mit-tg SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
90 dnsix DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
91 mit-dov MIT Dover Spooler
92 npp Network Printing Protocol
93 dcp Device Control Protocol
94 objcall Tivoli Object Dispatcher
95 supdup SUPDUP
96 dixie DIXIE Protocol Specification
3687 simple-push simple-push
3688 simple-push-s simple-push Secure
3689 daap Digital Audio Access Protocol
3690 svn Subversion