虚拟机装vista sp2_将“搜索…”项还原到Windows Vista SP1中的文件夹上下文菜单

虚拟机装vista sp2_将“搜索…”项还原到Windows Vista SP1中的文件夹上下文菜单

虚拟机装vista sp2

One of the unwelcome changes that Microsoft introduced in Service Pack 1 was the removal of some of the easy ways to get to the Search screen: the start menu button and folder context menu item. Thankfully we can easily add the “Search…” item back to the context menu with a simple registry tweak.

Microsoft在Service Pack 1中引入的不受欢迎的更改之一是删除了一些进入“搜索”屏幕的简单方法:“开始”菜单按钮和文件夹上下文菜单项。 幸运的是,我们可以通过简单的注册表调整轻松地将“ Search…”项添加回上下文菜单。

The nice thing about the folder context menu is that the search window will be already set to search only that folder.


虚拟机装vista sp2_将“搜索…”项还原到Windows Vista SP1中的文件夹上下文菜单

Manual Registry Hack


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:



HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell \ find

虚拟机装vista sp2_将“搜索…”项还原到Windows Vista SP1中的文件夹上下文菜单

Find the LegacyDisable key on the right-hand side and either delete it, or rename it to something else. That’s all you have to do… now you can right-click on a folder and see the Search… option again:

在右侧找到LegacyDisable键,然后将其删除或重命名为其他名称。 这就是您要做的全部...现在,您可以右键单击一个文件夹,然后再次看到“搜索...”选项:

虚拟机装vista sp2_将“搜索…”项还原到Windows Vista SP1中的文件夹上下文菜单

This will open up the search window for that folder, which will be a lot faster than searching the entire drive.


虚拟机装vista sp2_将“搜索…”项还原到Windows Vista SP1中的文件夹上下文菜单

Of course you could just use the F3 key while you have a folder open, which will show you the same window, and is typically simpler. I primarily use the context menu for quick access to search a folders from the shortcuts I’ve added to the quick launch.

当然,您可以在打开文件夹的同时使用F3键,这将向您显示相同的窗口,并且通常更简单。 我主要使用上下文菜单快速访问,以从添加到快速启动中的快捷方式中搜索文件夹。

Downloadable Registry Hack


Simply download, extract, and double-click on ReEnableFolderSearchMenu.reg to enter the information into the registry. There’s also an included DisableFolderSearchMenu.reg file to put things back to the SP1 default.

只需下载,提取并双击ReEnableFolderSearchMenu.reg,即可将信息输入注册表。 还包含一个DisableFolderSearchMenu.reg文件,可将其恢复为SP1默认值。

Download ReEnableFolderSearchMenu Registry Hack


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/restore-the-search-item-to-the-folder-context-menu-in-windows-vista-sp1/

虚拟机装vista sp2