删除可选的和可能不必要的Windows Vista组件

In the never-ending quest to rid your computer of unnecessary bloat, Windows Vista has a lot less options than prior versions, but you can still get rid of some of the extra Windows components that you don’t need.

为了使计算机摆脱不必要的膨胀,Windows Vista的选择比以前的版本要少得多,但是您仍然可以摆脱一些不需要的额外Windows组件。

Open up Control Panel and go to the Programs and Features section. Find the link for “Turn Windows features on or off” (or you could just search for it)

打开控制面板,然后转到“程序和功能”部分。 查找“打开或关闭Windows功能”的链接(也可以只搜索它)

删除可选的和可能不必要的Windows Vista组件

This dialog is quite self-explanatory… uncheck the things you don’t want, and hit the OK button. Depending on the version of Vista you are running you might not see everything in the list.

该对话框非常不言自明...取消选中不需要的内容,然后单击“确定”按钮。 根据所运行的Vista版本,您可能看不到列表中的所有内容。

删除可选的和可能不必要的Windows Vista组件

Guidelines, Not Set In Stone 


Just to get you started, here’s a few tips on what an average user might want to enable or disable. The rules will be different for everybody, depending on your applications and needs, so don’t take these as absolute.

为了让您入门,以下是一些有关普通用户可能想要启用或禁用的提示。 每个人的规则都将有所不同,具体取决于您的应用程序和需求,因此请不要将其视为绝对规则。

ActiveX Installer Service No Do you really want anything to do with ActiveX?
Games Why Not Your productivity can only increase with Spider Solitaire on your computer.
Indexing Service No This is the old indexing service that is no longer needed in Vista.
Internet Information Service No Used for hosting websites on your computer.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 No Used for the new .NET 3.0 components, but only really needed for programmers.
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server No Used by programmers as a way to reliably queue messages.
Print Services No You only need this if you use internet printers and like to kill trees. Our rainforests are depending on you disabling this service.
Remote Differential Compression Maybe This is likely required for utilities that use the network to download files. If it is enabled, don’t mess with it.
Removable Storage Management No The only reason you’d need this is if you are restoring from old NTBACKUP files.
RIP Listener No You won’t need this, it’s a routing protocol.
Services for NFS No This can be used to map a drive to a linux NFS server. Unlikely you’d need it since Samba works so well.
SNMP Feature No This is used for management systems in workplace networks. You don’t need it.
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications No This is used for compatibility with certain applications based on UNIX… you don’t need it.
Tablet PC Optional Components Maybe If you have a Tablet PC, you should enable this. If you don’t, you may still want to because this includes the Snipping Tool.
Telnet Client AVOID You should never use telnet. Ever.
Telnet Server AVOID You should never use telnet. Ever.
TFTP Client AVOID TFTP was used by many of the early internet worms… there’s a reason it’s disabled by default.
Windows DFS Replication Service No This is only really used in work environments. Don’t bother with this if you are a home user.
Windows Fax and Scan No Why anybody still faxes anything is beyond me.
Windows Meeting Space No If you don’t use Windows Meeting Space or the “People Near Me” feature, don’t bother with this.
Windows PowerShell No PowerShell is a more advanced command line geared towards programmers and system administrators.
Windows Process Activation Service Probably This is likely required to support some .NET applications, so I wouldn’t change whatever it’s currently set to.
Windows Ultimate Extras Maybe If you like the extras, then enable them. (Ultimate Only)
ActiveX安装程序服务 没有 您真的想要与ActiveX有任何关系吗?
游戏类 为什么不 只有在计算机上使用蜘蛛纸牌才能提高工作效率。
索引服务 没有 这是Vista中不再需要的旧索引服务。
互联网信息服务 没有 用于在您的计算机上托管网站。
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 没有 用于新的.NET 3.0组件,但仅程序员真正需要。
Microsoft Message Queue(MSMQ)服务器 没有 程序员用来可靠地将消息排队的方法。
印刷服务 没有 仅当您使用互联网打印机并且喜欢杀死树木时,才需要这样做。 我们的热带雨林取决于您禁用此服务。
远程差分压缩 也许 使用网络下载文件的实用程序可能需要这样做。 如果启用,请不要混乱。
可移动存储管理 没有 唯一需要这样做的原因是如果要从旧的NTBACKUP文件还原。
RIP侦听器 没有 您不需要它,这是一个路由协议。
NFS服务 没有 这可用于将驱动器映射到linux NFS服务器。 由于Samba运作良好,因此不太可能需要它。
SNMP功能 没有 这用于工作场所网络中的管理系统。 不用了
基于UNIX的应用程序的子系统 没有 它用于与基于UNIX的某些应用程序兼容……您不需要它。
Tablet PC可选组件 也许 如果您有Tablet PC,则应启用它。 如果您不这样做,则可能仍要这样做,因为其中包括了“截图工具”。
Telnet客户端 避免 您永远不要使用telnet。 曾经
Telnet服务器 避免 您永远不要使用telnet。 曾经
TFTP客户端 避免 TFTP被许多早期的Internet蠕虫所使用……这是默认情况下被禁用的原因。
Windows DFS复制服务 没有 这仅在工作环境中真正使用。 如果您是家庭用户,请不要理会。
Windows传真和扫描 没有 为什么有人仍然传真任何东西,这超出了我。
Windows会议空间 没有 如果您不使用Windows Meeting Space或“ People Near Me”功能,请不要打扰。
Windows PowerShell 没有 PowerShell是面向程序员和系统管理员的更高级的命令行。
Windows进程**服务 大概 这可能是支持某些.NET应用程序所必需的,因此我不会更改其当前设置。
Windows Ultimate附加功能 也许 如果您喜欢其他功能,请启用它们。 (仅限最终版本)

Hopefully this will help somebody!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-optional-and-probably-unnecessary-windows-vista-components/