windows7缺少库_了解Windows 7中的库功能

windows7缺少库_了解Windows 7中的库功能


The new libraries feature in Windows 7 makes it easier to manage your files and folders. Today we take a look at how to access libraries, how to use them, and how to include network locations to the libraries as well.

Windows 7中的新库功能使管理文件和文件夹更加容易。 今天,我们来看看如何访问库,如何使用它们以及如何将网络位置包括到库中。

The libraries feature in Windows 7 provides a central place to manage files that are located in multiple locations throughout your computer. Instead of clicking through a bunch of directories to find the files you need, including them in a library makes for quicker access.

Windows 7中的库功能提供了一个集中的位置来管理整个计算机中多个位置的文件。 无需单击目录就可以找到所需的文件,而是将它们包括在库中可以更快地进行访问。

Access Libraries


To access the libraries in Windows 7, type libraries into the search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter.

要访问Windows 7中的库,请在“开始”菜单的搜索框中键入 ,然后按Enter。

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The default libraries in Windows 7 will open up in Explorer which are Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.

Windows 7中的默认库将在资源管理器中打开,即文档,音乐,图片和视频。

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Anytime you’re in Windows Explorer, you’ll be able to access libraries from the Navigation Pane.


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Using Libraries


In these examples we’ll take a look at the Documents Library, but the procedures will work for any library you want to add locations to. If you’ve been working in Windows 7 for a while and storing documents to the My Documents folder, when you open the Documents Library, you’ll see those documents. Some applications install folders in the My Documents folder by default and you’ll see those as well.

在这些示例中,我们将看一下Documents Library,但是该过程适用于您要向其中添加位置的任何库。 如果您已经在Windows 7中工作了一段时间并将文档存储到“我的文档”文件夹中,则在打开“文档库”时,将看到这些文档。 某些应用程序默认情况下会将文件夹安装在“我的文档”文件夹中,您也会看到这些文件夹。

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What if you have documents stored in a folder other than My Documents? You need to add it to the Documents Library. There are a couple of ways you can go about it. Right-click on a folder and select Include in library from the context menu, then choose the Documents Library. Keep in mind that when you add a folder to a library, that folder is still in it’s original location.

如果您将文档存储在“我的文档”以外的文件夹中怎么办? 您需要将其添加到文档库。 您可以通过以下两种方法进行操作。 右键单击文件夹,然后从上下文菜单中选择“ 包括在库中”,然后选择“文档库”。 请记住,将文件夹添加到库时,该文件夹仍位于其原始位置。

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Or when you have the folder containing your documents open, select Include in library and choose the library to put them in from the dropdown.

或者,当您打开包含文档的文件夹时,选择“ 包括在库中” ,然后从下拉列表中选择要放入它们的库。

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Here we take a look at the Documents library that contains files that are located in different places throughout the hard drive, including some on another partition.


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You can also remove items from libraries as well. When you’re in a library click on the locations link.

您也可以从库中删除项目。 当您在图书馆中时,单击位置链接。

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The Documents Library Locations window opens up and from here you can add or remove locations.


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Create New Libraries


The default libraries are all well and good, but if you really want to take advantage of this feature, you’ll want to create your own. While in the libraries directory click on the New library button and give it a name.

默认库很好,但是如果您真的想利用此功能,则需要创建自己的库。 在库目录中,单击“ 新建库”按钮并为其命名。

windows7缺少库_了解Windows 7中的库功能

In this example we made a new library called Work Projects. The first time you open it you’ll be prompted to include a folder.

在此示例中,我们创建了一个名为“ 工作项目”的新库 首次打开它时,系统会提示您包括一个文件夹。

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Browse to the location with the files you want to add then click Include folder.

浏览到要添加文件的位置,然后单击“ 包括文件夹”

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Now the files included in that folder will show up in the new library.


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After you’ve created some libraries they’ll be added to the list to select from.


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Add Network Locations


While libraries are a handy new feature, it’s not perfect. Not all folders can be added to libraries as Microsoft has stuck some rules on them. You can pretty much add anything from a local drive, including other volumes or partitions. External USB drives formatted as NTFS or Fat32 can be added as well. Things get kind of weird when you’re trying to add network and non-indexed locations.

虽然库是一个方便的新功能,但它并不完美。 并非所有文件夹都可以添加到库中,因为Microsoft对其施加了一些限制。 您几乎可以从本地驱动器添加任何内容,包括其他卷或分区。 也可以添加格式化为NTFS或Fat32的外部USB驱动器。 当您尝试添加网络位置和未索引位置时,事情变得有些奇怪。

windows7缺少库_了解Windows 7中的库功能

Thankfully there’s a handy free utility you can use that makes adding network locations a lot easier. Win7 Library Tool is small and straight forward to use. Just click on the Create a new library button.

值得庆幸的是,您可以使用一个方便的免费实用程序,使添加网络位置变得更加容易。 Win7库工具小巧易用。 只需单击“ 创建新库”按钮。

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Then add the network location you want included in the library. Notice this tool will also allow you to easily change the library icon which is a neat additional feature.

然后添加要包含在库中的网络位置。 请注意,此工具还可以让您轻松更改库图标,这是一个很好的附加功能。

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In this example we’ve added a home network share that contains music files to a library named MP3 library.


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This should help get you started using Libraries in Windows 7, which at first might take some getting used to. Once you understand how they work and start creating your own, you’ll find they’re actually pretty useful. Once you get going, you’ll find the Win7 Library Tool makes adding network locations a snap. How about you? Do you use libraries in Windows 7? Leave a comment and let us know what you like or don’t like about the feature.

这应该可以帮助您开始使用Windows 7中的库,起初可能需要一些时间来熟悉它。 一旦了解了它们的工作原理并开始创建自己的工具,您就会发现它们实际上非常有用。 一旦开始,您会发现Win7库工具使添加网络位置变得轻而易举。 你呢? 您是否在Windows 7中使用库? 发表评论,让我们知道您喜欢或不喜欢此功能。

Download Win7 Library Tool


