dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

dropbox 10g升级

dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

Dropbox is a great way to store files in the cloud and access them easily from devices big and small. Today we’re taking a look at how you can supercharge your Dropbox experience with free space upgrades, app integration, and more.

Dropbox是一种将文件存储在云中并从大小不同的设备轻松访问它们的好方法。 今天,我们来看看您如何通过免费空间升级,应用程序集成等来增强Dropbox的体验。

什么是Dropbox,为什么我应该关心任何增压? (What Is Dropbox and Why Should I Care About Supercharging Anything?)

Dropbox, for the unfamiliar, is a cloud-based storage service. You install an application on your computer or mobile device and the files on that device—within your Dropbox directory—are synchronized to the remote storage on the Dropbox server as well as with other devices that are linked to your Dropbox account. With Dropbox, for example, you can save a Word document you’re editing at home and then open that document from your Dropbox when you get to the office. You’ll need a Dropbox account to follow along with our tips, so you might as well visit Dropbox’s site, check out the intro video, and grab a free account.

对于不熟悉的Dropbox,它是一种基于云的存储服务。 您在计算机或移动设备上安装了应用程序,并且该设备上的文件(在Dropbox目录中)已同步到Dropbox服务器上的远程存储以及链接到Dropbox帐户的其他设备上。 例如,使用Dropbox,您可以在家保存正在编辑的Word文档,然后在到达办公室时从Dropbox中打开该文档。 您需要一个Dropbox帐户来遵循我们的提示,因此您不妨访问Dropbox的网站 ,观看介绍视频并获取一个免费帐户。

You might already be a Dropbox user and not sure why you should bother with all this fancy supercharging business. If all you do with a Dropbox account is sign up, save some files, and forget about them, sure you’ve got a nice cloud storage arrangement with syncing (if you use it on more than one machine) but you’re missing out on a ton of functionality. Read on as we highlight ways you can, for free or very cheaply, vastly enhance your Dropbox experience.

您可能已经是Dropbox的用户,并且不确定为什么要花这么多钱花哨的增压业务。 如果您使用Dropbox帐户进行的所有操作都注册了,保存了一些文件,然后忘记了它们,请确保您有一个不错的同步云存储安排(如果您在多台计算机上使用它),但是您会丢失具有大量功能。 请继续阅读,我们会重点介绍您可以免费或非常便宜地极大地改善Dropbox体验的方法。

得分免费的Dropbox空间 (Score Free Dropbox Space)

dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

The basic Dropbox account is free and comes with only 2GB of storage space. That’s not awful if you’re only syncing some documents between computers, but it starts to feel real cramped real fast if you start adding bigger files. You could upgrade your Dropbox account ($99 a year for 1TB) but you can easily score up to 16GB of extra space with referrals and additional space beyond that 16GB of referrals with other techniques. So how can you score this sweet, sweet, free storage? Let’s take a look.

基本的Dropbox帐户是免费的,仅具有2GB的存储空间。 如果仅在计算机之间同步一些文档,那并不可怕,但是如果您开始添加更大的文件,它就会开始变得非常局促。 您可以升级您的Dropbox帐户(1 TB,每年$ 99),但通过引荐您可以轻松获得多达16GB的额外空间,而通过其他技术,您可以轻松获得16GB引荐之外的额外空间。 那么,您如何评价这个甜美,免费的存储空间? 让我们来看看。

Refer friends (up to 16GB). This was the original way to score more space and still the way to score the largest amount of free space. Go to this page and either invite your Gmail contacts on the left or enter names or emails of people you want to invite to use Dropbox on the right. Every time one of your friends signs up, you each get 500MB of extra space on your accounts. You can also click “Copy Link” Everybody wins in the game of Dropbox Referral.

推荐朋友(最大16GB)。 这是获得更多空间的原始方法,仍然是获得最大可用空间的方法。 转到此页面,然后在左侧邀请您的Gmail联系人,或者在右侧输入您想邀请其使用Dropbox的人员的姓名或电子邮件。 每次您的一个朋友注册时,您的帐户就会各自获得500MB的额外空间。 您也可以单击“复制链接”。每个人都在Dropbox Referral游戏中获胜。

Note: As much as we’d love to help you and your quest to gain referrals, please refrain from spamming our forum with your referral link. Thanks!

注意:我们将竭诚为您提供帮助,并希望您能获得推荐,请避免使用您的推荐链接向我们的论坛发送垃圾邮件。 谢谢!

dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

Link your Dropbox account to your social media accounts (up to 512MB). If you go through all the steps on Dropbox’s free space page here, you can score up to 512MB. It takes a few minutes tops and you get half a GB of storage for free. Incredibly simple things like following @Dropbox on Twitter scores you free space.

将您的Dropbox帐户链接到您的社交媒体帐户(最大512MB)。 如果您按照此处Dropbox的可用空间页面所有步骤进行操作,则可以获得最高512MB的分数。 顶一下需要几分钟,您可以免费获得半GB的存储空间。 像在Twitter上关注@Dropbox这样简单的事情会为您分配可用空间。

从您的移动设备访问Dropbox (Access Dropbox From Your Mobile Devices)

As mobile devices increase in power the types of files they can handle also increases. Don’t overlook the utility of accessing Dropbox from your Android phone, iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices.

随着移动设备功能的增强,它们可以处理的文件类型也随之增加。 不要忽略从Android手机,iPhone,iPad和其他移动设备访问Dropbox的实用程序。

Use the default mobile interface. The easiest way to do so is to simple visit the Dropbox mobile portal located at Dropbox.com/m. You don’t have to be logged in on your mobile device to test it out, take the updated mobile interface for a spin right at your desk.

使用默认的移动界面。 最简单的方法是简单地访问位于Dropbox.com/m的Dropbox移动门户。 您无需登录移动设备即可对其进行测试,只需将更新的移动界面用于桌面即可。

Install the Dropbox app for your mobile platform. While visiting the mobile portal is the fastest way to access your files, installing the official app for your platform is a better long term solution (and allows for syncing of files on the actual mobile device). Check out the official Dropbox apps for Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.

为您的移动平台安装Dropbox应用。 虽然访问移动门户是访问文件的最快方法,但为您的平台安装官方应用程序是一个更好的长期解决方案(并允许在实际移动设备上同步文件)。 查看适用于AndroidiPhoneiPadBlackBerryWindows Phone的官方Dropbox应用。

dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

Play your music anywhere. There are apps for iOS (such as Cloudbeats) and Android (such as Beat) that allow you to play music files on your Dropbox account from anywhere.

随处播放音乐 。 有适用于iOS(例如Cloudbeats )和Android(例如Beat )的应用程序,可让您从任何地方播放Dropbox帐户上的音乐文件。

Use mobile apps that sync to Dropbox. Numerous applications include Dropbox support. Search the app store of your respective mobile device with the keyword “dropbox” to turn up applications that will sync/backup to Dropbox.

使用与Dropbox同步的移动应用。 许多应用程序都包含Dropbox支持。 使用关键字“ Dropbox”搜索各自移动设备的应用商店,以打开将要同步/备份到Dropbox的应用程序。

台式机的提示和技巧 (Tips and Tricks for Desktop Machines)

dropbox 10g升级_通过空间升级,应用程序等为您的Dropbox帐户增值

Syncing your documents and MP3s across your devices is a great trick and all, but you can do so much more with Dropbox. Rather than limit yourself to simple file syncing, try out some of the following tips.

在所有设备上同步文档和MP3是一个绝妙的选择,但是使用Dropbox可以做更多的事情。 除了尝试简单的文件同步之外,还可以尝试以下一些技巧。

Keep copies of your favorite portable apps in Dropbox (all platforms). A rather handy trick, and one that I use all the time, is storing your favorite portable apps in Dropbox. By doing so, your favorite portable browser, text editor, and more, will always be available and in-sync across your computers.

将您喜欢的便携式应用程序的副本保存在Dropbox(所有平台)中。 我一直使用的一个相当方便的技巧就是将您喜欢的便携式应用程序存储在Dropbox中。 这样,您喜爱的便携式浏览器,文本编辑器等将始终可以在计算机上使用并保持同步。

Run Dropbox as a portable app (Windows). You can, courtesy of DropboxPortableAHK, run Dropbox as a portable application with additional features such as selective sync and multiple accounts.

将Dropbox作为便携式应用程序运行(Windows)。 您可以借助DropboxPortableAHK将Dropbox作为具有其他功能(如选择性同步和多个帐户)的便携式应用程序运行。

Sync any folder to Dropbox (Windows/Mac). Although you can easily move your Dropbox folder (look in the Dropbox application preferences to do so) what if you want to sync a folder outside of Dropbox? Mac users can check out MacDropAny to sync any folder. Windows users can check out either SyncToCloud or Boxifier.

将任何文件夹同步到Dropbox(Windows / Mac)。 尽管您可以轻松移动Dropbox文件夹(请在Dropbox应用程序首选项中进行操作),但要在Dropbox之外同步文件夹怎么办? Mac用户可以签出MacDropAny来同步任何文件夹。 Windows用户可以签出SyncToCloudBoxifier

For more add-ons, including web browser add-ons and applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux, make sure to check out the add-ons page on the unofficial Dropbox Wiki.

有关更多插件,包括Web浏览器插件和Windows,Mac和Linux的应用程序,请确保查看非官方Dropbox Wiki上的插件页面

Visit Dropbox’s official blog for more information about the many ways you can get the most out of Dropbox on the many platforms it supports.

访问Dropbox的官方博客 ,以获取有关在其支持的许多平台上充分利用Dropbox的多种方法的更多信息。

Dropbox has amassed quite a following with quite an array of add-ons and applications. What’s your favorite Dropbox tip, trick, or app? Sound off in the forum to share the wealth with your fellow readers.

Dropbox拥有大量的附加组件和应用程序,已经积累了相当多的关注者。 您最喜欢的Dropbox技巧,窍门或应用是什么? 在论坛上发声,与其他读者分享财富。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/77903/supercharge-your-dropbox-account-with-space-upgrades-apps-and-more/

dropbox 10g升级