


Mysticgeek: Let’s start with your position or title at Vreel, how long have you been working on Vreel.

Mysticgeek :让我们从您在Vreel的职位或头衔开始,您从事Vreel已有多长时间了。


Eoin: Founder – I began working on a server-based DivX converter back in late March, and expected it to be completed by late April. The plan at the time was to simply use this as a reason to further my own knowledge in dealing with server-side applications, and general web development. The plan at the time was to actually implement the DivX webplayer into the open source CMS “Joomla!”, and go from there. I envisioned Vreel to be a working, albeit small stage6 clone at the time. And that’s where things started to spiral out of control.

Eoin:创始人–我从三月下旬开始研究基于服务器的DivX转换器,并希望在四月下旬完成。 当时的计划只是简单地以此为理由,以进一步提高我在处理服务器端应用程序和常规Web开发方面的知识。 当时的计划是将DivX Webplayer实际实施到开源CMS“ Joomla!”中,然后从那里开始。 我设想Vreel可以工作,尽管当时只有很小的stage6克隆。 这就是事情开始失控的原因。

DivX were the first to contact me – they were understandably unimpressed with the use of the name “DivXit” as the url. I was typically unimpressed myself – I had sent them a few dozen emails asking about any legal woes I may be throwing myself into. Having spoke with DivX for a while, I turned over the domain “DivXit.net”, which is currently pending its switchover to DivX’s name servers. DivX wished me all the best with the newly re-branded Vreel.

DivX是第一个与我联系的人–使用名称“ DivXit”作为URL对他们印象深刻,这是可以理解的。 我通常对自己不满意-我给他们发送了几十封电子邮件,询问我可能会遇到的法律问题。 与DivX交谈了一段时间之后,我将域“ DivXit.net”移交了该域,该域目前正在等待切换到DivX的名称服务器。 DivX祝我新的品牌Vreel一切顺利。

Following that, everything went into a Frenzy. Inbound traffic started going off the scale, Limelight contacted me as to regards a CDN solution, and I started seeking some staff members to get things fully in motion – and of course, move away from using an open source CMS, and focus towards developing our own.

之后,一切都陷入了疯狂。 入站流量开始超出规模,Limelight就CDN解决方案与我联系,我开始寻找一些工作人员以使一切顺利进行-当然,不再使用开源CMS,而专注于开发我们的拥有。

Mysticgeek: What is your vision for Vreel? What do you see it as now and what do you hope to accomplish in future years?

Mysticgeek您对Vreel的愿景是什么? 您现在看到什么,并希望在未来几年中实现什么?

Eoin: Vreel right now is in its infancy – there’s so much work to do, and our developers are working extremely hard to get everything running as soon as possible. The closed beta testing has really opened our eyes to the scale of Vreel – the current takeoff makes it literally impossible to estimate our growth over the next few months. If you had asked me in May how many visitors I expect in a years time, I would’ve said 10,000 a day – we’re currently breaking that figure, and look set to double on it over the next few weeks.

Eoin: Vreel现在还处于起步阶段–有太多工作要做,我们的开发人员正在竭尽全力使所有内容尽快运行。 封闭式Beta测试确实使我们对Vreel的规模大开眼界-当前的腾飞使得从根本上无法估计我们未来几个月的增长。 如果您在5月份问我,一年后我希望有多少游客,我会说每天10,000人-我们目前正在打破这一数字,并希望在接下来的几周内翻一番。

The future? Well, I’d look at the past. Stage6 was the Concorde of the online video world – it was faster, it looked better, everything was just that bit more pleasant. Not to mention the hardcore fan base. We want to recapture that feel, and start building upon it – and work towards having the best video platform available for our already large user base.

未来? 好吧,我来看看过去。 Stage6是在线视频世界的协奏曲–速度更快,看起来更好,一切都变得更加愉快。 更不用说铁杆粉丝群了。 我们希望重新获得这种感觉,并开始在此基础上进行构建,并努力为我们已经庞大的用户群提供最佳的视频平台。

Mysticgeek: From my limited interaction with everyone at Vreel, it seems you are all quite busy. How would you describe the work, preparation, and hours everyone has been putting in to have a successful public launch?

Mysticgeek从我与Vreel所有人的有限互动中,看来你们都很忙。 您如何描述每个人为成功进行公开发布所做的工作,准备工作和工作时间?

Eoin: The beta testers have literally been a godsend – we’ve had loads of suggestions, comments and bug reports from our small beta tester user base, and they’ve really made a huge contribution so far.

Eoin: Beta测试人员确实是天赐之物–我们的小型Beta测试人员拥有大量的建议,评论和错误报告,到目前为止,他们确实做出了巨大贡献。


Right now in closed beta, we’re focusing on getting bugs squashed, and getting all our features and modules in working condition for the masses – which I can tell you, is no easy task. But sleepless night after sleepless night never is

现在,在封闭测试版中,我们专注于压缩错误,并使我们的所有功能和模块在大众都能使用的状态下-我可以告诉您,这并非易事。 但是不眠夜之后的不眠夜永远不会

Mysticgeek: Can you give us a brief explanation of the “controversy” surrounding Stage6 with DivX and what Vreel will have to offer now that you have an official agreement with them?


Eoin: Honestly, as far as DivX and the Stage6 closure go, I’ve got about as much information as anyone else. It was there one day – and the next it was gone. No solid reason was ever given for this, bar stating that the stage6 platform was “very expensive to maintain” – DivX were also facing a potential lawsuit from UMG at the time of closure. It’s also rumored that Live Universe made an offer to purchase DivX – an offer which they promptly declined.

Eoin:老实说,就DivX和Stage6闭包而言,我了解的信息与其他人一样多。 那天在那里-第二天不见了。 对此没有明确的理由,理由是说stage6平台“维护成本非常高” – DivX在关闭时也面临着UMG的潜在诉讼。 也有传闻说Live Universe提出了购买DivX的要约,但他们很快拒绝了。

I should make it clear that Vreel has NO commercial ownership over the DivX webplayer and codec – these are property of DivX, and DivX alone. DivX have given us permission to use their codec and webplayer within the Vreel video environment – allowing us to create a viable High Definition video platform, while incorporating our own features around that core basis.

我应该明确指出,Vreel对DivX网络播放器和编解码器没有商业所有权-这些是DivX和DivX的财产。 DivX授予我们在Vreel视频环境中使用其编解码器和网络播放器的权限-允许我们创建可行的高清视频平台,同时在该核心基础上合并自己的功能。

Mysticgeek: I know a lot of people are chomping at the bit for this site to go live to the public. Can you give us an estimate on when that will be?

Mysticgeek我知道很多人都在 争抢 这个网站向公众发布。 您能给我们什么时候的估计吗?


Eoin: You can say that again – right now, we’re resolving the many bugs found during closed beta – the big ones right now being aspect ratio issues (problems with files not uploaded in 4:3 or 16:9), and some slowness in conversion – we want these issues ironed out before releasing an open beta. As I’m sure you’d agree, our first impression is going to be everything – and I know I’d personally rather a delay than a half-functional portal.

Eoin:您可以再说一遍-现在,我们正在解决封闭Beta中发现的许多错误-目前最大的错误是长宽比问题(文件未以4:3或16:9上传的问题)转换速度缓慢–我们希望在发布公开测试版之前解决这些问题。 我相信您会同意的,我们的第一印象将是一切–我知道我个人宁愿拖延,也不愿半开门户。

Regardless, progress right now is fantastic – we should be looking at these issues stamped out over the next few days, along with a host of new features being tested over this period.


We’ll have open beta testing once these major issues are sorted out – but until then, we’re going to accept users into our closed beta daily.


Mysticgeek: Thank you very much for your time in answering our questions!

Mysticgeek 非常感谢您 抽出宝贵 时间回答我们的问题!

Eoin: No problems, thanks for having me!

Eoin: 没问题,谢谢有我!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79952/entire-interview-with-vreel-founder/
