SubInventory & Locator Tables


SubInventory & Locator Tables


MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES is the definition table for the subinventory. A subinventory is a section of inventory,

i.e., raw material, finished goods, etc. Subinventories areassigned to items (in a many to one relationship), indicating a list of valid places where this item will physically exist in inventory.
Other attributes include general ledger accounts, demand picking order, locator type, availability type, and reservabletype.
You can also specify whether this subinventory is anexpense or asset subinventory (ASSET_INVENTORY), or whether quantities are tracked (QUANTITY_TRACKED).

Locator Control Code

MTL_LOCATION_CONTROL 3 Dynamic entry locator control
MTL_LOCATION_CONTROL 5 Locator control determined at item level
MTL_LOCATION_CONTROL 4 Locator control determined at subinventory level
MTL_LOCATION_CONTROL 1 No locator control
MTL_LOCATION_CONTROL 2 Prespecified locator control


MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIES maintains a listing of subinventories assigned to an inventory or engineering item.

These subinventories make up the list of valid subinventories when transacting this specific item and the user has specified (in the master window) that the item must use subinventories restricted to a pre-defined list.


MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS is the definition table for stock locators. The associated attributes describe which subinventory this locator belongs to, what the locator physical capacity is, etc.
The locator is a key flexfield. The Flexfield Code is MTLL.

This Table is use to record the definition of Locator(Though this table name is defined so confusing)


MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS stores all locators within a subinventory for a specific item.
These locators make up the valid list of locators when transacting that specific item to/from the subinventory, and theuser has specified (in the Master Item window) that the item must use locators restricted to a pre-defined list.

This Table is use to record the relation of Item, Subinventory and Locator,U can refer below picture

SubInventory & Locator Tables

1.Define a subinv,andset locator control to ‘pre-defined’

2.Define a locator at locatorform

You will find there will generate a newrecord in Table: MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS

But in table: MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS,there still not record about this new locator.

SubInventory & Locator Tables

Define a plain Subinventory,Then check mtl_second_inventory,foundrelated record created.

SELECT * FROM MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES WHERE secondary_inventory_name = 'ptsub_01';

--One record returned

SELECT * FROM MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIES WHERE secondary_inventory = 'ptsub_01';

--No record returned.

SubInventory & Locator Tables

SELECT * FROM MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIESWHERE secondary_inventory_name = 'ptsub_01';

--One record returned

SELECT * FROM MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIESWHERE secondary_inventory = 'ptsub_01';

--One record returned

SubInventory & Locator Tables

SELECT * FROM MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS WHERE subinventory_code = 'ptsub_01'

--two records returned(inventory_item_id = null)

SELECT * FROM MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS WHERE subinventory_code = 'ptsub_01'

--no rows return

SubInventory & Locator Tables

SELECT inventory_item_id FROM MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS WHERE subinventory_code ='ptsub_01'

--two records returned (inventory_item_id = null)

SELECT * FROM MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS WHERE subinventory_code = 'ptsub_01'

--two records returned