gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

gmail 过滤器

gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

Gmail’s a Google product, so of course it has powerful search features. But some of Gmail’s search features are hidden and don’t appear in the Search Options pane. Learn Gmail’s search tricks to master your massive inbox.

Gmail是Google的产品,因此当然具有强大的搜索功能。 但是Gmail的某些搜索功能是隐藏的,不会出现在“搜索选项”窗格中。 了解Gmail的搜索技巧,以掌握大量收件箱。

You can also create filters from any search you can perform. Filters automatically perform actions on incoming emails, such as deleting them, applying a label, or forwarding them to another email address.

您还可以根据可以执行的任何搜索创建过滤器。 过滤器会自动对收到的电子邮件执行操作,例如删除它们,应用标签或将其转发到另一个电子邮件地址。

基本搜索功能 (Basic Search Features)

Instead of just typing a search query in the search box, click the down arrow to reveal more search options.


gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

The search options dialog exposes many of Gmail’s basic search operators. But there are some search options that don’t appear in this dialog.

搜索选项对话框提供了Gmail的许多基本搜索操作符。 但是有些对话框中没有出现搜索选项。

gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

You can skip this dialog for basic searches. Perform a search with the search options dialog and you’ll see the search operator you’ll need in the future. For example, if you type into the search box, you’ll see the following search appear in the search box:

您可以跳过此对话框进行基本搜索。 使用“搜索选项”对话框执行搜索,您将看到将来需要的搜索运算符。 例如,如果您在搜索框中输入 ,则会在搜索框中看到以下搜索:



gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

Useful search operators you can access from the basic dialog include:


  • to: – Search for messages sent to a specific address.

    到: –搜索发送到特定地址的邮件。

  • from: – Search for messages sent from a specific address

    来自: –搜索从特定地址发送的邮件

  • subject: – Search the subject field.

    主题: –搜索主题字段。

  • label: – Search within a specific label.

    标签: –在特定标签内搜索。

  • has:attachment – Search only for messages that have attachments

    has:attachment –仅搜索具有附件的邮件

  • is:chat – Search only chats.

    is:chat –仅搜索聊天。

  • in:anywhere – Also search for messages in the spam and trash. By default, Gmail’s search ignores messages in the spam and trash.

    in:anywhere –还可以搜索垃圾邮件和垃圾桶中的邮件。 默认情况下,Gmail的搜索会忽略垃圾邮件和垃圾桶中的邮件。

构建搜索 (Constructing Searches)

To put together more complicated searches, you’ll need to know the basics.


  • ( ) – Brackets allow you to group search terms. For example, searching for subject:(how geek) would only return messages with the words “how” and “geek” in their subject field. If you search for subject:how geek, you’d get messages with “how” in their subject and “geek” anywhere in the message.

    () –方括号可让您对搜索字词进行分组。 例如,搜索subject:(how geek)只会在其主题字段中返回带有单词“ how”和“ geek”的消息。 如果您搜索subject:how geek ,则会在其主题中带有“ how”的消息中以及消息中任何位置的“ geek”。

  • OR – OR, which must be in capital letters, allows you to search for one term or another. For example, subject:(how OR geek) would return messages with the word “how” or the word “geek” in their titles. You can also combine other terms with the OR. For example, OR has:attachment would search for messages that are either from or have attachments.

    OR – OR(必须使用大写字母)可以搜索一个或另一个词。 例如, subject:(how or geek)将返回标题中带有单词“ how”或单词“ geek”的消息。 您还可以将其他术语与OR结合使用。 例如, from:howtogeek.com或has:attachment将搜索来自howtogeek.com或具有附件的邮件。

  • “ “ – Quotes allow you to search for an exact phrase, just like in Google. Searching for “exact phrase” only returns messages that contain the exact phrase. You can combine this with other operators. For example, subject:”exact phrase” only returns messages that have “exact phrase” in their subject field.

    – –引号可让您搜索确切的词组,就像在Google中一样。 搜索“精确短语”仅返回包含确切短语的消息。 您可以将其与其他运算符结合使用。 例如,主题:“精确短语”仅返回在其主题字段中具有“精确短语”的消息。

  • – The hyphen, or minus sign, allows to search for messages that don’t contain a specific term. For example, search for and you’ll only see messages that aren’t from

    –连字符(或减号)允许搜索不包含特定术语的邮件。 例如,搜索 ,您只会看到不是来自howtogeek.com的消息。

隐藏的搜索技巧 (Hidden Search Tricks)

You can access many search operators from the search options dialog, but some are hidden. Here’s a list of the hidden ones:

您可以从搜索选项对话框中访问许多搜索运算符,但其中一些是隐藏的。 以下是隐藏的列表:

  • list: – The list: operator allows you to search for messages on a mailing list. For example, list:[email protected] would return all messages on the [email protected] mailing list.

    list: – list:运算符允许您搜索邮件列表中的消息。 例如, list:[email protected]将返回[email protected]邮件列表中的所有消息。

  • filename: – The filename: operator lets you search for a specific file attachment. For example, file:example.pdf would return emails with a file named example.pdf attached.

    filename: – filename:运算符可让您搜索特定的文件附件。 例如, file:example.pdf将返回带有名为example.pdf的文件的电子邮件。

  • is:important, label:important – If you use Gmail’s priority inbox, you can use the is:important or label:important operators to search only important or unimportant emails.

    is:importantlabel:important –如果您使用Gmail的优先收件箱,则可以使用is:important或label:important运算符仅搜索重要或不重要的电子邮件。

  • has:yellow-star, has:red-star, has:green-check, etc. – If you use different types of stars (see the Stars section on Gmail’s general settings pane), you can search for messages with a specific type of star.


gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器
  • cc:, bcc: – The cc: and bcc: features let you search for messages where a specific address was carbon copied or blind carbon copied. For example, cc:[email protected] returns messages where [email protected] was carbon copied. You can’t use the bcc: operator to search for messages where you were blind carbon copied, only messages where you bcc’d other people.

    抄送:密件抄送: –抄送:和密件抄送:功能使您可以搜索抄送或抄袭特定地址的邮件。 例如, cc:[email protected]返回其中复制了[email protected]消息。 您不能使用“密件抄送:”运算符来搜索您被密抄的邮件,而不能搜索“密件抄送”其他人的邮件。

  • deliveredto: – The deliveredto: operator looks for messages delivered to a specific address. For example, if you have multiple accounts in the same Gmail inbox, you can use this operator to find the messages sent to a specific address. Use deliveredto:[email protected] to find messages delivered to [email protected]

    deliveryto: – deliveryto:操作员查找传递到特定地址的邮件。 例如,如果您在同一个Gmail收件箱中多个帐户,则可以使用此运算符查找发送到特定地址的邮件。 使用Deliveryto:[email protected]查找发送到[email protected]的邮件。

保存过滤器 (Saving a Filter)

Create a filter to automatically perform actions when a message matches a specific search.


To create a filter, click the down arrow again, then click the “Create filter with this search” option.


gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

Select an action and click the “Create filter” button.


gmail 过滤器_如何使用Gmail的高级搜索功能和创建过滤器

You can manage your filters from the Filters pane on Gmail’s settings page.


Filters can also be used to block email addresses. We’ve covered using filters to block your crazy ex in the past.

过滤器还可用于阻止电子邮件地址。 我们已经介绍了使用过滤器来阻止您过去的疯狂行为


gmail 过滤器