



Deleting emails from your Gmail account is final—they’re lost forever once you empty your trash folder. If you want to hide emails, rather than delete them, you can archive the messages instead. This allows you to find and retrieve the emails at a later date.

从您的Gmail帐户删除电子邮件是最终决定-一旦清空垃圾箱文件夹,它们将永远丢失。 如果要隐藏电子邮件,而不是删除电子邮件,则可以将邮件存档。 这使您可以在以后查找和检索电子邮件。

如何在Gmail中存档电子邮件 (How to Archive Emails in Gmail)

To archive an email in Gmail, you simply need to select an email (or multiple emails) and then click the Archive button.


When you select emails on the Gmail website, the “Archive” button appears in the menu directly above your list of emails.



In the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad, or Android, tap the Archive button in the top menu that appears. The Archive button has the same design as the button shown on the Gmail website.

iPhoneiPadAndroid的Gmail应用中,点击出现的顶部菜单中的存档按钮。 “存档”按钮的设计与Gmail网站上显示的按钮相同。


Any email you archive will disappear from your main Gmail inbox, including from any of the focused categories you might have.


You’ll still be able to view them under any separate folder you create using Gmail labels, however.


使用“所有邮件”标签在Gmail中查找已存档的电子邮件 (Using the All Mail Label to Find Archived Emails in Gmail)

As we’ve mentioned, archived emails disappear from the typical Gmail view. One option to find archived emails in Gmail is to switch to the “All Mail” folder view.

如前所述,已存档的电子邮件从典型的Gmail视图中消失了。 在Gmail中查找存档电子邮件的一种方法是切换到“所有邮件”文件夹视图。

This will list all of your Gmail emails in one, long list, including priority emails, as well as any emails that have been categorized automatically. You can view this list by clicking the “All Mail” view label in the left Gmail menu on the Gmail website.

这会将您所有的Gmail电子邮件列出在一个很长的列表中,包括优先级电子邮件,以及所有已自动分类的电子邮件。 您可以通过单击Gmail网站左侧Gmail菜单中的“所有邮件” 视图标签来查看此列表。


To do this in the Gmail app, tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner. From here, scroll down and tap the “All Mail” label.

要在Gmail应用程序中执行此操作,请点击左上角的汉堡菜单图标。 从此处向下滚动并点击“所有邮件”标签。


There’s an obvious downside to this, especially if you have a large number of emails—the sheer number of emails you’ll have to go through. This option is fine if you’ve only recently archived an email, but you might need to use the Gmail search bar to specifically locate archived emails instead.

这有一个明显的弊端,特别是如果您有大量电子邮件(您必须通过大量电子邮件)。 如果您最近才存档电子邮件,则此选项很好,但是您可能需要使用Gmail搜索栏来专门查找存档的电子邮件。

使用搜索栏在Gmail中查找存档的电子邮件 (Finding Archived Emails in Gmail Using the Search Bar)

Unfortunately, there’s no “archive” label you can use to search for when you’re using the Gmail search bar at the top of the Gmail website or in the Gmail app.


You’ll need to know the topic, sender, or subject of your archived email to search for it manually. Alternatively, you can use advanced Gmail search filters to search for emails that aren’t in typical folders like your inbox folder, sent folder, and drafts folder.

您需要知道存档电子邮件的主题,发件人或主题才能手动搜索。 或者,您可以使用高级Gmail搜索过滤器来搜索不在典型文件夹(例如收件箱文件夹,已发送文件夹和草稿文件夹)中的电子邮件。

In many cases, this should list your archived emails. To do this, type “-in:Sent -in:Draft -in:Inbox” in the search bar. You can do this in either the Gmail app or on the Gmail website.

在许多情况下,这应该列出您的存档电子邮件。 为此,请在搜索栏中输入“ -in:已发送-in:草稿-in:收件箱”。 您可以在Gmail应用程序或Gmail网站上执行此操作。

You can also add the “has:nouserlabels” to your Gmail search query to remove any emails that already have a category label. If they’re categorized, you can view the email in your labeled folder, even if they’ve been archived.

您还可以在Gmail搜索查询中添加“ has:nouserlabels”,以删除所有已经带有类别标签的电子邮件。 如果对它们进行了分类,则即使已将其存档,也可以在标记的文件夹中查看电子邮件。


This method isn’t foolproof, but it should help you narrow down your archived emails if you’re struggling to find them using a basic search or in the “All Mail” folder.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/660347/how-to-find-archived-emails-in-gmail/
