静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

静态站点 免费

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

Great photos can really make a website pop. They catch the eye, yes, but can also help you get your point across.

精美的照片确实可以使网站流行。 是的,它们吸引了您的注意,但也可以帮助您阐明自己的观点。

If you’re building a site, you could learn how to take good photos, but sometimes that’s not an option. Happily, there are all sorts of sites out there full of free images you can use for any purpose: commercial or otherwise.

如果您正在构建网站,则可以学习如何拍摄精美的照片,但这有时不是一种选择。 令人高兴的是,这里有各种各样的网站,上面有免费的图片,您可以将其用于任何目的:商业或其他目的。

Photos on these sites are usually contributed by volunteer photographers looking to get their name out there, or simply looking to contribute something useful to the world. Using these sites help make building beautiful websites a lot easier, so here’s a few we think are worth checking out.

这些网站上的照片通常是由志愿摄影师提供的,他们希望将自己的名字露在外面,或者只是想为世界做出一些贡献。 使用这些网站有助于轻松构建漂亮的网站,因此,我们认为其中一些值得一试。

Unsplash:精美的照片井井有条 (Unsplash: Beautiful Photos Organized Well)

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

Unsplash offers over 200,000 beautiful photos that you can use for whatever you want. The search functionality works quite well in our experience, and you also can browse by category. The images themselves range from landscapes to portraits of people and animals. There’s not a lot of filler on this site: most of the photos are really high quality.

Unsplash提供了超过200,000张精美的照片,您可以根据需要使用它们。 根据我们的经验,搜索功能效果很好,您也可以按类别浏览。 图像本身从风景到人物和动物的肖像不等。 这个站点上没有很多填充物:大多数照片的质量都很高。

Unsplash’s license is quite permissive, allowing you to use the photos for any purpose you want other than creating a competing stock photo service. You don’t even need to attribute the photographers, though doing so is always appreciated.

Unsplash的许可非常宽泛,它允许您将照片用于除创建竞争性图片服务之外的任何其他目的。 您甚至无需归因摄影师,尽管这样做总是值得赞赏的。

Create an account to upload your own photos, or curate your own collection of photos already on the site. You can even follow photographers you like on the service.

创建一个帐户来上传您自己的照片,或策划网站上已经存在的自己的照片集。 您甚至可以在服务上关注自己喜欢的摄影师。

Kaboom图片:按调色板浏览 (Kaboom Pics: Browse by Color Palette)

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

At first glance, Kaboom Pics seems pretty similar to other sites, offering a wide range of searchable images that you can browse by category. But they provide one standout feature: a focus on color. If you want photos that fit your project’s palette, Kaboom lets you browse by color. And this focus on color goes both ways: every photo offers a color palette, allowing you to match your design to the photo if you like.

乍一看, Kaboom Pics看起来与其他网站非常相似,提供了可按类别浏览的各种可搜索图像。 但是它们提供了一个突出的功能:专注于色彩。 如果您想要适合项目调色板的照片,则可以使用Kaboom按颜色浏览。 这种对色彩的关注是双向的:每张照片都有一个调色板,可让您根据需要将设计与照片相匹配。

Kaboom also lets you see the entirety of a particular photo shoot, so if an image you find isn’t quite perfect, you might find a similar one from another angle.


Images are free to use for personal or commercial usage, including blogs and social media. Redistributing or selling photos isn’t allowed without permission.

图片可免费用于个人或商业用途,包括博客和社交媒体。 未经许可,不得重新分发或出售照片。

Morguefile:永久免费使用 (Morguefile: Free to Use Forever and Ever)

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With over 350,000 completely free to use photos, Morguefile is another solid option. Just be aware: you’ll sometimes see links to iStock and other paid image sites when your searches don’t yeild results.

拥有超过350,000个完全免费使用的照片, Morguefile是另一个可靠的选择。 请注意:当搜索结果不合格时,您有时会看到指向iStock和其他付费图片网站的链接。

Still, Morguefile has lots of images that are free for commercial usage and remixing, though you cannot sell or redistribute the images exactly as they are without alteration. So, don’t use this site to build your own photo repository.

尽管如此,Morguefile仍然有许多免费提供给商业使用和重新混合的图像,尽管您不能像原样一样出售或重新分发这些图像而无需更改。 因此,请勿使用此网站来建立自己的照片存储库。

png:一百万张照片和计数,加上视频 (Pixabay: One Million Photos and Counting, Plus Videos)

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

Pixabay offers over one million images—all free to use on your website—and, unlike other services, makes free videos available as well. The site boasts a pretty good search engine, and also offers Android and iOS apps, which is nice if you’re a mobile-first kind of person.

png提供了超过一百万张图片,这些图片都可以在您的网站上免费使用,并且与其他服务不同,它还提供免费视频。 该网站拥有不错的搜索引擎,还提供Android和iOS应用程序,如果您是移动优先的人,那就很好了。

All images on Pixabay have the CC0 License, meaning you can copy, modify, and distribute them without permission. But Pixabay does place a few of their own caveats on top of this license. You can’t sell or redistribute the contents on a competing service without permission, and you can’t use “any content from Pixabay for pornographic, unlawful, defamatory, or immoral purposes” without permission.

png上的所有图像均具有CC0许可证,这意味着您可以未经许可复制,修改和分发它们。 但是,PNG确实在此许可证的基础上提出了一些自己的警告。 未经许可,您不得在竞争服务上出售或重新分发内容,未经许可,您不得将“ Pixy中的任何内容用于色情,非法,诽谤或不道德目的”。

Stocksnap:精心挑选的精选收藏 (Stocksnap: Curated Collection With a Lot of Choice)

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

Stocksnap adds hundreds of new photos every week, all free from copyright restrictions. Photographers are only allowed to submit five photos at a time, the idea being that everyone only uploads their best work. The result is a neatly curated selection of photos.

Stocksnap每周都会添加数百张新照片,所有这些照片均不受版权限制。 摄影师一次只能提交五张照片,其想法是每个人只能上传自己的最佳作品。 结果是精选了整齐的照片。

As with other sites listed here, attribution is not required, though as their FAQ page says, “it’s always appreciated when you can provide attribution.”


负空间:几乎所有东西的高分辨率图像 (Negative Space: High Resolution Images of Just About Everything)

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

Negative Space is another collection of high-resolution images you can use however you like, thanks to the CC0 license. Search for images or browse the collection by category—you’ll find plenty to choose from. The site is cluttered with ads for and links to Adobe’s stock images service, but that’s only a minor complaint about a pretty good collection of free to use photos.

负空间CC0许可,您可以随意使用的高分辨率图像的另一个集合。 搜索图像或按类别浏览图片集-您会发现很多选择。 该网站上充斥着Adobe股票图像服务的广告和链接,但这只是对大量免费照片的抱怨。

铅球:风景等等 (Shot Stash: Landscapes and So Much More)

静态站点 免费_七个站点,您可以随意使用免费照片

With a beautiful layout and a variety of categories, Shot Stash is well worth bookmarking if you want more options for photos. The collection isn’t massive, but everything looks great and is categorized in a way that’s easy to browse.

Shot Stash具有漂亮的布局和各种类别,如果您想为照片提供更多选择,则非常值得为它添加书签。 该系列虽然规模不大,但所有内容看起来都很不错,并且以易于浏览的方式进行了分类。

As with other sites listed here, attribution, while not required, is appreciated.


Header photo credit: Luis Tosta

标题照片来源: Luis Tosta

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/320506/seven-sites-with-free-photos-you-can-use-however-you-want/

静态站点 免费