



If you’ve ever created a Facebook event, then you know it can be hard to invite more than a few friends at a time. Thankfully there’s a new way to easily invite almost all your friends in two clicks. Don’t want to receive event invites? You can also block them.

如果您曾经创建过Facebook活动,那么您一次很难邀请多个朋友。 幸运的是,有一种新的方法可以轻松地通过两次单击邀请几乎所有朋友。 不想接收活动邀请吗? 您也可以阻止它们。

Facebook events are a great way of letting everyone know about upcoming happenings. Simply create your event, add pertinent details like time and location, upload an appropriate picture, and your work is basically done. It’s a lot more reliable than inviting people by email, and a lot less work than the snail mail method.

Facebook活动是一种让所有人都知道即将发生的事情的好方法。 只需创建您的活动,添加时间和地点等相关详细信息,上传适当的图片,您的工作就基本完成了。 它比通过电子邮件邀请人们可靠得多,并且比蜗牛邮件方法要少得多。

The thing about Facebook invites is that at least until recently, you could only invite multiple friends by separately clicking each one at a time. This is pretty tedious because sometimes when organizing a large event, you want to invite all your friends in the area, and that could be several dozen or hundred people.

关于Facebook邀请的事情是,至少直到最近,您只能通过一次单独单击每个朋友来邀请多个朋友。 这非常乏味,因为有时在组织大型活动时,您想邀请该地区的所有朋友,可能会招募几十或数百人。

Understand, we’re not advocating inviting friends en masse to events on Facebook. The social network has enough features to gripe about (game and app invitations, as well as annoying birthday and other notifications come to mind), but for many event organizers, the option to invite all (almost) your friends is a great, timesaving feature.

明白了,我们并不是在提倡邀请朋友一起参加Facebook上的活动。 社交网络具有足够吸引人的功能(游戏和应用程序邀请,以及令人讨厌的生日和其他通知会浮现),但是对于许多活动组织者而言,邀请所有(几乎)朋友的选项是一项很棒的省时功能。

两次邀请几乎所有的朋友 (Inviting Almost All Your Friends in Two Clicks)

The addition of a “Select All” button for Facebook invites now makes it easy to invite large groups of several dozen or several hundred friends.



Just click “Select All” in the top-right corner of a list of friends, and then click “Invite.”


This probably isn’t appropriate for intimate gatherings where you’re only inviting a select few buds, but for stuff like community activities and big functions like sporting events, it’s an addition that’s long overdue.



It should be noted, however, that this option does not appear on the “All Friends” category. We’re fairly sure that this is so people can’t potentially invite hundreds or thousands of Facebook users with the click of two buttons.

但是,应注意,此选项未出现在“所有朋友”类别中。 我们相当确定,这样做是为了使人们潜在地无法通过单击两个按钮来邀请数百或数千个Facebook用户。


Limiting “Select All” to suggested friends, regions, recent events, or groups with similar interests, means the feature has less spamability and likelihood for abuse.


That said, we know how annoying it is to get a lot of event invites from Facebook friends (or entities) that have no real impact or bearing on our lives. What do we care about some gathering or party on the other side of the country?

就是说,我们知道从Facebook朋友(或实体)那里收到很多对我们的生活没有真正影响或影响的活动邀请是多么令人讨厌。 我们在乎该国另一端的聚会或聚会是什么?

阻止活动邀请 (Blocking Event Invites)

If you get a lot of event invitations for things you’ve no interest in (or ability to even attend), then they can be very annoying.


You can block event invites, but only from specific friends, which is fine because chances are it’s only one or two individuals who’re abusing the system.


First, open your Facebook settings.



Then click on the “Blocking” link from the choices on the left.



You want to scroll down to “Block event invites” to which you can type the name of a friend to prevent them from sending you event invites.



If your intention is to just put your unruly friend in timeout, then you can go back later and “Unblock” them. Regardless, the feature is there for you to use at your convenience.

如果您打算让不守规矩的朋友超时,那么您可以稍后返回并“取消阻止”他们。 无论如何,您可以在方便时使用该功能。

Unfortunately, it won’t let you block every single future event invite but more than likely, that’s becoming increasingly unnecessary (unless you just have a lot of friends who like to invite you to a lot of events) now that you can invite all your suggested friends, which is more than likely the only people you want to invite in the first place.


Do you have any comments you’d like to add, or questions you want to ask? Please take a moment to leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

您有任何要添加的评论或想问的问题吗? 请花一点时间将您的反馈留在我们的论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/216350/how-to-invite-all-friends-to-facebook-event-invites-or-block-them/
