


Being wrong is a good thing. I know…I know…we’ve been told our entire lives that it’s better to be right than wrong. I think, though, that in the design/development industry, it’s good to be wrong sometimes.

错误是一件好事。 我知道……我知道……我们一生都被告知,对与错总比对好。 我认为,尽管如此,在设计/开发行业中,有时会犯错是件好事。

Always being right means we’re not challenging ourselves enough. It means that either we’ve become comfortable and content with where we are at with our skills, or that there is no one challenging us to improve those skills. In either case, we’re not progressing.

永远是对的意味着我们对自己的挑战不够。 这意味着要么我们已经对自己的技能感到满意并满意,要么没有人挑战我们提高这些技能。 无论哪种情况,我们都没有进展。

If we’re wrong, it means we’re pushing ourselves to explore our limits, to continue to expand our skill set. Being wrong opens the door for constructive criticism, which in turn leads to opportunities to learn. People who are willing to tell us when we’re wrong are the kind of people we should be surrounding ourselves with…they’re the kind of people who challenge us to become better designers and developers.

如果我们错了,那就意味着我们正在努力探索自己的极限,继续扩大我们的技能。 错误的行为为建设性的批评打开了大门,反过来又带来了学习的机会。 愿意告诉我们什么时候我们错了的人是我们应该与之交往的那种人……他们是那种挑战我们成为更好的设计师和开发人员的人。

One quote, that I believe sums it up pretty well, is by Bill Buxton a Principal Researcher at Microsoft. In his book “Sketching User Experiences”, Bill has the following to say:

我相信微软的首席研究员比尔·布克斯顿(Bill Buxton)对此做了一个很好的总结。 在他的《 素描用户体验 》一书中,比尔有以下说法:

People on a design team must be as happy to be wrong as right. If their ideas hold up under strong (but fair) criticism, then great, they can proceed with confidence. If their ideas are rejected with good rationale, then they have learned something. A healthy team is made up of people who have the attitude that it is better to learn something new than to be right.

设计团队中的人们必须乐于犯错。 如果他们的想法在强烈(但公正)的批评下坚持不懈,那就太好了,他们可以充满信心地前进。 如果他们的想法被合理的拒绝,那么他们学到了一些东西。 一个健康的团队由一群人组成,他们的态度是学习新事物胜于正确。

While Bill’s quote is aimed at designers, I think the rule applies to both designers and developers. Making mistakes, getting constructive criticism, and learning from that criticism is a healthy thing. It allows us opportunities to expand our skills and grow in our field. Only through this kind of healthy criticism can our skills, and ultimately the products we produce, become finely tuned.

虽然Bill的报价是针对设计师的,但我认为该规则适用于设计师和开发商。 犯错,获得建设性的批评并从中吸取教训是一件健康的事情。 它使我们有机会扩展我们的技能并在我们的领域中成长。 只有通过这种健康的批评,才能对我们的技能以及最终我们生产的产品进行微调。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2008/04/its-good-to-be-wrong/
