

本文为美国阿肯色大学费耶特维尔分校(作者:Haoyan Liu)的硕士论文,共92页。


This thesis presents controller designs ofa 2 kVA single-phase inverter for photovoltaic (PV) applications. The demandfor better controller designs is constantly rising as the renewable energymarket continues to rapidly grow. Some background research has been done on solarenergy, PV inverter configurations, inverter control design, and hardwarecomponent selection. Controllers are designed both for stand-alone andgrid-connected modes of operation. For stand-alone inverter control, the outercontrol loop regulates the filter capacitor voltage. Combining the synchronousframe outer control loop with the capacitor current feedback inner controlloop, the system can achieve both zero steady-state error and better step loadperformance. For grid-tied inverter control, proportional capacitor currentfeedback is used. This achieves the active damping needed to suppress the LCLfilter resonance problem. The outer loop regulates the inverter output currentflowing into the grid with a proportional resonant controller and harmonic compensators.With a revised grid synchronization unit, the active power and reactive powercan be decoupled and controlled separately through a serial communication baseduser interface. To validate the designed controllers, a scaled down prototypeis constructed and tested with a digital signal processor (DSP) TMS320F28335.

  1. 引言与理论背景
  2. 独立逆变器的控制器设计
  3. 并网逆变器的控制器设计
  4. 实验结果
  5. 结论与展望
