
本文为美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(作者:Fares Al Juheshi)的硕士论文,共141页。


There is a high integration of renewableenergy sources in modern building electrical systems. The main components ofthese new systems are power electronics switches that inherit their foundationsfrom signal amplifier technologies and then developed to drive high powers.Nowadays, the static converter can connect systems with different electricalcharacteristics. For instance, choppers connect two DC systems with differentvoltage levels, whereas inverters transform power from DC to AC with variableamplitude and frequency. Since multilevel inverters offer a better quality ofthe output waveforms than standard inverters, a novel three-phase, five-levelinverter topology is proposed. The goal of this work is to conserve energy and enhancethe electrical system quality when it is converted from DC to AC voltage byincreasing the efficiency of inverter voltage output with a new proposedtopology and proposed modulation technique. The main advantages of this noveltopology are overall reduction in the number of power electronics componentswhen compared with traditional designs; reduction in the total price of theinverter components; reduction in the total volume and weight; reduction in thetotal pre-calculated switching angles using the proposed modulation technique,and eliminating the maximum harmonics in the output waveform, while at the sametime, minimizes the total harmonics distortion THD in the output.

1.1 概述
1.2 研究动机
1.3 本文研究目标
1.4 本文结构安排
2.1 概述
2.2 多电平逆变器(MIs)
2.3 结论
3.1 概述
3.2 基本开关频率
3.3 高开关频率
3.4 结论
4.1 引言
4.2 本文提出的三相五电平拓扑描述
4.3 本文提出的拓扑与现有拓扑的优点及比较
4.4 调制/控制技术
4.5 开关角的确定
4.6 结论
5.1 引言
5.2 新型三相五电平逆变器的仿真模型
5.3 模拟一个开关角的结果
5.4 模拟三个开关角的结果
5.5 新型三相五电平逆变器的PWM仿真模型
5.6 另一组直流电源(E1=E2=200)的仿真结果
5.7 结论
6.1 引言
6.2 未来工作展望
