【电力电子】【1998.12】基于DSPACE DS1102 DSP板的三相逆变器闭环控制

【电力电子】【1998.12】基于DSPACE DS1102 DSP板的三相逆变器闭环控制
本文为美国海军研究生院(作者:DerekP. Frasz)的硕士论文,共79页。



Due to enhanced reliability, reductions incost, and ease of maintenance, the U.S. Navy has decided to shift from radialelectrical distribution to DC zonal distribution for shipboard use.Correspondingly, the construction of newer classes of combatant vessels willreplace bulky transformers with semiconductor switching DC-DC converters andDC-AC inverters. Electrical Control Units, ECUs, control these converters andinverters. Development of an ECU begins with a prototype design, used by theengineer to test the ability of an experimental algorithm to control a physicalsystem. This thesis research examines the use of the DSPACE DSII02 DSP board asa prototype ECU for a three-phase inverter. ~ DSII02 monitored currents at theoutput of a three~phase power MOSFET bridge, performed the signal processing,and accordingly provided the MOSFET gating signals. This research comparedseveral different algorithms, time steps and integration methods implemented bythe DSP board. In the experiments, the inverter powered a simple RL load and aninduction motor. For the closed-loop control of the induction motor, a speedcontrol algorithm provided command inputs to the previously tested inverter.This thesis research demonstrates that the DSII02 can quickly and effectivelyprototype the signal processing and control units of the electrical powerdistribution systems of future U.S. Navy ships.

  1. 引言
  3. 接口子系统
  4. 开环设计
  5. 闭环设计
  6. 感应电机控制
  7. 结论
    附录A DSII02许可证文件
    附录B 带状电缆Pm输出
    附录C SPICE文件
    附录D 霍尔效应电流传感器规格表

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