
1. Initiation of product development at the system level 产品开发系统级别启动

The ojective of the initiation of the product development at the system level is determine and plan the functional safety activities during the individual subphases of system development. 


输入:functional safety concept 功能安全概念  ISO 26262-3:8.5.1

          project plan 项目计划  ISO 26262-2: 6.5.2

          safety plan 安全计划  ISO 26262-2: 6.5.1

          functional safety assessment plan 功能安全评估计划  ISO 26262-2: 6.5.6

输出: validation plan 验证计划

          item integration and testing plan 集成和测试计划

2. technical safety requirements 技术安全需求阶段

The technical safety requirements specification refines the functional safety concept considering the functional concept and the preliminary architectural design.


The technical safety requirements describe how to implement the functional safety concept. It is intended to detail the item-level functional safety requirements into system-level technical safety requirements, down to the allocation to hardware and software elements.


输入:functional safety concept 功能安全概念

         validation plan 验证计划

         safety goals 安全目标 ISO 26262-3: 7.5.2

输出:techinical safety requirements specification 技术安全需求文档

         system-level verification report系统级别验证报告

3. system design 系统设计阶段

1) technical safety concept 系统技术层面的功能安全概念 

2) system design specification系统设计文档

3) allocation of technical safety requirements to hardware and software and other technologies


 a. If requirements with different ASILs are allocated to the same architectural element, this element shall be developed in compliance with the highest ASIL.


b. internal and external interfaces of safety-related elements shall be defined precisely, in order to avoid other elements having adverse safety-related effects on the safety-related elements.


c. measures for the avoidance of systematic failures


    (i): deductive and inductive analysis to identify causes and effects of systematic failures shall be applied.



NOTE 1 The purpose of these analyses is to assist in specifying the design. At this stage, qualitative analyses are likely to be appropriate and sufficient. Quantitative analyses can be performed if appropriate.


NOTE 2 The analysis is conducted at an appropriate level of detail。


     (ii) well-trust 最大程度可以信任

 To reduce the likelihood of failures associated with new designs, well-trusted design principles for automotive systems should be applied. These including the following: 


         (a) Re-use of well-trusted safety architecture;

         (b)Re-use of well-trusted design principles or designs for elements, hardware and software components;;

         (c) Re-use of well-trusted mechanisims for the detection and control of failures;

         (d) Re-use of well-trusted or standardised interfaces. 

   (iii) Sources of systematic failures within the item iteself that could contribute to the violation of a safety goal should be identified and avoided. 


  (iv) Sources of adverse safety effects on the item from other systems outside the item shall be identified and avoided or else their consequences shall be mitigated.


d. measures for control of random hardware failures during operation


    (i). Measures for detection and control, or control, of random hardware failures shall be specified with respect to the system design.


EXAMPLE 1 Specification of diagnostics features of the hardware and their usage by the software to detect random hardware failures.


    (ii) The target vaules for both metrics of FMEDA shall be specified for final evaluation at the item level.

      FMEDA的两种度量SPF, LMF目标值应指明。

   (iii) The target value for final validation at item level shall be specified.


   (iiii) Appropriate targets for failure rates and diagnostic coverage should be specified at element level in order to comply with the target values of the SPF, LMF, PMHF.


e. allocation to hardware and software 


   Every technical safety requirement shall be allocated to hardware, software or both, either directly or by further refinement.


f. Hardware software interface specification (HSI)

The HSI shall be specified during system design and shall be detailed during hardware development and software development.


HSI shall include hardware devices of the component that are controlled by software and hardware resources that support execution of software.
