愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

Internet Explorer-haters often say that the only good use for Internet Explorer is downloading Firefox or Chrome. But if you really don’t like IE, you can use Windows’ built-in FTP support to download and install Firefox without ever opening IE.

讨厌Internet Explorer的人经常说,Internet Explorer的唯一好处是下载Firefox或Chrome。 但是,如果您真的不喜欢IE,则可以使用Windows内置的FTP支持来下载和安装Firefox,而无需打开IE。

Sure, you could just open Internet Explorer and download Firefox from Mozilla’s website, but where’s the geeky fun in that? This trick is about Firefox because Mozilla provides an FTP server, while Google doesn’t seem to.

当然,您可以打开Internet Explorer并从Mozilla的网站下载Firefox,但是这样做的乐趣何在? 这个技巧与Firefox有关,因为Mozilla提供了FTP服务器,而Google似乎没有。

Downloading Firefox without using Internet Explorer may also come in handy if Internet Explorer is crashing and isn’t working properly on your system.

如果Internet Explorer崩溃并且无法在您的系统上正常运行,则不使用Internet Explorer下载Firefox也可能会派上用场。

Windows资源管理器中的图形方法 (Graphical Method with Windows Explorer)

To access Mozilla’s FTP server in Windows Explorer, type ftp://ftp.mozilla.org into Windows Explorer’s address bar and press Enter.

要在Windows资源管理器中访问Mozilla的FTP服务器,请在Windows资源管理器的地址栏中键入ftp://ftp.mozilla.org ,然后按Enter。

愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

Navigate to the following folder:



pub / firefox / releases / latest / win32 / zh-CN /

You can also just enter the following address in Windows Explorer to go directly to the appropriate folder on Mozilla’s FTP server:




愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

Now copy the Firefox Setup .exe file to your computer. You can drag and drop it, use the Copy To Folder option in its right-click menu, or do a Copy and Paste.

现在,将Firefox安装程序.exe文件复制到您的计算机。 您可以将其拖放,使用其右键菜单中的“复制到文件夹”选项或执行“复制和粘贴”。

愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

Windows Explorer will download the Firefox installer to your computer, no IE involved.


愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

You can then launch the Firefox Setup application to install Firefox.


愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

带有命令提示符的命令行方法 (Command-Line Method with Command Prompt)

If the above trick wasn’t geeky enough for you, you can also download Firefox using the ftp utility in the Windows Command Prompt.


Launch a Command Prompt window from the Start menu and type the following command to connect to Mozilla’s FTP server:


ftp ftp.mozilla.org

ftp ftp.mozilla.org

Type anonymous at the login prompt, then leave the password field blank and press Enter.


愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

Use the following command to change to the directory containing the latest release of Firefox:


cd pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest/win32/en-US

cd pub / mozilla.org / firefox / releases / latest / win32 / zh-CN

Then, run the following command to see a list of the files in the directory:




愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

Use the get command to download the latest Firefox installer to your hard drive:


get “Firefox Setup 15.0.1.exe”

得到“ Firefox安装程序15.0.1.exe”

Replace the file name in the above command with the name of the current version – this is displayed beneath the ls command.


愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

The downloaded Firefox Setup .exe file will appear in your user folder at C:\Users\NAME.

下载的Firefox Setup .exe文件将显示在您的用户文件夹中,该文件夹位于C:\ Users \ NAME。

愚蠢的怪胎技巧:如何在不使用Internet Explorer的情况下在新计算机上下载Firefox...

You can also use Windows Explorer and the ftp command to connect to other FTP servers you have access to. If you have upload access to an FTP server, you can use these tools to upload files – you don’t necessarily need a third-party FTP program.

您还可以使用Windows资源管理器和ftp命令连接到您有权访问的其他FTP服务器。 如果您具有对FTP服务器的上传访问权限,则可以使用这些工具来上传文件-不一定需要第三方FTP程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/125447/stupid-geek-tricks-how-to-download-firefox-on-a-new-computer-without-using-internet-explorer/