django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

django 虚拟环境

In this tutorial we’ll talk about virtual environment for django project.


Here we’ll discuss about:


1. What is virtual environment and why to use it? 2. How to install virtual environment for django project? 3. How to use virtual environment in django project?

1.什么是虚拟环境,为什么要使用它? 2.如何为Django项目安装虚拟环境? 3.如何在Django项目中使用虚拟环境?

So let’s start with our very first question.


什么是虚拟环境以及为什么要使用它? (What is Virtual Environment and Why to Use it ?)

Let’s say you have worked in django extensively. So for sure, you may have created some projects with some previous versions of django. Now you want to install latest version of django in your computer. So the first problem you’ll encounter with is that your new version of django is not compatible with the projects you’ve created in previous version of django. For example – current version of django (django 2.1) requires Python 3.4 or above in your system. So if you were using Python 2 and a lower version of django, then there will be some problems right?

假设您在django广泛工作。 因此,可以肯定的是,您可能已经使用django的某些早期版本创建了一些项目。 现在,您要在计算机中安装django的最新版本。 因此,您将遇到的第一个问题是您的新版本django与您在先前版本的django中创建的项目不兼容。 例如,当前版本的django(django 2.1)在系统中需要Python 3.4或更高版本。 因此,如果您使用的是Python 2和较低版本的django,那么会有一些问题吧?

Here the term virtual environment comes into picture. Using virtual environment, you can make a different environment for each project that you’re working on. Let’s say you have a project and you want to work with python 3 and django 2.1. On other hand you’ve another project where you want to work with Python 3 and django 1.11.

在这里,虚拟环境一词成为了现实。 使用虚拟环境,您可以为正在处理的每个项目创建不同的环境。 假设您有一个项目,并且想使用python 3和django 2.1。 另一方面,您还有另一个项目要在其中使用Python 3和django 1.11。

So in that case, we’ll create two virtual environments for both of the projects and install python 2 and django 1.11 in one virtual environment and python 3 and django 2.1 in another. Isn’t it awesome?

因此,在这种情况下,我们将为两个项目创建两个虚拟环境,并在一个虚拟环境中安装python 2和django 1.11,在另一个虚拟环境中安装python 3和django 2.1。 很棒吗

如何为Django项目安装虚拟环境? (How to Install Virtual Environment for Django Project?)

To install virtual environment we’ll use pip here. Firstly open your command prompt/terminal and type the command below:

要安装虚拟环境,我们将在此处使用pip。 首先打开命令提示符/终端,然后在下面键入命令:

pip install virtualenv


django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境
django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

That’s all we have to do install virtual environment.


To see the version of the virtual environment you can use the command:


virtualenv –version


Note: If you’re using Mac or Linux (Ubuntu), where you’ve both of the python 2 and python 3 installed in your system. You can use pip3 to install for python 3 and pip to install for python 2.

注意:如果您使用的是Mac或Linux(Ubuntu),则系统中同时安装了python 2和python 3。 您可以使用pip3为python 3安装和pip为python 2安装。

如何在Django项目中使用虚拟环境? (How to Use Virtual Environment in Django Project?)

After installing virtual environment (Virtualenv), you want to work with django 2.0.1, then you have to install django 2.0.1 in your virtual environment. Let’s see how to do it.

安装虚拟环境(Virtualenv)之后,您要使用django 2.0.1,然后必须在虚拟环境中安装django 2.0.1。 让我们来看看如何做。

创建虚拟环境 (Create Virtual Environment)

To create virtual environment open command prompt/terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your django project. Let’s say we want to create our project at Desktop then we’ll navigate to desktop and then type the command below.

要创建虚拟环境,请打开命令提示符/终端,然后导航到要在其中创建django项目的目录。 假设我们要在Desktop上创建项目,然后导航到Desktop,然后在下面键入命令。

virtualenv env_name

virtualenv env_name

Here you can name your virtual environment as you want.


django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

After creating virtual environment we have to activate the virtual environment.


**虚拟环境 (Activate Virtual Environment)

To activate virtual environment you’ve to run the batch file created inside the \env_name\Scripts\activate. So here our virtual environment’s name is my_env, so we’ll type the command below.

要**虚拟环境,您必须运行在\ env_name \ Scripts \ activate内部创建的批处理文件。 因此,这里我们的虚拟环境的名称是my_env,因此我们将在下面键入命令。


my_env \ Scripts \ activate

django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

So after typing this command you’ll be entered into the virtual environment that you’ve created.


Now here we can install a specific version of django (for example – django 2.0.1).

现在,在这里我们可以安装特定版本的django(例如django 2.0.1)。

Note: As Batch files are not supported in Linux or Mac. So to activate the created virtual environment, you can use the command below.

注意:由于Linux或Mac不支持批处理文件。 因此,要**创建的虚拟环境,可以使用以下命令。

source my_env/bin/activate

源my_env / bin / activate

django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

在虚拟环境中安装Django (Install Django in Virtual Environment)

Now we’re in the virtual environment, so if we install anything inside this environment, it won’t affect our system’s environment.


To install any version of django (example – django 2.0.1) use the command below.

要安装任何版本的django(例如django 2.0.1),请使用以下命令。

pip install django==2.0.1

点安装django == 2.0.1

django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

Now we have django 2.0.1 in our virtual environment. So you can create, run, test your django 2.0.1 projects in this environment.

现在我们在虚拟环境中有了django 2.0.1。 因此,您可以在此环境中创建,运行,测试django 2.0.1项目。

停用虚拟环境 (Deactivate Virtual Environment)

django 虚拟环境_使用Django专案的虚拟环境

To deactivate virtual environment type the command below.




That’s all. If you’ve any problem related with this article then please let us know in comment box. We’ll reply as soon as possible.

就这样。 如果您有与本文相关的任何问题,请在评论框中告诉我们。 我们会尽快回复。


django 虚拟环境