
The Scheduled Tasks feature of XP and Vista often seems to be overlooked.  This is a great tool to use for Automating Maintenance tasks for the OS.  There are a lot of things you can do with this handy utility.  In the following shots I demonstrate scheduling a Disk Cleanup in Windows XP.  Later this week I will feature the extra settings and features included in Task Scheduler in Vista.

XP和Vista的“计划任务”功能通常似乎被忽略了。 这是用于操作系统自动化维护任务的出色工具。 使用此实用程序,您可以做很多事情。 在以下快照中,我演示了在Windows XP中计划磁盘清理的过程。 本周晚些时候,我将介绍Vista任务计划程序中包含的其他设置和功能。

Click on Start Programs Accessories System Tools Scheduled Tasks



The Scheduled Tasks Window opens.  Just Double Click “Add Scheduled Task”/

“计划任务”窗口将打开。 只需双击“添加计划任务” /


The wizard opens telling you what it does.  Click Next.

向导将打开,告诉您它的作用。 点击下一步。


Since the task we are scheduling is a Windows feature just scroll down until you find the built in utility.  Click Next.

由于我们计划的任务是Windows功能,因此只需向下滚动,直到找到内置实用程序。 点击下一步。


Now we can type in a name for our task and schedule how often we would like it execute.  For Disk Cleanup I chose Monthly.

现在,我们可以为任务输入一个名称,并安排执行任务的频率。 对于磁盘清理,我选择了每月。


Now we choose the specific time to start the task.  Since I don’t want Disk Cleanup to run while I am on the computer I choose a time I know I won’t be on it.  Yes, 2AM … not all geeks drink Red Bull!

现在,我们选择开始任务的具体时间。 由于我不希望在计算机上运行磁盘清理程序,因此选择了一个我不知道要使用它的时间。 是的,凌晨2点…并非所有极客都喝Red Bull!


If needed you need to enter in your administrator user name and password. 



You’re done!  Click Finish. 

你完成了! 单击完成。


This is a very simple example of how Scheduled Tasks can be utilized.  If done right, you can really have a lot of automated processes occur while away from your PC.  In an IT environment at work I use Scheduled Tasks to run macros and other scripts on our network.  As I mentioned I will go more in depth with using this feature including Vista.  You can even create your own batch files to run on a scheduled basis.  This is a great way to take a lot of control over what Windows does to benefit your efficient system!   

这是如何利用计划任务的非常简单的示例。 如果操作正确,则离开PC时,您确实会发生很多自动化过程。 在工作的IT环境中,我使用计划任务在网络上运行宏和其他脚本。 正如我提到的,我将更深入地使用包括Vista在内的此功能。 您甚至可以创建自己的批处理文件以按计划运行。 这是对Windows所做的事情进行大量控制的好方法,以使您的高效系统受益!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79819/automate-windows-functions-with-scheduled-tasks/