



The Ring Doorbell works like any other doorbell, but has a video camera built in that can alert you to motion and button presses. While it’s a pretty basic device for the most part, there are definitely some features and tricks that you might not have known about.

环形门铃的工作原理与其他任何门铃一样,但是内置了摄像机,可以提醒您运动和按下按钮。 尽管它在很大程度上是一个非常基本的设备,但是肯定有一些您可能不了解的功能和窍门。

Ring also makes several other products, like standalone cameras called the Stick Up Cam and Spotlight Cam, as well as different versions of the Ring Doorbell. This post focuses on the original Ring Doorbell model, but some of these tips can work on Ring’s other products as well.

Ring还生产其他几种产品,例如称为“ Stick Up Cam”和“ Spotlight Cam”的独立摄像机以及不同版本的Ring Doorbell。 这篇文章重点介绍了原始的Ring Doorbell型号,但是其中一些技巧也可以在Ring的其他产品上使用。

与其他用户共享访问权限 (Share Access with Other Users)


If you have other people living under the same roof, it might be a good idea for them to also know who rang the doorbell and when. Thankfully, the Ring app lets you do just this.

如果您有其他人住在同一屋檐下,那么也最好让他们知道谁在敲门铃和何时敲门。 幸运的是,Ring应用程序可让您做到这一点

If you tap on your Ring Doorbell within the app and select “Shared Users”, you can invite people to access your Ring Doorbell. They’ll have to create their own Ring account, but it’s a quick and easy process.

如果您在应用程序中点击Ring Doorbell,然后选择“ Shared Users”,则可以邀请其他人访问您的Ring Doorbell。 他们必须创建自己的Ring帐户,但这是一个快速而简单的过程。

调整动作灵敏度 (Adjust the Motion Sensitivity)


While the Ring Doorbell notifies you whenever the button is pressed, it can also notify you of any motion that’s detected, whether the doorbell is rung or not. This can be great for mailmen or UPS drivers who forget to ring the doorbell whenever they drop off a package.

无论何时按下门铃,“铃声门铃”都会通知您,但它也可以将检测到任何运动通知您,无论门铃是否响动。 这对于邮递员或UPS司机来说非常有用,因为他们在丢下包裹时忘记按门铃。

To adjust the sensitivity of the motion detection, select your Ring Doorbell from the app and navigate to Motion Settings > Zones and Ranges. From there, you can set the sensitivity for different zones, like left, center, and right.

要调整运动检测的灵敏度,请从应用程序中选择“环形门铃”,然后导航至“运动设置”>“区域和范围”。 从那里,您可以设置不同区域的灵敏度,例如左,中和右。

将其连接到门铃的现有接线以进行实时取景 (Connect It to Your Doorbell’s Existing Wiring for Live View)


The Ring Doorbell comes with an internal battery, allowing it to power itself without relying on your doorbell’s existing wiring (in case you want to keep your existing doorbell as well). However, you won’t get all of the features of the Ring Doorbell without connecting it to your doorbell’s wiring.

环形门铃配有一个内置电池,无需依靠门铃现有的布线即可自动供电(以防您也要保留现有的门铃)。 但是,如果不将环门铃连接到门铃的布线,就无法获得其所有功能。

Live View, for instance, is a big feature that battery-powered Ring Doorbells can’t use. It lets you pull up a live video feed of the Ring Doorbell whenever you want. Whereas if you’re running it on battery power, you can only see the live view when motion is detected or the doorbell button is pressed.

例如,实时显示是电池供电的环形门铃无法使用的一项重要功能 。 它使您可以随时调出Ring Doorbell的实时视频。 而如果使用电池供电,则只有在检测到运动或按下门铃按钮时才能看到实时取景。

不要忘了给它充电(如果它依靠电池供电) (Don’t Forget to Recharge It (If It’s Running on Battery Power))


If you do decide to forgo the doorbell wiring and run the Ring Doorbell off of its battery, you’ll need to make sure to recharge it every few months.


The app lets you see how much juice it has left, and you can receive an alert whenever the battery gets low. Recharging it isn’t exactly super easy (and you can’t put it to use while it’s charging up), but all you really need to do is remove the unit and plug a microUSB cable into the port on the back of the device.

该应用程序可让您查看还剩下多少果汁,并且只要电池电量不足,您就会收到警报。 给它充电并不完全容易(并且在充电时不能使用),但是您真正需要做的就是卸下设备并将microUSB电缆插入设备背面的端口。

将其连接到IFTTT以获取更多功能 (Connect It to IFTTT for More Capabilities)


If you want to be able to do even more things with your Ring Doorbell, you can connect it to IFTTT, which integrates all sorts of products and services together for serious automation.

如果您想用Ring Doorbell来做更多的事情,可以将其连接到IFTTT ,后者将各种产品和服务集成在一起,可以实现严格的自动化。

There are many things you can control based on what your Ring Doorbell does. For example, you can have your lights blink whenever someone hits the button, or have your porch light turn on when the Ring detects motion. The world is your oyster with IFTTT and it adds a lot of cool capabilities to the Ring Doorbell.

您可以根据环门铃的功能来控制很多事情。 例如,您可以在有人按下按钮时灯光闪烁 ,或者在Ring侦测到运动时打开门廊灯 。 使用IFTTT,牡蛎是您的世界,它为Ring Doorbell增添了许多很棒的功能。

Image from Ring.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324406/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-ring-doorbell/
