数据集的evaluation protocol是什么

Evaluation protocols
For the evaluation of the generalization capability of the face PAD methods, four protocols are used.

Protocol I:

The first protocol is designed to evaluate the generalization of the face PAD methods under previously
unseen environmental conditions, namely illumination and background scene. As the database is recorded in three sessions with different illumination condition and location, the train, development and evaluation sets are constructed using video recordings taken in different sessions.

Protocol II:

The second protocol is designed to evaluate the effect of attacks created with different printers or dis-
plays on the performance of the face PAD methods as they may suffer from new kinds of artifacts. The effect of attack variation is assessed by introducing a previously unseen print and video-replay attack in the test set.

Protocol III:

One of the critical issues in face PAD and image classification in general is sensor interoperability. To study the effect of the input camera variation, a Leave One Camera Out (LOCO) protocol is used. In each iteration, the real and the attack videos recorded with five smartphones are used to train and tune the algorithms, and the generalization of the models is assessed using the videos recorded with the remaining one.

Protocol IV:

In the last and most challenging protocol, all above three factors are considered simultaneously and generalization of face PAD methods are evaluated across previously unseen environmental conditions, attacks and input sensors.

The following table gives a detailed information about the video recordings used in the train, development and test sets of each protocol (P refers to printer and D refers to display).

数据集的evaluation protocol是什么
evaluation protocol字面意思是评价协议
以protocol I 为例
The first protocol is designed to evaluate the generalization of the face PAD methods under previously
unseen environmental conditions, namely illumination and background scene. As the database is recorded in three sessions with different illumination condition and location, the train, development and evaluation sets are constructed using video recordings taken in different sessions.
对应上表中的Protocol I