

[1] . Andrew Ng的卷积神经网络week2

[2] . Keras中文手册

[3] .残差网络(Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition)(https://blog.****.net/u014665013/article/details/81985082

[4].残差网络ResNet网络原理及实现( https://www.jianshu.com/p/ebc3e242147e)


Package              Version
-------------------- --------
absl-py              0.7.1
astor                0.7.1
astroid              2.2.5
backcall             0.1.0
certifi              2019.3.9
cffi                 1.12.2
colorama             0.4.1
cycler               0.10.0
decorator            4.4.0
gast                 0.2.2
grpcio               1.19.0
h5py                 2.9.0
ipython              7.3.0
ipython-genutils     0.2.0
isort                4.3.15
jedi                 0.13.3
Keras                2.2.4
Keras-Applications   1.0.7
Keras-Preprocessing  1.0.9
kiwisolver           1.0.1
lazy-object-proxy    1.3.1
Markdown             3.0.1
matplotlib           3.0.3
mccabe               0.6.1
mock                 2.0.0
mypy                 0.670
mypy-extensions      0.4.1
numpy                1.16.2
parso                0.3.4
pbr                  5.1.3
pickleshare          0.7.5
pip                  19.0.3
prompt-toolkit       2.0.9
protobuf             3.7.0
pycparser            2.19
pydot                1.4.1
Pygments             2.3.1
pylint               2.3.1
pyparsing            2.3.1
python-dateutil      2.8.0
PyYAML               5.1
scipy                1.2.1
setuptools           40.8.0
six                  1.12.0
tensorboard          1.13.1
tensorflow           1.13.1
tensorflow-estimator 1.13.0
termcolor            1.1.0
Theano               1.0.4
traitlets            4.3.2
typed-ast            1.3.1
wcwidth              0.1.7
Werkzeug             0.14.1
wheel                0.33.1
wincertstore         0.2
wrapt                1.11.1





如果单纯的增加网络的深度,会导致梯度弥散或梯度爆炸。对于该问题的解决方法是正则化初始化和中间的正则化层(Batch Normalization),这样的话可以训练几十层的网络。
虽然通过上述方法能够训练了,但是又会出现另一个问题,就是退化问题,网络层数增加,但是在训练集上的准确率却饱和甚至下降了。这个不能解释为overfitting,因为overfit应该表现为在训练集上表现更好才对。退化问题说明了深度网络不能很简单地被很好地优化。主要的一个原因就是我们在训练网络用的是随机梯度下降策略,往往解到的不是全局最优解,而是局部的最优解,显而易见56层网络的解空间更加的复杂,所以导致使用随机梯度下降算法无法解到最优解。转换为学习一个残差函数F(x) = H(x) - x. 只要F(x)=0,就构成了一个恒等映射H(x) = x. 而且,拟合残差肯定更加容易。


Resnet提供了两种选择方式,也就是identity mapping和residual mapping,如果网络已经到达最优,继续加深网络,residual mapping将被push为0,只剩下identity mapping,这样理论上网络一直处于最优状态了,网络的性能也就不会随着深度增加而降低了。

对于一个堆积层结构(几层堆积而成)当输入为x时其学习到的特征记为H(x),现在我们希望其可以学习到残差F(x)=H(x)-x,这样其实原始的学习特征是F(x)+x 。当残差为0时,此时堆积层仅仅做了恒等映射,至少网络性能不会下降,实际上残差不会为0,这也会使得堆积层在输入特征基础上学习到新的特征,从而拥有更好的性能。一个残差单元的公式如下:







对于输出feature map大小相同的层,有相同数量的filters,即channel数相同;当feature map大小减半时(池化),filters数量翻倍。对于残差网络,维度匹配的shortcut连接为实线,反之为虚线。维度不匹配时,同等映射有两种可选方案:

  • 直接通过zero padding 来增加维度(channel)。
  • 乘以W矩阵投影到新的空间。实现是用1x1卷积实现的,直接改变1x1卷积的filters数目。这种会增加参数。




如图3所示,我们可以清楚的”实线“和”虚线“两种连接方式, 实线的的Connection部分(”第一个粉色矩形和第三个粉色矩形“)都是执行3x3x64的卷积,他们的channel个数一致,所以采用计算方式:
y=F(x)+x y=F(x)+x

y=F(x)+Wx y=F(x)+Wx




1 - Building a Residual Network


左边的表示通过网络的“main path”,右边展示了增加了网络的shortcut。通过这种方式可以得到一个更深的网络。


标识块是ResNets中使用的标准块,对应于输入**与输出**具有相同维度的情况。 为了充实ResNet标识块中发生的不同步骤,下面是一个显示各个步骤的替代图:深度学习笔记(三)




Here're the individual steps.

First component of main path:

  • The first CONV2D has F1 filters of shape (1,1) and a stride of (1,1). Its padding is "valid" and its name should be conv_name_base + '2a'. Use 0 as the seed for the random initialization.
  • The first BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '2a'.
  • Then apply the ReLU activation function. This has no name and no hyperparameters.

Second component of main path:

  • The second CONV2D has F2 filters of shape (????,????)(f,f) and a stride of (1,1). Its padding is "same" and its name should be conv_name_base + '2b'. Use 0 as the seed for the random initialization.
  • The second BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '2b'.
  • Then apply the ReLU activation function. This has no name and no hyperparameters.

Third component of main path:

  • The third CONV2D has F3 filters of shape (1,1) and a stride of (1,1). Its padding is "valid" and its name should be conv_name_base + '2c'. Use 0 as the seed for the random initialization.
  • The third BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '2c'. Note that there is no ReLU activation function in this component.

Final step:

  • The shortcut and the input are added together.
  • Then apply the ReLU activation function. This has no name and no hyperparameters.


# GRADED FUNCTION: identity_block

def identity_block(X, f, filters, stage, block):
    Implementation of the identity block as defined in Figure 4
    X -- input tensor of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    f -- integer, specifying the shape of the middle CONV's window for the main path
    filters -- python list of integers, defining the number of filters in the CONV layers of the main path
    stage -- integer, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    block -- string/character, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    X -- output of the identity block, tensor of shape (n_H, n_W, n_C)
    # defining name basis
    conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    # Retrieve Filters
    F1, F2, F3 = filters
    # Save the input value. You'll need this later to add back to the main path. 
    X_shortcut = X
    # First component of main path
    X = Conv2D(filters = F1, kernel_size = (1, 1), strides = (1,1), padding = 'valid', name = conv_name_base + '2a', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2a')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Second component of main path (≈3 lines)
    X = Conv2D(filters = F2, kernel_size = (f, f), strides = (1,1), padding = 'same', name = conv_name_base + '2b', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name = bn_name_base + '2b')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)

    # Third component of main path (≈2 lines)
    X = Conv2D(filters = F3, kernel_size = (1, 1), strides = (1,1), padding = 'valid', name = conv_name_base + '2c', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name = bn_name_base + '2c')(X)

    # Final step: Add shortcut value to main path, and pass it through a RELU activation (≈2 lines)
    X = layers.add([X, X_shortcut])
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return X

 2.The convolutional block

ResNet convolutional block是另一种类型的块。 当输入和输出尺寸不匹配时,可以使用此类型的块(在上文已经解释过原理)。 与标识块的区别在于快捷方式路径中存在CONV2D层:


CONV2D图层中的shortcut path将输入x调整为不同的维度,以便在将shortcut path添加回主路径所需的最终添加中匹配维度。 例如,要将**尺寸的高度和宽度减少2倍,可以使用1x1卷积,步长为2.CONV2D图层中shortcut path不使用任何非线性**函数。 它的主要作用是仅应用一个(学习的)线性函数来减少输入的维数,以便尺寸与后面的添加步骤相匹配。

The details of the convolutional block are as follows.

First component of main path:

  • The first CONV2D has ????1F1 filters of shape (1,1) and a stride of (s,s). Its padding is "valid" and its name should be conv_name_base + '2a'.
  • The first BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '2a'.
  • Then apply the ReLU activation function. This has no name and no hyperparameters.

Second component of main path:

  • The second CONV2D has ????2F2 filters of (f,f) and a stride of (1,1). Its padding is "same" and it's name should be conv_name_base + '2b'.
  • The second BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '2b'.
  • Then apply the ReLU activation function. This has no name and no hyperparameters.

Third component of main path:

  • The third CONV2D has ????3F3 filters of (1,1) and a stride of (1,1). Its padding is "valid" and it's name should be conv_name_base + '2c'.
  • The third BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '2c'. Note that there is no ReLU activation function in this component.

Shortcut path:

  • The CONV2D has ????3F3 filters of shape (1,1) and a stride of (s,s). Its padding is "valid" and its name should be conv_name_base + '1'.
  • The BatchNorm is normalizing the channels axis. Its name should be bn_name_base + '1'.

Final step:

  • The shortcut and the main path values are added together.
  • Then apply the ReLU activation function. This has no name and no hyperparameters.


# GRADED FUNCTION: convolutional_block

def convolutional_block(X, f, filters, stage, block, s = 2):
    Implementation of the convolutional block as defined in Figure 4
    X -- input tensor of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    f -- integer, specifying the shape of the middle CONV's window for the main path
    filters -- python list of integers, defining the number of filters in the CONV layers of the main path
    stage -- integer, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    block -- string/character, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    s -- Integer, specifying the stride to be used
    X -- output of the convolutional block, tensor of shape (n_H, n_W, n_C)
    # defining name basis
    conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    # Retrieve Filters
    F1, F2, F3 = filters
    # Save the input value
    X_shortcut = X

    ##### MAIN PATH #####
    # First component of main path 
    X = Conv2D(F1, (1, 1), strides = (s,s), name = conv_name_base + '2a', padding='valid', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2a')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### START CODE HERE ###

    # Second component of main path (≈3 lines)
    X = Conv2D(F2, (f, f), strides = (1, 1), name = conv_name_base + '2b',padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2b')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)

    # Third component of main path (≈2 lines)
    X = Conv2D(F3, (1, 1), strides = (1, 1), name = conv_name_base + '2c',padding='valid', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2c')(X)

    ##### SHORTCUT PATH #### (≈2 lines)
    X_shortcut = Conv2D(F3, (1, 1), strides = (s, s), name = conv_name_base + '1',padding='valid', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X_shortcut)
    X_shortcut = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '1')(X_shortcut)

    # Final step: Add shortcut value to main path, and pass it through a RELU activation (≈2 lines)
    X = layers.add([X, X_shortcut])
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return X

 3 - Building your first ResNet model (50 layers)

下图详细描述了该神经网络的架构。 图中的“ID BLOCK”代表“Identity block”,“ID BLOCK x3”表示将3个标识块堆叠在一起。


The details of this ResNet-50 model are:

  • Zero-padding pads the input with a pad of (3,3)
  • Stage 1:
    • The 2D Convolution has 64 filters of shape (7,7) and uses a stride of (2,2). Its name is "conv1".
    • BatchNorm is applied to the channels axis of the input.
    • MaxPooling uses a (3,3) window and a (2,2) stride.
  • Stage 2:
    • The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [64,64,256], "f" is 3, "s" is 1 and the block is "a".
    • The 2 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [64,64,256], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b" and "c".
  • Stage 3:
    • The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [128,128,512], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    • The 3 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [128,128,512], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b", "c" and "d".
  • Stage 4:
    • The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [256, 256, 1024], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    • The 5 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [256, 256, 1024], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b", "c", "d", "e" and "f".
  • Stage 5:
    • The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [512, 512, 2048], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    • The 2 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [256, 256, 2048], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b" and "c".
  • The 2D Average Pooling uses a window of shape (2,2) and its name is "avg_pool".
  • The flatten doesn't have any hyperparameters or name.
  • The Fully Connected (Dense) layer reduces its input to the number of classes using a softmax activation. Its name should be 'fc' + str(classes).

def ResNet50(input_shape = (64, 64, 3), classes = 6):
    Implementation of the popular ResNet50 the following architecture:

    input_shape -- shape of the images of the dataset
    classes -- integer, number of classes

    model -- a Model() instance in Keras
    # Define the input as a tensor with shape input_shape
    X_input = Input(input_shape)

    # Zero-Padding
    X = ZeroPadding2D((3, 3))(X_input)
    # Stage 1
    X = Conv2D(64, (7, 7), strides = (2, 2), name = 'conv1', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = 'bn_conv1')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    X = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2))(X)

    # Stage 2
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters = [64, 64, 256], stage = 2, block='a', s = 1)
    X = identity_block(X, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='b')
    X = identity_block(X, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='c')

    ### START CODE HERE ###

    # Stage 3 (≈4 lines)
    # The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [128,128,512], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    # The 3 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [128,128,512], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b", "c" and "d".
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage = 3, block='a', s = 2)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage= 3, block='b')
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage= 3, block='c')
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage= 3, block='d')

    # Stage 4 (≈6 lines)
    # The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [256, 256, 1024], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    # The 5 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [256, 256, 1024], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b", "c", "d", "e" and "f".
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='a', stage=4, s = 2)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='b', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='c', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='d', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='e', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='f', stage=4)

    # Stage 5 (≈3 lines)
    # The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [512, 512, 2048], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    # The 2 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [256, 256, 2048], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b" and "c".
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters=[512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='a', s = 2)
    # filters should be [256, 256, 2048], but it fail to be graded. Use [512, 512, 2048] to pass the grading
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 2048], stage=5, block='b')
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 2048], stage=5, block='c')

    # AVGPOOL (≈1 line). Use "X = AveragePooling2D(...)(X)"
    # The 2D Average Pooling uses a window of shape (2,2) and its name is "avg_pool".
    X = AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2,2))(X)
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    # output layer
    X = Flatten()(X)
    X = Dense(classes, activation='softmax', name='fc' + str(classes), kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    # Create model
    model = Model(inputs = X_input, outputs = X, name='ResNet50')

    return model




import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import layers
from keras.layers import Input, Add, Dense, Activation, ZeroPadding2D, BatchNormalization, Flatten, Conv2D, AveragePooling2D, MaxPooling2D, GlobalMaxPooling2D
from keras.models import Model, load_model
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras.utils import layer_utils
from keras.utils.data_utils import get_file
from keras.applications.imagenet_utils import preprocess_input
import pydot
from IPython.display import SVG
from keras.utils.vis_utils import model_to_dot
from keras.utils import plot_model
from resnets_utils import *
from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform
import scipy.misc
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow
import keras.backend as K
#add shortcut to the main path

# GRADED FUNCTION: identity_block

def identity_block(X, f, filters, stage, block):
    Implementation of the identity block as defined in Figure 4
    X -- input tensor of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    f -- integer, specifying the shape of the middle CONV's window for the main path
    filters -- python list of integers, defining the number of filters in the CONV layers of the main path
    stage -- integer, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    block -- string/character, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    X -- output of the identity block, tensor of shape (n_H, n_W, n_C)
    # defining name basis
    conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    # Retrieve Filters
    F1, F2, F3 = filters
    # Save the input value. You'll need this later to add back to the main path. 
    X_shortcut = X
    # First component of main path
    X = Conv2D(filters = F1, kernel_size = (1, 1), strides = (1,1), padding = 'valid', name = conv_name_base + '2a', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2a')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Second component of main path (≈3 lines)
    X = Conv2D(filters = F2, kernel_size = (f, f), strides = (1,1), padding = 'same', name = conv_name_base + '2b', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name = bn_name_base + '2b')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)

    # Third component of main path (≈2 lines)
    X = Conv2D(filters = F3, kernel_size = (1, 1), strides = (1,1), padding = 'valid', name = conv_name_base + '2c', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name = bn_name_base + '2c')(X)

    # Final step: Add shortcut value to main path, and pass it through a RELU activation (≈2 lines)
    X = layers.add([X, X_shortcut])
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return X


with tf.Session() as test:
    A_prev = tf.placeholder("float", [3, 4, 4, 6])
    X = np.random.randn(3, 4, 4, 6)
    A = identity_block(A_prev, f = 2, filters = [2, 4, 6], stage = 1, block = 'a')
    out = test.run([A], feed_dict={A_prev: X, K.learning_phase(): 0})
    print("out = " + str(out[0][1][1][0]))

# GRADED FUNCTION: convolutional_block

def convolutional_block(X, f, filters, stage, block, s = 2):
    Implementation of the convolutional block as defined in Figure 4
    X -- input tensor of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    f -- integer, specifying the shape of the middle CONV's window for the main path
    filters -- python list of integers, defining the number of filters in the CONV layers of the main path
    stage -- integer, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    block -- string/character, used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network
    s -- Integer, specifying the stride to be used
    X -- output of the convolutional block, tensor of shape (n_H, n_W, n_C)
    # defining name basis
    conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
    # Retrieve Filters
    F1, F2, F3 = filters
    # Save the input value
    X_shortcut = X

    ##### MAIN PATH #####
    # First component of main path 
    X = Conv2D(F1, (1, 1), strides = (s,s), name = conv_name_base + '2a', padding='valid', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2a')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### START CODE HERE ###

    # Second component of main path (≈3 lines)
    X = Conv2D(F2, (f, f), strides = (1, 1), name = conv_name_base + '2b',padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2b')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)

    # Third component of main path (≈2 lines)
    X = Conv2D(F3, (1, 1), strides = (1, 1), name = conv_name_base + '2c',padding='valid', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '2c')(X)

    ##### SHORTCUT PATH #### (≈2 lines)
    X_shortcut = Conv2D(F3, (1, 1), strides = (s, s), name = conv_name_base + '1',padding='valid', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X_shortcut)
    X_shortcut = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name_base + '1')(X_shortcut)

    # Final step: Add shortcut value to main path, and pass it through a RELU activation (≈2 lines)
    X = layers.add([X, X_shortcut])
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return X


with tf.Session() as test:
    A_prev = tf.placeholder("float", [3, 4, 4, 6])
    X = np.random.randn(3, 4, 4, 6)
    A = convolutional_block(A_prev, f = 2, filters = [2, 4, 6], stage = 1, block = 'a')
    out = test.run([A], feed_dict={A_prev: X, K.learning_phase(): 0})
    print("out = " + str(out[0][1][1][0]))


def ResNet50(input_shape = (64, 64, 3), classes = 6):
    Implementation of the popular ResNet50 the following architecture:

    input_shape -- shape of the images of the dataset
    classes -- integer, number of classes

    model -- a Model() instance in Keras
    # Define the input as a tensor with shape input_shape
    X_input = Input(input_shape)

    # Zero-Padding
    X = ZeroPadding2D((3, 3))(X_input)
    # Stage 1
    X = Conv2D(64, (7, 7), strides = (2, 2), name = 'conv1', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = 'bn_conv1')(X)
    X = Activation('relu')(X)
    X = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2))(X)

    # Stage 2
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters = [64, 64, 256], stage = 2, block='a', s = 1)
    X = identity_block(X, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='b')
    X = identity_block(X, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='c')

    ### START CODE HERE ###

    # Stage 3 (≈4 lines)
    # The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [128,128,512], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    # The 3 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [128,128,512], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b", "c" and "d".
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage = 3, block='a', s = 2)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage= 3, block='b')
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage= 3, block='c')
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[128,128,512], stage= 3, block='d')

    # Stage 4 (≈6 lines)
    # The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [256, 256, 1024], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    # The 5 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [256, 256, 1024], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b", "c", "d", "e" and "f".
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='a', stage=4, s = 2)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='b', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='c', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='d', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='e', stage=4)
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 1024], block='f', stage=4)

    # Stage 5 (≈3 lines)
    # The convolutional block uses three set of filters of size [512, 512, 2048], "f" is 3, "s" is 2 and the block is "a".
    # The 2 identity blocks use three set of filters of size [256, 256, 2048], "f" is 3 and the blocks are "b" and "c".
    X = convolutional_block(X, f = 3, filters=[512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='a', s = 2)
    # filters should be [256, 256, 2048], but it fail to be graded. Use [512, 512, 2048] to pass the grading
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 2048], stage=5, block='b')
    X = identity_block(X, f = 3, filters=[256, 256, 2048], stage=5, block='c')

    # AVGPOOL (≈1 line). Use "X = AveragePooling2D(...)(X)"
    # The 2D Average Pooling uses a window of shape (2,2) and its name is "avg_pool".
    X = AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2,2))(X)
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    # output layer
    X = Flatten()(X)
    X = Dense(classes, activation='softmax', name='fc' + str(classes), kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0))(X)
    # Create model
    model = Model(inputs = X_input, outputs = X, name='ResNet50')

    return model

model = ResNet50(input_shape = (64, 64, 3), classes = 6)

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

X_train_orig, Y_train_orig, X_test_orig, Y_test_orig, classes = load_dataset()

# Normalize image vectors
X_train = X_train_orig/255.
X_test = X_test_orig/255.

# Convert training and test labels to one hot matrices
Y_train = convert_to_one_hot(Y_train_orig, 6).T
Y_test = convert_to_one_hot(Y_test_orig, 6).T

print ("number of training examples = " + str(X_train.shape[0]))
print ("number of test examples = " + str(X_test.shape[0]))
print ("X_train shape: " + str(X_train.shape))
print ("Y_train shape: " + str(Y_train.shape))
print ("X_test shape: " + str(X_test.shape))
print ("Y_test shape: " + str(Y_test.shape))

preds = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test)
print ("Loss = " + str(preds[0]))
print ("Test Accuracy = " + str(preds[1]))

img_path = 'images/my_image.jpg'
img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(64, 64))
x = image.img_to_array(img)
x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
x = preprocess_input(x)
print('Input image shape:', x.shape)
my_image = scipy.misc.imread(img_path)
print("class prediction vector [p(0), p(1), p(2), p(3), p(4), p(5)] = ")


plot_model(model, to_file='model.png')
SVG(model_to_dot(model).create(prog='dot', format='svg'))