canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

canary 版本

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

If you don’t pay for a monthly subscription, the Canary Home Security Camera keeps video recordings for 24 hours before they’re deleted, which should give you plenty of time to download a video clip if you need to. Here’s how to do that.

如果您不按月订阅,则Canary Home Security摄像机会将视频记录保留24小时,然后再将其删除,这将为您提供充足的时间来下载视频剪辑(如果需要)。 这是这样做的方法。

The process for downloading video clips is a bit odd, but it’s pretty easy to do once you figure it out and follow these simple steps.


First off, open up the app and tap on “View Timeline” at the bottom.


canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

Next, scroll to find a video clip that you want to download and then select it.


canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

On the next screen, tap on the ellipses in the top-right corner of the screen.


canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

Select “Request Video Download”.


canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

A popup will appear telling you that the app is preparing the video for download. Hit “Okay” and then wait for the app as it does its thing.

将会出现一个弹出窗口,告诉您该应用正在准备下载视频。 点击“确定”,然后等待应用执行其操作。

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

During this process, you’ll see the little “Preparing” icon toward the bottom. Depending on how long the video clip is, it could take at least a few minutes.

在此过程中,您将看到底部的小“准备”图标。 根据视频剪辑的时间长短,可能至少需要几分钟。

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

Eventually you’ll get another popup telling you that the video is ready for download. Tap “Go to Activity”.

最终,您会看到另一个弹出窗口,告诉您视频可以下载了。 点击“转到活动”。

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

Tap on “Download Video” at the top.


canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

The video will begin to download. Hit “Okay” when it’s done.

视频将开始下载。 完成后,点击“确定”。

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

From there, exit out of the app and open up your phone’s camera roll or gallery. The video will appear there and you can watch it and keep it without it ever disappearing automatically after 24 hours.

从那里退出应用程序,并打开手机的相机胶卷或图库。 该视频将出现在此处,您可以观看并保存它,并且24小时后它不会自动消失。

canary 版本_如何在Canary家庭安全摄像机上下载记录

We wouldn’t recommend doing this for every single video clip that your Canary camera captures (because of possible data caps), but for those instances where you need to save a video clip to show someone later on, this is a great way to go.



canary 版本