如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

Curious about the new features in High Sierra, but not sure how to actually update your operating system? Don’t worry: it’s easy.

High Sierra新功能感到好奇,但不确定如何实际更新操作系统? 不用担心:这很容易。

Before you get started, make sure you’ve backed up your Mac with Time Machine. All of your files and applications should be exactly where you left them when you’re done updating, but it’s always a good idea to back up your computer before doing something major, just in case.

在开始之前,请确保已使用Time Machine备份了Mac 。 完成更新后,所有文件和应用程序都应该完全保留在它们的原处,但是以防万一,在做一些重要的事情之前备份计算机始终是一个好主意。

Done backing up? Good. Installing macOS High Sierra is as simple as heading to the High Sierra page on the Mac App Store. Click that link and the window should open.

完成备份了吗? 好。 安装macOS High Sierra就像访问Mac App Store上的High Sierra页面一样简单。 单击该链接,窗口应打开。

如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

Go ahead and click “Download.” This is a big file, over 5 gigabytes, so you’ll be waiting a little bit. When the download is done, the installer will launch.

继续并单击“下载”。 这是一个大文件,超过5 GB,因此您将稍等片刻。 下载完成后,安装程序将启动。

如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

Click the “Continue” arrow to get started. You’ll be asked about the Terms of Service, then the which hard drive you’d like to install to.

单击“继续”箭头开始。 系统将询问您“服务条款”,然后询问您要安装到的硬盘驱动器。

如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

Eventually, you will be asked to restart your Mac; click the button to continue. You’ll be asked to close your current programs.

最终,系统将要求您重新启动Mac。 单击按钮继续。 系统会要求您关闭当前程序。

如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

Your Mac will restart—on a recent Mac with a solid state drive, installation takes about a half hour, but your speed may vary. When the process is done, you can log into your Mac as usual: all of your applications and documents will be right where you left them.

您的Mac将重新启动-在装有固态驱动器的最新Mac上,安装过程大约需要半小时,但速度可能会有所不同。 完成该过程后,您可以照常登录Mac:所有应用程序和文档都将保留在它们原来所在的位置。

To confirm which OS you’re using, click the Apple in the top-left corner, then click “About This Mac.”


如何将Mac升级到High Sierra

If you see the words “High Sierra,” everything went smoothly and you should be up to date! Enjoy your new operating system.

如果您看到“ High Sierra”一词,那么一切进展顺利,您应该是最新的! 享受您的新操作系统。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327386/how-to-upgrade-your-mac-to-high-sierra/