



Want to keep track of World Cup scores at work, but afraid your boss will notice? World Cup 2018 CLI Dashboard keeps you up to date from the Terminal or Command Prompt.

是否想跟踪工作中的世界杯成绩,但害怕老板会注意到? World Cup 2018 CLI仪表板可让您从终端或命令提示符处保持最新状态。

Let’s be honest: when your boss sees the Terminal they assume Very Serious Computer Work is happening, so this is the perfect solution. You can browse the scores and summaries of past games, or see the current game unfold. The score is offered in nice big numbers, and there’s a summary of the game below that. Updates for current games roll in every 30 seconds, so you can keep this open and know what’s happening.

说实话:当您的老板看到终端时,他们会假设正在认真进行计算机工作,因此这是理想的解决方案。 您可以浏览过去游戏的分数和摘要,或查看当前游戏的进行情况。 得分很大,下面有游戏摘要。 当前游戏的更新每30秒滚动一次,因此您可以保持打开状态并了解发生了什么。

Of course you could just watch the Word Cup online, which would be a lot more fun. But if you’re afraid of getting caught this is a great second choice.

当然,您可以只在线观看Word Cup ,这会更加有趣。 但是,如果您害怕被抓住,这是一个不错的第二选择。

You can install this application using docker, npm, or yarn—more about that on Github.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/watch-world-cup-scores-from-the-terminal/
