
本文为德国汉堡大学(作者:ANDRIY BOROVKOV)的硕士论文,共55页。


A deconvolutional network approach for thevisualization of the learning of a galaxy image classifier is presented here.For the classification, a convolutional neural network with viewpointextraction in preprocessing is used. The network was able to achieve a RMSE of0.084 for the training data set and 0.082 for the validation data set. Thedeconvolution technique shows that the network is able to highlight themorphological features of the galaxies through the convolutional layers byisolating and enhancing different objects for different views of a galaxy.

1 引言
2 深度学习
3 星系图像数据与Kaggle竞赛
4 设置
5 超参数优化
6 神经网络的分解
7 展望
8 结论
